Exeter GT Tuning (Updated with new seasonal setups)

  • Thread starter shaunm80
I just got done making a GT1 version of SSR-11 its 6.4km long so a little shorter then the old one but man it drives nice. The chicane in it really tosses you cause it's a blind approach and exit due to environment.

The track is just a brutal now as in GT1 just half as long so less time to suffer on a lap :lol:
Note there is one extra turn due to the limitations of the app. It's leading into what should be the lower part of the tracks reverse home straight. You will recognize it shouldn't be there but it adds a very nice hard slow turn just as SSR-11 had going into that straight
I just got done making a GT1 version of SSR-11 its 6.4km long so a little shorter then the old one but man it drives nice. The chicane in it really tosses you cause it's a blind approach and exit due to environment.

The track is just a brutal now as in GT1 just half as long so less time to suffer on a lap :lol:
Note there is one extra turn due to the limitations of the app. It's leading into what should be the lower part of the tracks reverse home straight. You will recognize it shouldn't be there but it adds a very nice hard slow turn just as SSR-11 had going into that straight
Wow that takes me back. I can remember the races where you had to take an absolute showroom spec car with no tuning & dominating with the original Viper.
Was there an endurance race there too?
Well, I have been track shopping among my FL and found a couple of cool tracks. My favourite finds so far are Seattle, Sepang and Singapore track. There is also a very cool Dubai track but I wonder why it was designed using Eifel Flat rather than Death Valley. I would have thought Dubai being sand based would suit the dry dirt.. just my opinion on that one though :)

On another note. SSR-11 GT1. How awesome is that track layout. Looks like the ultimate test car circuit going with those high speed turns, switch backs and tight 90 degree turns. Great work on that one.

It appears that a lot happens when I am sleeping. I see scary spider pictures, crazy halloween decorations and my thread gets a honoured visit from the admin! thankfully I wasn't in any trouble but always a little weary when you see unexpected visits from Jordan. :)

Well, I am about to disappear into the land of health promotion once again but I may be back online later to try and do some GT6 stuff.
Well, I have been track shopping among my FL and found a couple of cool tracks. My favourite finds so far are Seattle, Sepang and Singapore track. There is also a very cool Dubai track but I wonder why it was designed using Eifel Flat rather than Death Valley. I would have thought Dubai being sand based would suit the dry dirt.. just my opinion on that one though :)

On another note. SSR-11 GT1. How awesome is that track layout. Looks like the ultimate test car circuit going with those high speed turns, switch backs and tight 90 degree turns. Great work on that one.

It appears that a lot happens when I am sleeping. I see scary spider pictures, crazy halloween decorations and my thread gets a honoured visit from the admin! thankfully I wasn't in any trouble but always a little weary when you see unexpected visits from Jordan. :)

Well, I am about to disappear into the land of health promotion once again but I may be back online later to try and do some GT6 stuff.
Have a good day doing healthy things :) đź‘Ť
As a serious arachnophobe, out of sight is out of mind.
That's unless I see it disappear. Then I have to find the eight-legged bugger or I'm beside myself :scared:
Well, I have been track shopping among my FL and found a couple of cool tracks. My favourite finds so far are Seattle, Sepang and Singapore track. There is also a very cool Dubai track but I wonder why it was designed using Eifel Flat rather than Death Valley. I would have thought Dubai being sand based would suit the dry dirt.. just my opinion on that one though :)

On another note. SSR-11 GT1. How awesome is that track layout. Looks like the ultimate test car circuit going with those high speed turns, switch backs and tight 90 degree turns. Great work on that one.

