el flexo's extreme AMATUER tunes gallery

  • Thread starter el flexo
ok, soz for the double post, this is my first ever 'semi manga tune' basically, i thought i don't want to wreck the car, so i only adpated it slightly:,
credits; deano/venomR

sorry i couldn't post it full size, when i tried to, it cam up really huge! if someone could tell me that'd be nice!
el flexo
ok, soz for the double post, this is my first ever 'semi manga tune' basically, i thought i don't want to wreck the car, so i only adpated it slightly:,
credits; deano/venomR

sorry i couldn't post it full size, when i tried to, it cam up really huge! if someone could tell me that'd be nice!

Full size? That's already larger than they should be. Why on earth did you make it that large? You don't need to resize the bases at all - they're that size for a reason.