Endurance Races? Saving data.

  • Thread starter LANDO
The issue with that logic is that you're effectively depriving people (those who simply can't find the time to do it in one go) of the Endurance races, while for gamers who're passionate about the "Endurance experience" it doesn't make any difference at all. Or what if none of your friends are into GT or even gaming? Is it an authentic experience to race 24 hours straight all by yourself? I think you know the answer.

Hence the reason b-spec was incorporated. You race a couple of hours then switch to b-spec Bob for a couple of hours, so on and so forth. Believe me, if you just race 12 of the 24 hours, over a 24 hour span, you will be exhausted. That is the meaning of a 24hr endurance. You don't get the same experience when you only race a couple hours a day.
Hence the reason b-spec was incorporated. You race a couple of hours then switch to b-spec Bob for a couple of hours, so on and so forth. Believe me, if you just race 12 of the 24 hours, over a 24 hour span, you will be exhausted. That is the meaning of a 24hr endurance. You don't get the same experience when you only race a couple hours a day.

Some people want to drive all the race though. Yes there is Bob but using him just feels like cheating.

Even if you do the every couple hours thing it still would be difficult for most people. I normally get 1 day off a week, I sure as hell do not want to waste it on a video game.
Hence the reason b-spec was incorporated. You race a couple of hours then switch to b-spec Bob for a couple of hours, so on and so forth. Believe me, if you just race 12 of the 24 hours, over a 24 hour span, you will be exhausted. That is the meaning of a 24hr endurance. You don't get the same experience when you only race a couple hours a day.

or i don't see the need to run my ps3 for 24 hours while i do things like go to work, eat dinner, surf, hang out with my gf, etc etc. i play entire seasons in NHL 2009 and luckily I can save between games so i don't have to play the entire season in one sitting. if you want your "authentic" experience, race it for 24 hours straight. knock yourself out, but don't crap all over other people that actually see the virtue in shutting the ps3 down and emerging into natural light for a few hours.
All I'm saying is what is the point of doing the endurance races, if you don't experience the endurance aspect of it. I know your going to say so you can unlock a special car or beat GT 100%, but IMO GT is not meant to beat, but meant to be enjoyed. Why do think it has over 650 cars and over 200 races, so everybody can enjoy it. It was never intended to be task.
One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is the potential to abuse the save feature. Say that in a 24 hour race, you or B-Spec started driving badly or crashed, or a random part failure (although I don't even know whether that will be included) caused you to lose. If you save at every pit stop, what would prevent someone from turning off the console when something like this happened and just restarting from a few laps ago rather than from the beginning of the race? It just seems far too easy to use saving as a cheating device.
Hence the reason b-spec was incorporated. You race a couple of hours then switch to b-spec Bob for a couple of hours, so on and so forth. Believe me, if you just race 12 of the 24 hours, over a 24 hour span, you will be exhausted. That is the meaning of a 24hr endurance. You don't get the same experience when you only race a couple hours a day.

Before, people who didn't want to do 24h straight just left their PS3 on with the game paused. Saving is just an eco-friendly (and PS3 friendly) version of the same thing.

Someone wrote that people could cheat by saving and then quitting. It would be easy to incorporate a save feature which just saves the game state during a pitstop - when you turn the game back on you go straight back to the race, no menus or whatever, and the game deletes the original save so you have to pit again to save and you can't cheat be rewinding.
Someone wrote that people could cheat by saving and then quitting. It would be easy to incorporate a save feature which just saves the game state during a pitstop - when you turn the game back on you go straight back to the race, no menus or whatever, and the game deletes the original save so you have to pit again to save and you can't cheat be rewinding.

I can't wait to try that one out. When the power goes out between pitstops in hour 23.
Hence the reason b-spec was incorporated. You race a couple of hours then switch to b-spec Bob for a couple of hours, so on and so forth. Believe me, if you just race 12 of the 24 hours, over a 24 hour span, you will be exhausted. That is the meaning of a 24hr endurance. You don't get the same experience when you only race a couple hours a day.

Hmmm - seems like you need to pull your head out of your arse...

As stated before - just because this is what YOU want and how YOU want to play the game doesn't mean that everyone wants to play it like this.

Hmmm - seems like you need to pull your head out of your arse...

As stated before - just because this is what YOU want and how YOU want to play the game doesn't mean that everyone wants to play it like this.


Did you read my third post, I explained my train of thought, besides it is just my opinion on why GT4 didn't have race saves. I mean its nothing new, Cart had it, so did Test Drive LeMans. I'm pretty sure PD was capable of it when GT4 was made and they just chose not to have it. Anyways I thought this was a discussion where opinions where allowed.
Did you read my third post, I explained my train of thought, besides it is just my opinion on why GT4 didn't have race saves. I mean its nothing new, Cart had it, so did Test Drive LeMans. I'm pretty sure PD was capable of it when GT4 was made and they just chose not to have it.

Yes I did - and It's not just about driver endurance - (and as stated before most endurance races have 3(minimum) drivers who take 2/3 hours stints at a time.)

Specifically the problem here is that whilst an endurance race is run in closed conditions - on your PS3 that does not exist... there are several layers of extraneous stuff that can happen whilst you are playing that aren't part of racing - but in this instance need to be taken into consideration. (power cuts, PS3 failure, TV failure) - also as stated before - the pause button being enabled completely annihilates your theory.

