if you want an overkill win use the 1200 bhp minolta

. but what i used was:
4 hour nurg= mitsubishi evo VI with aero wing and sport hard tires
24 hour nurg= the car you win at the 4 hours of the ring the FTOsuper touring car destroys the competition stock.
24 hour sarthe I: stock minolta with racing hard tires, the tires will make you lap faster, but pit earlier by 2 laps which by hour 4 on b spec mode wont make a difference, won that race by 2 laps against a C9 and another minolta.
24 hour sarthe II: audi R8 race car with
racing medium tires, surprisingly this car laps faster, pits later, and goes 240 down the straight, i used it stock and won by 2 laps.
The R8 surprised me as it pwned the crap out of a minolta, sauber C9 and a 787B

. also for the 4 hour ring i also use a bmw 330i with 297 hp:
Suspension racing
racing chip
bar stroke up
weight reducion level 2
Aero wing with downforce to 30 both
sports soft tires.
i got mine in black with a black wing and some speedline rims looks awesome and pwns at the same time

i'll post some pics when i get a flash drive(i lost my old one

all of this was done in b-spec mode set to 3 and over take except in the audi where i did it in 4 the whole 24 hours without spining :
w00t: that car is awesome its faster than a stock minolta at la sarthe.