Enzo Ferrari de la Sarthe tune

  • Thread starter avgtuner
United States
Shelbyville, IN
Aerodynamics: Front;2 Rear;25
Adjustable L.S.D.: I.T.; 42 A.S.; 45 B.S.; 10
Front Rear
R.H. -20 -25
S.R. 12.2 14.9
D.(E.) 6 6
D.(C.) 4 4
A.R.B. 4 5
C.A. 1.7 1.7
T.A. -0.05 0.05
Brakes 6 6
For the transmission you must first raise the Final Gear to 5.500 and then put the Top Speed to 149mph. Lower the Final Gear to 2.845. Make sure these 3 steps are done in order. Resetting the trans to default is not needed. Just follow these 3 steps. 1st:2.902 2nd:2.268 3rd:1.806 4th:1.465 5th:1.210 6th:1.016. If done correctly, first will be all the way to the left, and 5th and 6th should both be all the way to the right and the top speed in the top right corner is 275mph. You will notice the clean very quick shifts and the car pulls in every gear. The final gear alone may be adjusted to get a different top speed depending on the track you are on.
i can do this for any car that has a 6, 7 or 8 speed transmission. I can do it for a 3, 4 and 5 speed trans also but they dont work as well as how I set those transmissions up for.
Guys………it's a circuit tune. You need aero for corners, it ain't just a straight line. But even with the no aero thing, he won't be using that gearbox for top speed runs, I think…
This is what i would do, have no wing, put the front at 20 and the rear at 35, no aero in the front because it's not the front that slides out lol. put 15 downforce on rear and make the top speed anywhere between 465 kph to 485 kph.
Aerodynamics: Front;2 Rear;25
Adjustable L.S.D.: I.T.; 42 A.S.; 45 B.S.; 10
Front Rear
R.H. -20 -25
S.R. 12.2 14.9
D.(E.) 6 6
D.(C.) 4 4
A.R.B. 4 5
C.A. 1.7 1.7
T.A. -0.05 0.05
Brakes 6 6
For the transmission you must first raise the Final Gear to 5.500 and then put the Top Speed to 149mph. Lower the Final Gear to 2.845. Make sure these 3 steps are done in order. Resetting the trans to default is not needed. Just follow these 3 steps. 1st:2.902 2nd:2.268 3rd:1.806 4th:1.465 5th:1.210 6th:1.016. If done correctly, first will be all the way to the left, and 5th and 6th should both be all the way to the right and the top speed in the top right corner is 275mph. You will notice the clean very quick shifts and the car pulls in every gear. The final gear alone may be adjusted to get a different top speed depending on the track you are on.
i can do this for any car that has a 6, 7 or 8 speed transmission. I can do it for a 3, 4 and 5 speed trans also but they dont work as well as how I set those transmissions up for.

Nice try using my GME Enzo base tune as your "Le Sarthe" tune. :grumpy: You seriously think that just changing the settings from my gearbox a few notches makes you a tuner?? I'm 🤬 off that you are plagarising my gearbox.

Incase you guys are wondering why I'm angry, go and look at the gearbox in my Enzo tune and notice the almost identical gearboxes here.

Mafiaboy's GME Enzo Base Tune for Special Stage Route 7 Tunnel Drag.

Yeah, identical 1st gear, 2nd off by only 0.007, 3rd by 0.006, 4th by 0.015, 6th by 0.016 and final by 0.005. The only thing you only really adjusted was your 5th gear and you've made it worse by doing so. 👎

They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I consider this to be an insult. :irked:
:lol: and notice how the OP has sort of buggered off and let the thread die since he started it? Shows you how confident of it he is.
Nice try using my GME Enzo base tune as your "Le Sarthe" tune. :grumpy: You seriously think that just changing the settings from my gearbox a few notches makes you a tuner?? I'm 🤬 off that you are plagarising my gearbox.

Incase you guys are wondering why I'm angry, go and look at the gearbox in my Enzo tune and notice the almost identical gearboxes here.

Mafiaboy's GME Enzo Base Tune for Special Stage Route 7 Tunnel Drag.

Yeah, identical 1st gear, 2nd off by only 0.007, 3rd by 0.006, 4th by 0.015, 6th by 0.016 and final by 0.005. The only thing you only really adjusted was your 5th gear and you've made it worse by doing so. 👎

They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I consider this to be an insult. :irked:

The only thing is he put the 5th and the 6th completely to the right.So he had to adjust the 2nd , 3rd and 4th gear too.
No wonder , why it´s nearly the same ;)

I wouldn´t speak of stealing here.

I'm not sure it's stolen, it's made using the same trick, the numbers are bound to be close, I've set up two completely different cars up with almost identical gearing numbers just because that's where they happened to fall, it may be a copy of yours, or it could just be a close setting using the same method. 💡

I've also had it happen with suspension, though more rarely.
The only thing is he put the 5th and the 6th completely to the right.So he had to adjust the 2nd , 3rd and 4th gear too.
No wonder , why it´s nearly the same ;)

I wouldn´t speak of stealing here.


