exigeracer's Car Photography (Spring '10 opener)

  • Thread starter exigeracer
Well you will have to mind my heavy-handed photoshopping and also if there are any odd colours, but I'm colourblind lol so maybe not the best hobby for me, but it always turns up some interesting results. :D


edit thanks for the read of the agreements and licensing, i need to put that up on my website for my music and photography.
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Well you will have to mind my heavy-handed photoshopping and also if there are any odd colours, but I'm colourblind lol so maybe not the best hobby for me, but it always turns up some interesting results. :D

Hmm, did you just select the car and cool down the local colours? It seems very out of place sitting in such hot surroundings, and the lighter darks in yours don't help. You got a very accurate representation of the actual colour, but it makes the image look very obviously edited. I tried playing around with it for a little but didn't manage anything. Even when I got the paint to a nice cool white (a little less blue from yours, then some greens I think), it looked really overedited because it's sitting in such a yellow/orange surrounding. Nothing can be done short of setting up my own light, shooting black and white works good too.
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Could you please post the Hi-Res versions of the Black Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet from the rear, the same style shot from the Silver R8 (first in your post), same style Black SL63 (third in your post), and the same style for the second F430 Scuderia.

I really like that style of shot. Keep up the fantastic photos!
dude, really good! the front shot of the Aston and the black Lambo are outstanding, you really blew yourself on those two.

But tell me, where are the pictures of the black 997 behind the white Ferrari? where are the pictures of the Maserati with custom wheels? come on, you bike away to shoot cars! do so!! you just cant let such chances go.

on the other hand, I saw the biggies posted up there... man, what ISO setting are you using or wtf? they are really heavy on noise! specially the Mercedes. You really should pick up a remote shooter too, it'd serve you well for those night shots.
Thanks Cano, Rick, TVR/FF and Giles.

Cloth roof of the Gallardo was black - the textile picked up the orange lighting making it seem brown. Was matte black really an option from the factory?

But tell me, where are the pictures of the black 997 behind the white Ferrari? where are the pictures of the Maserati with custom wheels? come on, you bike away to shoot cars! do so!! you just cant let such chances go.

Time. I didn't want to be out all night shooting somewhat mundane cars when I know they'll be there any time I go through the neighborhood. Yes, I realize that calling 997TT's and modified Maseratis makes me jaded, but that night I got bored of counting even F430s - they're chump change up in that area. Grabbing a handful of each photo to get one good frame takes a while, multiply that several times for different angles of the same car, times several cars, times 2 for processing the image after it's been snapped, add 2 seconds per photo for the shutter timer to avoid body movement affecting the sharpness, then add in mistakes for trow-away shots and waiting for traffic (it's a busy area) and you're looking at well over an hour for 6 presentable photos.

Considering I have absolutely zero say in where the car is positioned, the main thing with the three cars I posted is the empty space around them. The Maserati and Porsche 911 were parked up bumper-to-bumper. When it's harder to isolate the car with depth of field at night (again, time), the clear surroundings are what made the shots in all cases.

on the other hand, I saw the biggies posted up there... man, what ISO setting are you using or wtf? they are really heavy on noise! specially the Mercedes. You really should pick up a remote shooter too, it'd serve you well for those night shots.

Again, time. Every shot was pegged at ISO 100, but a combination of long exposures and a CCD that's showing its age at 14,000+ frames, noise still comes through. Post-production rarely helps, as shown in the R8 set from a few weeks ago. I just don't have the time to be out there, bracketing to get the right exposure, then grabbing another set after that of shots to experiment with what produces lower noise. Shooting RAW might change things, and I've got Noise Ninja, but haven't taken it for a whirl yet. If anyone's got any suggestions, I'd like to hear 'em!

As far as the remote shutter, that would only help my back from bending down to press the shutter - I always shoot with a 2 second shutter delay to avoid unwanted movement. Any budging at night is atmospheric and out of my control.

EDIT - eesh those day shots are really noisy, especially at ISO 100. I'll have to keep an eye on that and work it out as soon as possible. I'm thinking it's the dark levels that when played with really lose value. I'll have to start comparing exposure with what I chose to edit and see what's worth it before and after. Giles also mentioned some programs deal with these alterations better than others. Regardless, it's something that has to be addressed if I want to do anything with my photos other than flickr 'em.
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Thanks Cano, Rick, TVR/FF and Giles.

