Elon's Antics

  • Thread starter Danoff
Aaaaand I got it published!

This could go in the America thread too, but since it relates to the Twitler Jugend:


The thread carries on in that vein, including listing the full-whack as "savings" on cancelling contracts that are 80%+ done already and therefore account for <20% of their actual value over the remaining years.

Only the best and brightest at the meme agency, whose website cost $7m and was made with Grok.
Isaac Saul, the founder of the nonpartisan outlet Tangle, gave Grok the task of analyzing “for truth and veracity” the last 1,000 posts Musk had posted.

Grok’s response was to find more than half of Musk’s posts “false or misleading,” wrote Saul, and most of the tweets that were true were “simply updates about his companies.”

The specific breakdown was 48% true, 22% false, and 30% misleading or ill-informed. Grok’s analysis especially brutal noting the “red flag” number of false posts and his “habit of firing off hot takes or amplifying unverified stuff, especially on politics, which is where most of the trouble lies.” Musk is “not a primary source you can bank on without cross-checking,” Grok added, and Community Notes was only able to catch and flag about 10% of his false or misleading posts. Adding to the problem, Grok noted, was Musk’s high follower count, which “amplifies everything, true or not,” that he posts.

Another worst person you know just made a good point.
“Zelensky ordered martial law — that’s what the constitution there compelled. Zelensky hasn’t called for an election — that’s what the constitution there compels.” he continued. “Now, I’m waiting for the first free election for Vladimir Putin. I mean, this is almost comical in a sick way that Putin is demanding an election. Why is he demanding an election in Ukraine when he doesn’t have free and real elections in his own country? And why does he-, why does he get to call the shots when in fact, he murders people who dare to challenge him?”

“This is what we’re dealing with. Again, old KBG, and not just KBG, he [Putin] was in like Flynn with the Stasi in East Germany. So, I don’t know why there are people that not only oppose Zelensky, but seem to support Putin,” said Levin, attributing said position to a handful of pseudo-intellectuals” pushing “policies that in many ways are un-American in my view, and policies that if they had espoused these policies not that long ago, people would have wondered if they were on the take, or who they’re working for, something like that. Not that they are, but they would wonder.”

And so Zelensky’s latest poll, he’s at 57%,” noted the conservative commentator just one day after Trump claimed that Zelensky’s approval rating sat at 4%. “The parliament — with all parties in the parliament — support what he’s doing. They’re trying to survive. Ukraine did not invade Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine.

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