Erdogan the Dictator.

  • Thread starter Dennisch
Mmmm interesting.

(I wonder who's to be blames for this scandal later :D)
Nah not this scandal. But if Wilders wins on Wednesday then I'm sure it will have been the Russians again. :P
Erdi wants sanctions against the Netherlands.

I'm fine with that. There's a decent change that Europe will be on our side in this squabble, and Turkey needs Europe more than Europe needs Turkey.

Now all the goatie needs to do is bring back the death penalty.
Turkey vs. The Netherlands is one of the most random political rivalries I can think of...
What's next? Thailand vs. Zimbabwe? :D

Do you know what the general view of Turkey is in Russia?

Well, generally, from the recent Putin's speech, it may be said that "we and Turkey are friends again" (Erdogan visited Moscow recently). However, the federal news channels cover Erdie's recent clownish behavior (the coming constitutional reform and the recent scandal including the "Nazi" thing) pretty well, too. Some speculate that Turkey is going to open its borders for new massive flow of migrants into Europe.

My view? Well, I'd say we are... forced partners. Russia may not like Erdogan but we have to cooperate with him. He may be an idiot, but even he understands it, too. Like we say in Russia, "we're in the same boat". There are big joint economic projects, e.g. gas pipeline and nuclear energy, cutting them down would be a serious loss to both countries.

And the Syrian conflict, Turkey is a big player and shouldn't be ignored. After Russia, Turkey and Iran signed a ceasefire agreement and arranged peace talks in Kazakhstan, there's finally a hope for a political solution of the Syrian conflict. The Syrian government and Turkey-backed rebels are all concentrated on fighting ISIS and other non-moderate rebels, which should have been done a long time ago. The Russian and Turkish air forces do joint operations - ironically, it was "stab in the back" earlier (the incident with Su-24), now it's "back to back". It's not bad. Turning foes into friends shouldn't be bad. But we have to keep in mind what kind of friend do we have. And never let the guard down.
Turkey vs. The Netherlands is one of the most random political rivalries I can think of...

Is it really? There are Turkish people throughout the continent due to historical migration, persecution, Ottoman conquests as well as population transfers. Additionally the Netherlands had a programme similar to West Germany's Gastarbeiter programme, beginning in 1964 and lasting until the mid-1970s.

I find it very plausible. Obviously embarrassing because of the idiot who is seizing power in Turkey, but plausible.

It's not like Mauritius and Grenada having a fallout and making serendipitous international headlines.
Dutch policemen have a reputation amongst us clan of ancien pilotes.
Below, World Champion Jim Clark is manhandled at Zandvoort.
Isn't it great that Turkey wants an apology for the "excessive force" the Dutch police used against the protesters, and our government is complimenting them? Our Vice Pm even said that Turkish police could use the tactics in their school books. :lol:

Fire, meet oil.
Screw Godwin's law (it only applies in limited circumstances anyway) I want to try and make a genuine but quick comparison between the rise of Erdogan and the rise of Hitler because I see far too many people on other sites making this comparison.

This is apt given his propensity for Nazi comparisons himself.

Adolf Hitler

Goal: Greater German Reich

Step 1) Allegedly incite an uprising or unrest; the Reichstag fire has long accused of being a Nazi false flag operation

Step 2) Use this unrest to begin arresting and sidelining political enemies; crackdowns began after fire

Step 3) This disobedience is a pre-text for more constitutional powers; referendum of 1934 consolidating Hitler's executive power and eliminating checks upon him although the referendum was clearly rigged

Recep Erdogan

Goal: Make Turkey Ottoman Again

Step 1) Allegedly incite an uprising or unrest; last year's coup attempt was unsuccessful and many people accuse Erdogan of controlling it to strengthen his own position according to step 2

Step 2) Begin imprisoning journalists, teachers, police officers, military staff, minorities and others who were part of the coup or generally known to be anti-Erdogan

Step 3) The unrest is all the propaganda Erdogan needs as it arrives not long before a constitutional referendum (April 2017) which calls for an executive presidency, elimination of the office of Prime Minister and changes to the judicial branch

It just so happens that thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people who might happen to vote against this referendum are conveniently in gaol?

Wanting the whole of Europe and the near East to bend over and let him stick his boot where the sun doesn't shine?

Doing what he can to silence media in Turkey which oppose him?

Extorting the EU by promising to allow a stream of migrants into continental Europe if Turkey's EU membership is not enabled?

Now, if we're this far into the comparison let me make something clear. By 1934 Nazi atrocities were not internationally condemned and had not reached anywhere near their nadir of cruelty and horrificness. They did begin to happen very quickly, however. I am not accusing Erdogan or Turkey of being on the same level of atrocities; despite all of what I write above and below, I submit that I have no evidence of comparable Turkish atrocities today. But Turkey is well known for some its problems, particularly with Kurds.

His disrespect for, and non-recognition of, minorities (Armenians, Azeri, Georgians, Greeks, and Kurds off the top off my head) within his own country and boundless arrogance really are awful and it is making a supposedly democratic, secular country like Turkey an increasingly dangerous place to be.

Just how worried should the world be about this man?
Just how worried should the world be about this man

His actions are starting to isolate Turkey. By annoying the Netherlands he has pissed off one of the top investing countries of his economy.