Anyways I thought this was a discussion where opinions where allowed.

Indeed it is - which is why I asked you to consider other peoples opinions and not just your own.

Again as stated before - if you want to play for 24hours straight - feel free... I, for one, will not be... and therefore I will be very disappointed if in race saving is not part of GT5...

Hence the reason b-spec was incorporated. You race a couple of hours then switch to b-spec Bob for a couple of hours, so on and so forth. Believe me, if you just race 12 of the 24 hours, over a 24 hour span, you will be exhausted. That is the meaning of a 24hr endurance. You don't get the same experience when you only race a couple hours a day.

That still doesn't help people who can't afford to play that long in one session (and don't want to risk leaving their PS3 on fer several days). And I have a severe dislike of B-spec Bob, I've never used him on GT4 and I never will in any future GT.

]All I'm saying is what is the point of doing the endurance races, if you don't experience the endurance aspect of it. I know your going to say so you can unlock a special car or beat GT 100%, but IMO GT is not meant to beat, but meant to be enjoyed. Why do think it has over 650 cars and over 200 races, so everybody can enjoy it. It was never intended to be task.

And there's your contradiction. Without saves, not everyone can enjoy the Endurance races. I don't see what's so difficult about giving us a choice to enjoy it however we want to. I could do an Endurance in several different sessions, each a few hours long, and I would still get a nice experience from it. It's not about getting 100%, it's about exploring and taking part in everything the game has to offer. That's my goal with each new GT. Getting 100% is the obvious byproduct of it.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is the potential to abuse the save feature. Say that in a 24 hour race, you or B-Spec started driving badly or crashed, or a random part failure (although I don't even know whether that will be included) caused you to lose. If you save at every pit stop, what would prevent someone from turning off the console when something like this happened and just restarting from a few laps ago rather than from the beginning of the race? It just seems far too easy to use saving as a cheating device.

I don't accept that as a valid argument. GT has always been as easy or as challenging as you made it yourself. If you wanted to cruise through every race and endurance with the strongest cars in the game, you could and there would be 0.0 challenge. If you want to do it the easy way and reload savegames because you screwed up, it's your choice isn't it? It isn't exactly worse than wallriding and lawn mowing your way to Mission 34 greatness.

Even so, there's still a possibility to please both sides of the discussion. Earlier in the thread I suggested a system with limited saves, based on how long the Endurance is. For instance, 11 saves for a 24h enduro, so you could save every 2 hours (minus the first 2 of course). Each session between saves would be as long as a GT3 enduro, so the experience is still there, in a way. It wouldn't completely rule out the cheating, but compromises have to be made. I think that's a very fair system and at least it gives everyone a chance to compete in the enduro's.
Earlier in the thread I suggested a system with limited saves, based on how long the Endurance is. For instance, 11 saves for a 24h enduro, so you could save every 2 hours (minus the first 2 of course). Each session between saves would be as long as a GT3 enduro, so the experience is still there, in a way. It wouldn't completely rule out the cheating, but compromises have to be made. I think that's a very fair system and at least it gives everyone a chance to compete in the enduro's.

I, for one, think that is a fantastic idea, and really hope PD incorporate it...
I believe a save feature should be used also. As much as I love doing long races I simply, like a lot of people these days don't have the time to play. I know a few people didn't like the B-Spec mode but personally I did, if I wasn't feeling up to a long race or didn't have the time then I let B-Spec do the work for me. This I feel is a personal preference.
Maybe they could somehow disable the pause button in endurance so that patients have to take oxybutin to stop them going to the toilet during the race and experience the real full 24 hour experience. Alternatively you could have a bed pan and use it during pit stops, or a towel if you're not due for a pit stop!

Not being able to save is a joke. No driver in the world drives 24 hours continously without soem sort of break.
I will not leave my PS3 on 24h in B-spec mode (where is the fun?).

I prefer running the race myself or share a car with 1 or 2 online members of my team mates.

I agree 100% with the idea of save a limited times every way we come to pit-box.

IMO there should be a save option during pit stops. Limiting the number of saves could be done only in pro mode.

This way more people would be able to play the endurance races and win them. Of course, if someone is a masochist he can play the game for 24h continuous.
I personally think there will be a save feature, I can appreciate both arguments but if they include a save it suits everyone. If you want to do it in one go there is nothing stopping you but if you cannot afford that much time in one go your happy too because you can still do the race if you want.
Video games are for pleasing people & making money & the more people you please the better.
Also every game nowadays has a warning telling you to take a break about every 20 mins, so would it even be considered responsible by the games industry to force you to play 24 hours straight?
wats next? saving the game in the middle of ur rinky dink 5 lap c-class compacts race on Autumn Ring Mini??

however that BSPEC on demand seems to be a reasonable alternative, i do 10, Bob does 10, i can endure that.
let's be honest, if you want to race straight for so many hours, be my guest! But don't condem others who wish to have an option to save. you want to know why? let me break it to ya: I T I S O N L Y A G A M E . It is trying to create a fun experience for all its users and as such it should have the aforementioned options to save during a 24 hour race. there is a difference in being hardcore and not so bright ;) although it is a fine-line!