yo guys waddup i was on gt5 yesterday and ive been hearing rumours of an enzo doing 300 no draft?? and i just felt like i wanted to discuss/ask if thats possible. the way i see it is theres no enzo on the planet doing 300mph no draft on route x because heres my logic i got a buggatti it does 302 so ur telling me a ferrari enzo that has 300 hp less than a buggati is doing 2mph less than that? idk but if theres any1 out there that enzo can do 265+ no draft on route x hit me up with a tune/ add me on ps3 G_L_O_C_K_E_D_U2 my enzo does 264.8mph and im trying to get it to 270mph so if any1 has a 270mph enzo tune no draft for route x please help a brotha out