I ran a HSV-010 '12 on SSRX, exported to MoTeC and then to CSV to load in R for statistical analysis. My (first) goal is to produce the engine power and torque curve as well as friction and drag coefficients from an acceleration test. I go full throttle in each gear from low RPM up to the limiter. There are two mysteries that keep me from proudly sharing that work:
When accelerating full throttle at about 300 km/h, the rear wheel speed is 10 km/h slower. The front wheels turn at the vehicle speed. I understand the concept of slip ratio, but then the rears should turn faster? Please correct me if I am wrong, but this looks like a bug to me. Any hints would be welcome.
To get to numbers that resemble the peak power of the GT6 GUI, I have to make drag go quadratic with vehicle speed. In that case the max. power is within 1.5% of the stated value and also the shape of the power curve resembles the one in the car settings GUI. But, AFAIK, drag force is quadratic with speed, and corresponding power is cubic with speed. If I model that, then the shape of the power curve is OK, but the max. power is 25% too low, with similar results for other variations with multiple parameters. Am I doing something stupid, or could this be another bug in GT6?
My approach is to solve a system of linear equations: engine_power(rpm) - drag*vehicle_speed^p = weight x acceleration x vehicle_speed
Here according to me p should be 3, but 2 gives much better results. Acceleration is based on "G Force Long", Weight is from the GT6 car settings GUI, vehicle speed is also from the MoTeC log-file. I filtered all samples to keep only those with full throttle and without wheelspin, shifting, limiter, etc.