Endurance Races? Saving data.

  • Thread starter LANDO
Madrid, Spain
I am wondering it will be possible to save the game whenever we want in a endurance race.

Has anybody heard anything about it?
nope. but hopefully there is such a function. that way.. ill get a 24 hour race done by myself instead of b-spec bob... cause i really dont think i can do 24 hours straight and i dont wanna leave the ps3 on for 217863981273 hours.
But if you save it's no longer an Endurance Event ...

its not like in real endurance races that one person does 24 hours all by himself... there are a number of drivers and they take stints, so like why should the sim not simulate stint changes....... online co-op endurance races anyone?
online co-op endurance races anyone?
oh, I can see people getting real violent about people dropping the ball in that one *l*

but it's all about building community, and that would really bring people together if it worked.

in addition to private teams it'd be kind of nice if you could 'pick up and play' a section of online endurance event. queue up and get on a random public team for a bunch of laps and a percentage share of the winnings based on how long you've run. There could be public teams with 40+ drivers then.

of course that increases the odds of there being a rammer on the track. Most of these idea only work if the other players are at least decent human beings with average temperment, driving ability and sobriety. I wonder how that would be enforced.
nope. but hopefully there is such a function. that way.. ill get a 24 hour race done by myself instead of b-spec bob... cause i really dont think i can do 24 hours straight and i dont wanna leave the ps3 on for 217863981273 hours.

24 hours you mean right?
24 hours you mean right?

no because i wouldn't be able to do 24 hours straight because of studies/schedule being busy, so i'd have to pause the playstation quite often to leave for work/uni or other daily life things.. im not gonna sit there for 24 hours straight.
I wouldliketo know as well. Though it would be more fun to have your freinds in on the race. Either at your place or they can find away to transfer the race to a friend over the net.
i would hope that at every pit stop you should be able to have a save point so that if the power goes out you will be able to resume at that spot instead of having to start all over again.
It's a good idea..
I ran most of endurance races in GT4 in b-spec mode so what's the point about that?
I just have no time to play 24h in a row.. never, and I wouldn't be able physically to do that. If i'd be able to save , I'd drive them all out.
Why not? I always wanted to do the 24H endurance but I won't stay in front of my screen for 24 consecutive hours. That way I could do the long endurances in A-Spec.
Saving in the pit is long over due in the GT series not only in ENDURANCE RACES but SHORT RACES as well . Being able to save in the pit would be a big releif in the upcming GT5.
I wouldliketo know as well. Though it would be more fun to have your freinds in on the race. Either at your place or they can find away to transfer the race to a friend over the net.

that'd be pretty neat. do your 4 hours, then shoot a message to the rest of your team and have the next guy pick it up where you left off. I don't think that's really ruining the experience at all.

or maybe having online endurance races which are 48-72 hours, but the system keeps your first (or even best) 24 hours for official time.
the PS2 game "Le Mans 24 Hours" game allowed you to save when you pitted. That is, for me, absolutely needed.

I would gladly get rid of B-Spec just to have this feature.

Oh, and to the endurance "purists" that think a save-option means no endurance racing, do as you please. I cannot play for 24 hours straight. But if a 24 hours race around Le Mans has about 350 laps, I want to be the one that drives them ALL.

GT4, regarding endurance racing, was a joke. 24 hours under the sun, 6 cars on the track, no random weather and B-Spec Bob to do the "boring" job.

I really hope PD get their act together in this. Otherwise, I'll do what I did in GT4. I'll let the console do the required driving and will collect the cars and the money in the end.
A save feature is essential. I never did any of the longer Endurances in GT4 because I couldn't play that long (and I wouldn't leave my PS2 on for several days). I'd like the possibility to enjoy everything in the game.