I would, past history has taught me so. Or if you aren't too sure, go ask MFT how they felt when people were stealing their tunes. This isn't unique.

I'm not sure it's stolen, it's made using the same trick, the numbers are bound to be close, I've set up two completely different cars up with almost identical gearing numbers just because that's where they happened to fall, it may be a copy of yours, or it could just be a close setting using the same method. 💡

I've also had it happen with suspension, though more rarely.

If it was a genuine Le Sarthe tune then I'd believe it, because I have an Enzo tune for Le Sarthe, but it's not. This setup he's put up will get you to just over 255mph without a draft. My SSR7 tune gets to 257mph without the draft. My personal Le Sarthe tune gets well over 260mph without draft and is designed COMPLETELY different because there's a different method over there which is also focused on top speed, not just drag.
So last night I went and did some testing on my Enzo from my base tune and discovered something, my 5th gear IS ALL THE WAY TO THE RIGHT AT 1.210!! So, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO GET THE 5TH GEAR HE HAS SET DOWN!! The only way you can get his 5th gear is if you set your final to the 5.2 range, not 5.500.

So, to reiterate cooldude's comment, nice copying dude, too bad you didn't research things first.
So last night I went and did some testing on my Enzo from my base tune and discovered something, my 5th gear IS ALL THE WAY TO THE RIGHT AT 1.210!! So, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO GET THE 5TH GEAR HE HAS SET DOWN!! The only way you can get his 5th gear is if you set your final to the 5.2 range, not 5.500.

So, to reiterate cooldude's comment, nice copying dude, too bad you didn't research things first.

Reminds me of when a certain other Mazda fan ripped off a few of our tunes and just changed random figures without checking first. :lol:

Copycats these days. :rolleyes:
:lol::lol::lol::lol: THANKYOU ROJ FOR THAT LAUGH!! He was one of the worst offenders behind minichris. The newer guys don't understand that this has been a loooooooong running issue and that we have dealt with this several times before. 👍
:lol::lol::lol::lol: THANKYOU ROJ FOR THAT LAUGH!! He was one of the worst offenders behind minichris. The newer guys don't understand that this has been a loooooooong running issue and that we have dealt with this several times before. 👍
No, just that I don't see the big deal you make of it.

So he posted a tune probably ripping your specs and made a classic fail by posting numbers that cannot be obtained, point it out, laugh like hell and move on.

Worst case scenario is people using your tune thinking another guy made it. Still your tune though, a copy doesn't change that.
:lol::lol::lol::lol: THANKYOU ROJ FOR THAT LAUGH!! He was one of the worst offenders behind minichris. The newer guys don't understand that this has been a loooooooong running issue and that we have dealt with this several times before. 👍
They all seem to bugger off after they get caught, which is nice. 👍
Worst case scenario is people using your tune thinking another guy made it. Still your tune though, a copy doesn't change that.

That's the thing, he's basically taking credit for GME's hard work. As Mafs said, this happens a lot and after a while it's just plain annoying.
No, just that I don't see the big deal you make of it.

So he posted a tune probably ripping your specs and made a classic fail by posting numbers that cannot be obtained, point it out, laugh like hell and move on.

Worst case scenario is people using your tune thinking another guy made it. Still your tune though, a copy doesn't change that.

When the OP posts claims like this:
i can do this for any car that has a 6, 7 or 8 speed transmission. I can do it for a 3, 4 and 5 speed trans also but they dont work as well as how I set those transmissions up for.
when he has CLEARLY stolen someone else's work, then you can understand why I'm a bit pissed at it. This time it happened to me, but I've torn people new holes when they have ripped off MFT's work, RKM's work and LDP's work.

It's like what Roj says in this quote....

That's the thing, he's basically taking credit for GME's hard work. As Mafs said, this happens a lot and after a while it's just plain annoying.

EXACTLY. Don't worry, when it happens to you CSL, you'll think of that person that copied you as the biggest scum bucket too.
When the OP posts claims like this:

when he has CLEARLY stolen someone else's work, then you can understand why I'm a bit pissed at it. This time it happened to me, but I've torn people new holes when they have ripped off MFT's work, RKM's work and LDP's work.

It's like what Roj says in this quote....

EXACTLY. Don't worry, when it happens to you CSL, you'll think of that person that copied you as the biggest scum bucket too.
Honestly I probably won't notice, if someone has nothing better to do then start copying my tunes to claim as their own, whenever I do catch on, I'm going to laugh, quite a bit, before I point out what they've done.

I'm not saying you have no right or reason to be pissed about it, just saying "why be so pissed about it"?
"Imitation something something flattery" Clearly they think your work is excellent. 👍
And that's what I would walk away with from this if I were you.
Read my original post where I mentioned this:

They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I consider this to be an insult. :irked:

That's my feelings on the subject and I'll leave it at that.