i think the only things that is really needed are body kits,exatust tips,more style wings,window tint,different size rimes,custom color rims, and last but not least custom paint that would set the gtr series off the map it would be a very creative and realistic game i mean look you already have the money months days a few wings and a nice selection on rims and it might take some time but it is deffenitly worth the time and effort and any gamers that like racing games this would blow there minds because in nfsu1,2 there is only a few cars and the body kits are ok but gtr series are simulations so the game would do great and midnight club 3 is nice beacuse of the 50+ cars to chosse from but the game play isnt that realalistic or good i may add for me i mean dont get me wrong i like the nfsu series and midnightclub3 but i think they could of did it better all im saying is i would like to see a higher range of aftermarkit parts in the future of gtr5