To the ones saying it wouldn't be Endurance anymore: in real life drivers switch every few hours. I think a limited number of saves, say one for every 2 hours, would be a good idea. You'd be forced to still have a bit of the Endurance experience, but you could do it in shorter sessions. I wouldn't be too unrealistic either.
I say as long as you are pitting and saving then let people pit as much as they please, too much pitting can mean the loss of the race, unless your car is 10 times better tha the opposition, but the pp system is likely to phase that out, Im used to just taking a car waaaay to tuned for the race, its better to have a heated battle.
I'm in favor of saving during pit stops cause having the PS3 on for 24hrs can aide in the PS3 overheating and there is a pause button anyway so you may as well allow saves during pits.

the PS2 game "Le Mans 24 Hours" game allowed you to save when you pitted. That is, for me, absolutely needed.

I would gladly get rid of B-Spec just to have this feature.

Oh, and to the endurance "purists" that think a save-option means no endurance racing, do as you please. I cannot play for 24 hours straight. But if a 24 hours race around Le Mans has about 350 laps, I want to be the one that drives them ALL.

I´ve been in a few online 24H races and it is a blast! Unfortunately not all people have that option or the time to do it but want to experience the unique type of racing that an endurance race is. The option to be able to save in the pits is a brilliant idea. That way you can race all of the "big" races in endurance. And for online 24H, only one option there in my opinion, private rooms.
the PS2 game "Le Mans 24 Hours" game allowed you to save when you pitted. That is, for me, absolutely needed.


The PS1 version of that game had it a whole year before the PS2 game also. If it can be done on a PS1, it can easily be done on a PS3.

I say as long as you are pitting and saving then let people pit as much as they please, too much pitting can mean the loss of the race, unless your car is 10 times better tha the opposition, but the pp system is likely to phase that out, Im used to just taking a car waaaay to tuned for the race, its better to have a heated battle.

Kaz already said the PP system wouldn't ne in the full game.
GT4 is the only game in this series that I did not finish the endurance races. I just wasn't up to leaving my PS2 on for 24h. Saving during a race is much needed, especially in the summer when a T-storm comes and knocks the power out.:grumpy:
For people who say it's not endurance if you save in the middle, is it endurance if you pause it and leave the machine on?

It makes absolutely no difference to gameplay - if you wanted to do it 24h straight before you still can. Only this time for the people like myself who won't do more than 2-3 hours at once and refuse to leave the machine on on principle, we can still do the enduros.

I'd love doing a 24 hours of le mans with a night time and weather if I could save in the middle, though I agree only in the pits is the right idea to encourage people not to save during very short races.

Plus does anyone do B-spec for fun??? No - it's just because we wanted to do the enduros. Bring in saving, get rid of B-spec, I'm sure that would be easier to program anyway leaving more disk space for cars and tracks!
Here is my thoughts on the subject that I post in another thread awhile back. Warning, it does come-off a bit hostile though.

I don't see what the big fuss is. No one is holding a gun to your head telling you that you have to complete GT5 100%. What so you brag on here, or so you could get that special car that will probably never get used. GT is a video game, not a chore. If your not enjoying yourself, why bother? I have enjoyed every GT that has been release state side and I have yet to complete a single one at 100%. Does this make me less of a fan? No. I do what makes me happy. If you can't complete the 24hr races in one sit down, what is the point. They are there to simulate what it would be like to race with sleep deprivation, nothing more. Why do you think they added b-spec Bob? Not to win your races for you, but to act as your relief driver for endurance races. Because YOU have to complete GT5 100% is not a good enough reason to make GT5 easier. When GT5 is released, I plan on having my friends come over to help me complete the 24hrs of Nürburgring, so we enjoy ourselves while hanging out. I suggest you should do the same, or just not bother with it. It is not like your going to get payed real cash for it!
Here is my thoughts on the subject that I post in another thread awhile back. Warning, it does come-off a bit hostile though.

The issue with that logic is that you're effectively depriving people (those who simply can't find the time to do it in one go) of the Endurance races, while for gamers who're passionate about the "Endurance experience" it doesn't make any difference at all. Or what if none of your friends are into GT or even gaming? Is it an authentic experience to race 24 hours straight all by yourself? I think you know the answer.