But if you save it's no longer an Endurance Event ...
But if you save it's no longer an Endurance Event ...
Endurance for what?
oh, I can see people getting real violent about people dropping the ball in that one *l*online co-op endurance races anyone?
nope. but hopefully there is such a function. that way.. ill get a 24 hour race done by myself instead of b-spec bob... cause i really dont think i can do 24 hours straight and i dont wanna leave the ps3 on for 217863981273 hours.
24 hours you mean right?
I wouldliketo know as well. Though it would be more fun to have your freinds in on the race. Either at your place or they can find away to transfer the race to a friend over the net.
no saving... should be an endurance... i doubt there will be a feature for it too.
the PS2 game "Le Mans 24 Hours" game allowed you to save when you pitted. That is, for me, absolutely needed.
I would gladly get rid of B-Spec just to have this feature.
Oh, and to the endurance "purists" that think a save-option means no endurance racing, do as you please. I cannot play for 24 hours straight. But if a 24 hours race around Le Mans has about 350 laps, I want to be the one that drives them ALL.
the PS2 game "Le Mans 24 Hours" game allowed you to save when you pitted. That is, for me, absolutely needed.
I say as long as you are pitting and saving then let people pit as much as they please, too much pitting can mean the loss of the race, unless your car is 10 times better tha the opposition, but the pp system is likely to phase that out, Im used to just taking a car waaaay to tuned for the race, its better to have a heated battle.
I don't see what the big fuss is. No one is holding a gun to your head telling you that you have to complete GT5 100%. What so you brag on here, or so you could get that special car that will probably never get used. GT is a video game, not a chore. If your not enjoying yourself, why bother? I have enjoyed every GT that has been release state side and I have yet to complete a single one at 100%. Does this make me less of a fan? No. I do what makes me happy. If you can't complete the 24hr races in one sit down, what is the point. They are there to simulate what it would be like to race with sleep deprivation, nothing more. Why do you think they added b-spec Bob? Not to win your races for you, but to act as your relief driver for endurance races. Because YOU have to complete GT5 100% is not a good enough reason to make GT5 easier. When GT5 is released, I plan on having my friends come over to help me complete the 24hrs of Nürburgring, so we enjoy ourselves while hanging out. I suggest you should do the same, or just not bother with it. It is not like your going to get payed real cash for it!
Here is my thoughts on the subject that I post in another thread awhile back. Warning, it does come-off a bit hostile though.