excuse me vice city owners...

  • Thread starter Magic069
but I have a question about GTA3.

I have completed 63, of 73 missions. I can't seem to find the other ten I am missing. Did I do something wrong maybe in the order I took the main missions?

I did all the phone missions.

Thanks for the help.

Oh, and I wish I had Vice city... counting down the days till christmas. :D
He ownes the *****n' dog food factory, down the block from Joey's place. There is a phone on the wall outstide the factory and it begins to ring around 9:00. I think the first mission is to pick up his accountant so he can "pay off" some bills. Only thing is for all of his missions you have to go in the gates of the place and use one of his cars.
There's also the vehicle-based missions: two Patriot (first & third island), one Stallion and one Landstalker (both second island).
Let's see if I can remember all of these. To get 100% in GTA3, you need to:

--Complete all story line and side missions
--The Marty Chonks Missions (he doesn't show up on the map; if you're near the B'n Dog Foor Factory during business hours (9:00-17:00 or so) you'll hear the phone ringing.
--20 Rampages
--20 Unique Jumps
--All 4x4 missions (ont with the Patriot at the supermarket, one in the central park on the second island, one in the small park on the third island, and Multistory Mayhem (get a Stallion, go out front of the car park, get out and get back in, and the mission will trigger)
--level 12 Vigilante mission
--level 12 Ambulance missions (the hardest, I think)
--drop 100 passengers off in taxis (and maybe get the reward taxi, not sure)
--deliver all the cars on the list to the warehouse in the docks
--deliver all emergency vehicles to the crane at the docks
--deliver Securicars to the place where you took the one on the one mission where you grabbed one (once you complete the warehouse list, it's easy; just grab Securicars from there and drive them over there. when they won't pay any more, you're done. I think $500 for the last one)
--deliver all the cars on the list to the warehouse on the third island.

I think that's it.
Okay, I'm the dumb one today.

Topic says Vice City owners, and the post mentions GTA3. I'm confused.
He was assuming everyone that posts in here was an owner of Vice City and he was just asking if it was ok to ask a question about GTA3 without getting jumped on. Does that clear things up for you ALTf8.
you're supposed to do the missions in the order the mission givers appear.

that means do all luigi > all other doods > cipriani > salvatore > asuka > kenji > whoever > etc > etc.
Originally posted by thug_dawg_e_dogg
He was assuming everyone that posts in here was an owner of Vice City and he was just asking if it was ok to ask a question about GTA3 without getting jumped on. Does that clear things up for you ALTf8.

Thanks for trying to clear things up. ;)