It appears that a lot happens when I am sleeping. I see scary spider pictures, crazy halloween decorations and my thread gets a honoured visit from the admin! thankfully I wasn't in any trouble but always a little weary when you see unexpected visits from Jordan. :)

Well, I am about to disappear into the land of health promotion once again but I may be back online later to try and do some GT6 stuff.
Yeah SSR-11 GT1 is a insane test track. It was the only track in GT1 I actually tuned cars to handle there specifically.
Giant spiders burning pumpkins, Sr. Master Admin visits. You missed a good day :lol:

Have a good day doing healthy things :) đź‘Ť
As a serious arachnophobe, out of sight is out of mind.
That's unless I see it disappear. Then I have to find the eight-legged bugger or I'm beside myself :scared:
You and my wife both.
Home made spider repellent, pet, kid and person safe.
Add to 950 ml
5-6 drops Lemon Dish soap
10-15 drops citronella oil
Shake well. Spray around doors, windows, in spider hideaways and on visible webs once a week to keep them in the walls and the outside world. and out of your sight.
Note add Lavender to repel moths.
This works because spiders have taste buds in their feet, so once the spray is down they don't like to walk on it cause it tastes bad.
Note; small softt body spiders will be killed by the spray if they get hit by it. All spiders will be disoretenated/knocked out by the spray for a few minutes.

If I am being honest, it will mostly comprise of eating sugary unhealthy snacks to get me through a couple of hours of writing before sitting on the sofa doing nothing.. Health promotion.. oh yeah, I'm definitely showing how not to do it! :)
Coffee, carrots, cucumber, nuts or cheese will give you far more energy for longer. Just takes them a touch longer to get the energy to you then sugar. Of course you could just eat a PB&J/H sandwich loads of sugar, carbs and protein.
Yeah SSR-11 GT1 is a insane test track. It was the only track in GT1 I actually tuned cars to handle there specifically.
Giant spiders burning pumpkins, Sr. Master Admin visits. You missed a good day :lol:

You and my wife both.
Home made spider repellent, pet, kid and person safe.
Add to 950 ml
5-6 drops Lemon Dish soap
10-15 drops citronella oil
Shake well. Spray around doors, windows, in spider hideaways and on visible webs once a week to keep them in the walls and the outside world. and out of your sight.
Note add Lavender to repel moths.
This works because spiders have taste buds in their feet, so once the spray is down they don't like to walk on it cause it tastes bad.
Note; small softt body spiders will be killed by the spray if they get hit by it. All spiders will be disoretenated/knocked out by the spray for a few minutes.

Coffee, carrots, cucumber, nuts or cheese will give you far more energy for longer. Just takes them a touch longer to get the energy to you then sugar. Of course you could just eat a PB&J/H sandwich loads of sugar, carbs and protein.
Interesting spider concoction you have made. I have a wife to get rid of anything bigger than a daddy long legs. Spiders aren't my thing at all.

I have to watch my coffee intake as they can cause me to have migraines so that is out of the question about 99% of the time, not a huge fan of nuts. It is something about the texture that doesn't taste quite right and really, peanut butter and Jelly sandwich? I know that is popular in the states but I don't know anyone here that eats that. For me, i go back to my nut statement.. I can't see a day when I will eat that meal. :)
Interesting spider concoction you have made. I have a wife to get rid of anything bigger than a daddy long legs. Spiders aren't my thing at all.

I have to watch my coffee intake as they can cause me to have migraines so that is out of the question about 99% of the time, not a huge fan of nuts. It is something about the texture that doesn't taste quite right and really, peanut butter and Jelly sandwich? I know that is popular in the states but I don't know anyone here that eats that. For me, i go back to my nut statement.. I can't see a day when I will eat that meal. :)
I understand the spider bit. Roles are reversed around my house. give the spray a shot.

That's odd about the coffee, I've heard of that happening, is it linked to caffeine intake? or something else about the coffee?
Peanut butter doesn't have the same texture as peanuts or regular nuts, it's more like creamed honey only a touch thicker, try it with carrots, or make a PB&Honey sandwich.
Yeah SSR-11 GT1 is a insane test track. It was the only track in GT1 I actually tuned cars to handle there specifically.
Giant spiders burning pumpkins, Sr. Master Admin visits. You missed a good day :lol:

You and my wife both.
Home made spider repellent, pet, kid and person safe.
Add to 950 ml
5-6 drops Lemon Dish soap
10-15 drops citronella oil
Shake well. Spray around doors, windows, in spider hideaways and on visible webs once a week to keep them in the walls and the outside world. and out of your sight.
Note add Lavender to repel moths.
This works because spiders have taste buds in their feet, so once the spray is down they don't like to walk on it cause it tastes bad.
Note; small softt body spiders will be killed by the spray if they get hit by it. All spiders will be disoretenated/knocked out by the spray for a few minutes.