Cloth roof of the Gallardo was black - the textile picked up the orange lighting making it seem brown. Was matte black really an option from the factory?

It can be. It's very pricey, though. LP640 options for it are jaw-dropping.
I hear what your saying, I do have quite a heavy hand when editing my own pics too.

I just did a quick selection of the car and tweaked the colours. then once flattened back in, I adjusted the whole image. Like I said been colour blind doesn't help.

Yeh B&W or an over-processed look would be quite nice. I would love to see what tait could come up with, given the same subject matter.
Mercedes-Benz C230

Snapped a couple rolling shots today. I was checking out apartments so when I saw this car I just popped the camera on and snapped. Focus was whatever it was on from before, so lots of softness crept in. The reflective sunlight made the shot though. Fairly saturated because I'm in a dandy mood, but who doesn't like colours (other than tait :P)?

I...surprisingly like that. The car, that is. The photo, and the way it's shot, is probably why I like the looks of the car.
I liked your write-up in the DYSAGT thread?

"Like shooting fish in a barrel", then a Diablo rolls passed.

Brilliant! 👍
Thanks guys! And yeah, I was really let down with the Superamerica, just didn't look nice at all. The regular 575 is such a well-proportioned GT, but this thing was just ruined.

I had the chance to look at all of my photography on a 24' iMac today. Wow, I didn't know I was pulling such vivid colours! Not in a bad way (well, a bit on some), I just got to look at them in a whole new light.

I got some rolling shots of the same matte black Gallardo and :embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed: Lotus Elise today. We'll see how they turn out.
Dude do you have a 1920*1200 version of this shot???


That is fantastic.
Thanks for the love!

Carrera GT/Audi R8

So like I said previously, I never thought of going up to the parking garage across the street to get some new angles of the regular supercars on that same street. Tonight I was lucky enough to have a CGT and Audi R8 parked next to eachother in the regular valet spots. I got some shots, the valet dudes giving me dirty looks. I got a couple of each car before a security guard drove up in a freaking golf cart, completing the textbook entry for douchebag, then kicking me off the property. Guy and gal in the first photo were the owners of the CGT.



Lotus Elise

So I went down the street on my bicycle and stumbled upon this little number. I was totally happy, my first two Lotus shots on the same day. The colour blended in very well with the background, and I find that the shots are all very dark. I did get a couple shots with the right timing to get blue HIDs and red brake lights.


Not a fan of the front view:


I like this angle on most cars, particularly the intersecting lines in that back chunk on the Elise. My favorite of the set.


Getting a little hot with the right side, but it was the only one I bracketed that I was happy with.


Not liking the crop I gave this one, but the whole shot was a little confusing. The car would've been really lost in there. Daytime shot, maybe not so much, but didn't work how I wanted with this one.


Anyways, I know that same street looks like it's getting old, but I see new cars I haven't shot and I learn with familiar cars. I'm going to try to avoid similar shots, so I've been going for something a little new with each time I go up there.

Volkswagen Bug

Not much to this, just got a couple shots before the guy drove off. I don't really like doing ground-level shots because to me they don't look like a nice capture of a car, they just look like someone put their camera on the ground and shot it. This car was so slammed I just had to do it though.


nice photos...

you should get yourself a Flickr account... quality is much better then photobucket
I like the Carrera GT & R8 shot, but that light is quite distracting, imo. But, I know exactly how it feels to be kicked off a property just because you're taking pictures. Seems it has become a crime these days. :grumpy:

But, I do like the 5th Lotus shot. 👍
Volkswagen Bug

Not much to this, just got a couple shots before the guy drove off. I don't really like doing ground-level shots because to me they don't look like a nice capture of a car, they just look like someone put their camera on the ground and shot it. This car was so slammed I just had to do it though.



dude, if only you shot cars as intresting everytime! I cannot fathom how in a city like that you only manage to find exotic cars and not classics or hot rods or tuned cars or something like that.

the ones that have popped up are awesome tough, and TEH BUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! holly dang that thing is low, and the huge billet rollers are... well, too much, but at least the brakes back them up well! awesome colours too and very good editing man, good composition (indeed you had to do something like this with a car so low) and awesome car. I like. any more of this? could you post them all?
dude, if only you shot cars as intresting everytime! I cannot fathom how in a city like that you only manage to find exotic cars and not classics or hot rods or tuned cars or something like that.