If he continues on this path, of which I'm fairly certain, I can see a civil war, or at least an uprising against his dicktator behaviour.


Word came out that the Mayor of Rotterdam said that his police force had to prepare for a shoot-out with the bodyguards of the Turkish Minister of Family affairs, the lady who sneaked into the Netherlands by car.
Just how worried should the world be about this man?

Europe should do like the little Dutch boy and stick a finger in the hole of a dyke (those crazy Dutch!)

By which i obviously mean build a good strong border along the short land borders Turkey has with Greece and Bulgaria. Let Turkey become solely part of The Middle East and all the joy that will bring them. Apart from cheap package holidays, Beko fridges and Fry's Turkish Delight, what else do they bring to the party?

Am i developing a weird blond bouffant?
The moronic behaviour of the goatlover is reaching new heights.

In a new verbal attack against the Dutch amid their growing diplomatic spat, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has held the Netherlands responsible for Europe's worst mass killing since World War II.

Erdogan was referring to a Dutch battalion of United Nations peacekeepers who failed to halt the slaughter by Bosnian Serb forces of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica, eastern Bosnia, in 1995.

In a speech televised live on Tuesday Erdogan said: "We know the Netherlands and the Dutch from the Srebrenica massacre. We know how rotten their character is from their massacre of 8,000 Bosnians there."

Ankara earlier rejected the EU's call for de-escalating a diplomatic row over Turkish political campaigning abroad, saying the words out of Brussels have "no value for us."

It is time for the EU to take a proper stance and cancel everything political they have running at the moment.

Turkey will be the biggest loser in this.
...You know, when I watched the trailer for this upcoming film The Promise, all I can think about was "Oh boy, our dear ol' Erdogan might throw a fit and call the filmmakers fascist pigs with Zionist agenda. Then ban it from showing in Turkey. And then call the EU to ban it too."

I hear Turkey is still insisting that the Armenian thingy hadn't occurred and it's all a fabrication. Hmm.

Oh, and what a fortuitous (?) timing for the film's general release.
...You know, when I watched the trailer for this upcoming film The Promise, all I can think about was "Oh boy, our dear ol' Erdogan might throw a fit and call the filmmakers fascist pigs with Zionist agenda. Then ban it from showing in Turkey. And then call the EU to ban it too."

I hear Turkey is still insisting that the Armenian thingy hadn't occurred and it's all a fabrication. Hmm.

Oh, and what a fortuitous (?) timing for the film's general release.

Their recognition of the genocide falls into the same reason the Holocaust is pushed as a fabrication elsewhere: it helps their agenda.
Their recognition of the genocide falls into the same reason the Holocaust is pushed as a fabrication elsewhere: it helps their agenda.

...To my understanding, the Turks had been denying it well before the reigns of Erdogan and his goons. So.... just saying, it may be a little deeper issue than simply serving the goatlicker's agenda...
...To my understanding, the Turks had been denying it well before the reigns of Erdogan and his goons. So.... just saying, it may be a little deeper issue than simply serving the goatlicker's agenda...

This is true but her certainly does not do much to rectify the issue; he ordered the 2011 demolition of a "Monument to Humanity", which was erected to foster a relationship between Turkey and Armenia.
Probably the hero and founder of the modern state of Turkey, Ataturk, was a racist, ultranationalist and wanted the Armenian genocide forgotten and let behind. Probably all heroes have feet of clay, and all democracies were founded on dubious institutions such as slavery, bigotry, racism, sexism and xenophobia which we find abhorrent today. Yet do we not all in some degree inherit the guilts and sins of our ancestors?
This is true but her certainly does not do much to rectify the issue; he ordered the 2011 demolition of a "Monument to Humanity", which was erected to foster a relationship between Turkey and Armenia.

...I'd say, Erdogan was most likely trying to jeer up the masses there, by working on the angle of "Gee, look at this ugly thing, sitting here and trying to tell our kids that this glorious nation of Turkey had to stoop low to the demands of the uneducated and dirty barbarians!! Look at me, I'm not going to take it anymore!! Look, I'm gonna restore the pride of this nation so put me in power, like, FOREVER!! Muwahahahaha!!"

Probably the hero and founder of the modern state of Turkey, Ataturk, was a racist, ultranationalist and wanted the Armenian genocide forgotten and let behind. Probably all heroes have feet of clay, and all democracies were founded on dubious institutions such as slavery, bigotry, racism, sexism and xenophobia which we find abhorrent today. Yet do we not all in some degree inherit the guilts and sins of our ancestors?

...Not sure about inheriting the guilts and sins of our forefathers but if it's about us trying to break out of the constraints, the "shackles" of ignorance placed on our ankles, then yeah, it is on us to just do that.

It wouldn't be too surprising to find out that one man's hero is actually a villain in the eyes of the another - as cliched as that sounds.
The foreign minister of Turkey, Mevlüt Cavusoglu, warned Europe about a religious war should they (EU) continue to shelter terrorists and act like N*zis.:ouch:

The cat is out of the bag now.

Oh well, I better start stockpiling ammo. Personally, I think a war between the west and radical Islam is inevitable in the long run, but I never imagined that Turkey would play such a leading role in this.