SNAIL Division 2 March 2025

United States
Orange City, FL

Welcome to the SNAIL Division 2 March 2025 thread!!

This is the place to discuss all things Division 2. To begin with, we need duties covered. Volunteering to help cover divisional duties (outlined below) is a great way to help out SNAIL and you also earn $hells performing the duties! What a $hells you ask? Well $hells are the league's currency and can be used in all sorts of cool and exciting ways.

Being it is a new season, time to volunteer for duties.

Division Manager: @JamCar0ne
Backup: @radliffracing

Host: @Mac1032763
Backup Host:

Opens and Manages the lobbies including race start times.

Backup Scorekeeper:

Live scoring, updating the score sheet after each race.

Replay Uploader:
Backup Replay Uploader:

Upload race replays. Deadline to upload is 8PM EST. Monday (If replays are not uploaded by then, we are subject to lose prizes for that week)

Data Specialist:
Backup Data Specialist: @radliffracing

Enter race details, stats post race and post them to the main thread.

Backup Data Texter: @Mac1032763

Post pertinent messages in the lobby. Also post messages to any non-Snails that join the lobby.


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