Coffee, carrots, cucumber, nuts or cheese will give you far more energy for longer. Just takes them a touch longer to get the energy to you then sugar. Of course you could just eat a PB&J/H sandwich loads of sugar, carbs and protein.
Thanks mate for the homemade spray recipe, I'll have to give that a go for sure. It probably won't come as a surprise that I'm well armed with a good supply of surface spray & a wonderful thing called Baygon :bowdown: It's a regular habit of mine to liberally coat any possible entry point with the surface spray & should any breach the perimeter, they end up doing the spider version of break dancing after a
squirt of Baygon. That stuff kills the biggest & meanest in less than 30 seconds. Turns a once brown spider black :) đź‘Ť
As for the peanut butter & jelly or honey sandwiches, I'm with Shaun on that subject. That's definitely an acquired taste seemingly unique to inhabitants of the US of A. I can do all 3 on their own but together :yuck:
@Pete05 i also wait for the Bathurst Race coming weekend . i will see it on a livestream . Today i got the Bathurst 2015 Cars for rFactor . here some screenshots

rFactor 2015-10-05 17-35-39-09.jpg rFactor 2015-10-05 17-38-50-13.jpg rFactor 2015-10-05 17-40-42-40.jpg
Someone once got hold of my credit card details (not sure how) and went on a trip from Ireland to Germany on my card as well as paying for hotels and some non-clothes at ann summers. It was at the Ann Summers part of their spending that the credit card company refused any more charges as it wasn't my usual spending pattern and they realised my card had been stolen. It was them who contacted me to tell me that someone had been on a shopping spree.

Luckily, I received all my money back that they spent and I think they took the culprit to court. It was all good in the end but very annoying as I have no idea how they got my details.
Someone once got hold of my credit card details (not sure how) and went on a trip from Ireland to Germany on my card as well as paying for hotels and some non-clothes at ann summers. It was at the Ann Summers part of their spending that the credit card company refused any more charges as it wasn't my usual spending pattern and they realised my card had been stolen. It was them who contacted me to tell me that someone had been on a shopping spree.

Luckily, I received all my money back that they spent and I think they took the culprit to court. It was all good in the end but very annoying as I have no idea how they got my details.
I think they have a card reader on the ATM and a very small camara that recorde when we enter our pin code , and then the made a fake card .
I had my identity stolen once. It started off when someone broke into my work vehicle at my apartment complex. Stupid me had left my checkbook in the center console that day because I was paying some bills by phone via personal check, so I needed the account number and routing number and I was just a lazy idiot.

They drained my checking account with all sorts of odd purchases. Then, these brazen a-hole's actually had new checks issued to them with my information, but a different phone number (burner cell phone). There were all sorts of odd purchases popping up that they used checks to pay.

Fortunately, Wells Fargo bank gave me every penny of my money back when they opened me up a new account number and that was that. As far as I know, the person(s) responsible were never caught. What a rotten couple of weeks that was though...and actually, the stress of it lasted a few months now that I think about it.

Some people really suck.
have tryede to make this track Jyllandsringen length 2.4 km but mine is 6.7 km . arrrgh cant get it right
I don't think you can make that track that short. Even at 6m track with reduced turn radius some of the turns will not be doable. What track is it?

As for identity stolen I had that happen me 15 years ago. Thankfully a bank manager looked at the purchase pattern and said this is not you and got me my money back but it took months. Cost me my place to live and wrecked my credit for years.
Then happened to me again two years ago but the first transaction set off red flags and they froze the account and called me.

This first time was a couple years before identity thieft was well known so banks didn't have policies in place to deal with it like now.