I live downtown. Downtown is rich, rich people buy flashy exotic cars and don't want to go through the effort of making an old car or cheap car looking amazing. It's pretty clear evidence that money can't buy taste. I would love to see more thuggin' Dubs, but everyone would rather buy something more expensive for the status. Down the street to the right of the Bug was an F430 Spyder, and the other direction was a DB9 and blinged up 997 Turbo Cab.

Like I said, could only get a few shots of the VW, and the other angle I spent time on was not as nearly as playful and interesting as the ground-level shot. Quite the showoff forgetting the engine cover, too :P. Here it is:


PS - thanks for the kind words and support, it means a lot. I also literally found a circular polarizer yesterday so I'll be playing around with glare and reflections in my future photos. I can't wait, from what I've done so far I can tell it'll be another learning process.
excellent photos again!
I like your backgrounds in your photos. It's the thing that make those photos looking better. otherwise cars are same everywhere
I live downtown. Downtown is rich, rich people buy flashy exotic cars and don't want to go through the effort of making an old car or cheap car looking amazing. It's pretty clear evidence that money can't buy taste. I would love to see more thuggin' Dubs, but everyone would rather buy something more expensive for the status. Down the street to the right of the Bug was an F430 Spyder, and the other direction was a DB9 and blinged up 997 Turbo Cab.

Like I said, could only get a few shots of the VW, and the other angle I spent time on was not as nearly as playful and interesting as the ground-level shot. Quite the showoff forgetting the engine cover, too :P. Here it is:


PS - thanks for the kind words and support, it means a lot. I also literally found a circular polarizer yesterday so I'll be playing around with glare and reflections in my future photos. I can't wait, from what I've done so far I can tell it'll be another learning process.

belh, people sucks.

Dude, post them all!! if you have more, and please, BIG ones, BIGGG

The guy left the engine cover off because the car's had a pretty hot engine, see the Webers?

And I was looking at the orange Elise... how in heck did you shoot that picture? from hwere? its far above of the normal viewpoint... and crisp as hell for a /60 shot!!! very good.

and dang you for finding photo stuff. I wish I did. where? in the street, just there?

and where is matte black?
Hahah tons of questions!

Dude, post them all!! if you have more, and please, BIG ones, BIGGG

Those were the two angles I shot.



The guy left the engine cover off because the car's had a pretty hot engine, see the Webers?

I know, but it also makes it look more fancy, showing off the real works. It's obviously a show car. It didn't sound all that crazy, loud and raspy, but not brutally loud.

And I was looking at the orange Elise... how in heck did you shoot that picture? from hwere? its far above of the normal viewpoint... and crisp as hell for a /60 shot!!! very good.

I was riding my bicycle. I've got a big bike, the camera was shot from about chest height though if I were standing. Have you ever stood right next to an Elise? If you haven't, that would explain why it looks so high. Elises are tiny, waaay smaller than you'd be prepared to think. Bike-to-car action!

I would've liked a little faster shutter, the whole car would've been sharp in that photo and the other 15 frames I took would've worked out too...

and dang you for finding photo stuff. I wish I did. where? in the street, just there?

A roommate of mine moved out, and she left a ton of stuff. She doesn't know anything about photography, but I was looking for a broom in her room and found the CP so I snagged it. 👍 No idea why she had it.

and where is matte black?

Eek forgot to mention that. Matte Black Gallardo didn't work out. He wasn't going fast enough to get any sort of good photo when I looked back at the ones I got. It's a shame, but he'll be around for sure.
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thanks for the biggies, cool car.

and yes, I've been next to one but it was a while ago... I was just next to an exige and they are indeed quite small, but it still looks way too high... I dunno, strange picture, and if you were riding your bike and shot that... oh man, you're getting pretty good at it and proving me wrong when I said riding a bike and shooting a picture was hard! awesome.

Damn you for having friwnd with unused camera gear.

And damn you for letting the Gallardo go, hahaha! post them anyway, lets see them.