Just managed a 55.233, puts me 4th in the rankings. I was a bit conservative in places, I know I can go faster. It's just being able to put together a lap with 3 good sectors. That's what seperates the men from the boys.
I suppose you'll be having another run then? I should get one or two more runs in before the new friday deadline. I've beaten markyboy but I need to try and beat you too. I really need points, Dan will probably get me in the championship but I want to beat markyboy.
Hahaha,well buddy IF i have time to have one more go and manage to go quicker,you'll just have to fight back .....man and boys ,right??....
Wow I dont know how you guys do 54's and 55's you must be from another planet. All i can manage is a 56:387. I'm losing alot on the back part of the track
100% agreed! Watching the top guys vids makes it look so easy, and as soon as I try I just get aggrevated by the car, track and (mainly) myself. I can't even hit 55s
Last try tonight.....
GTP_Nuclearfire's lap is clean and green 👍