F1 2016: First ScreenshotsF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Dionisiy
Has one of the previous patches made the AI stronger in wet conditions? I used to find I would gain time on the opposition when sessions became wet, which was nice compared to previous games. Now I find I am back to losing time in the wet, but wondering whether it is just me or the specific circuits?
Yay, got my second career victory, this time in Australia!

Saw a really nasty pile-up happen on the main straight after my first stop. Gutiérrez was following Sainz, who was following Wehrlein. He pulled out from behind Sainz just as Sainz pulled out from behind Wehrlein. He would have made the pass has it not been for Rosberg emerging from the pits. Gutiérrez tried to tuck back in behind Sainz, but tagged Wehrlein and the two spun. Gutiérrez, Wehrlein and Sainz all retired, as did poor old Magnussen, who had nowhere to go when he arrived on the scene.

And during the subsequent safety car deployment, Palmer somehow managed to collide with the safety car itself. Repeatedly.
I'm looking for a little extra challenge, since I'm super-quick on my current difficulty setting, but horrendously slow if I turn the difficulty up a notch. So what does simulation damage do, and how do I drive without getting damage?
Well, damage becomes a lot more realistic. So if you are tapping walls and other drivers fairly constantly, you will start to lose bits of the front wing and wheels pretty quickly. You can get away with "taps" but the front wing realism is much better than it used to be, where there was no middle ground between it being attached or completely shattered.

If you are asking about mechanical failures though, I haven't had any. No gearbox problems, no kers issues, nothing :(
I haven't had any mechanical issues during career using sim damage, but I've only done a few races with it. On quick race though I lost 3rd gear once at Baku and at a race at Suzuka I lost 5th gear and as soon as it got fixed I lost 3rd gear as well.

Edit: Video of Suzuka gear loss
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Ive never had a mechanical failure myself, but my engine is worn and loses horsepower almost every race.

Me too! Do you use manual shifting or automatic? I'm using manual and it got better after changing down later under braking, so that I'm not hitting the limiter that often and that hard anymore.
I haven't had any mechanical issues during career using sim damage, but I've only done a few races with it. On quick race though I lost 3rd gear once at Baku and at a race at Suzuka I lost 5th gear and as soon as it got fixed I lost 3rd gear as well.

Edit: Video of Suzuka gear loss

That's awesome, I wish they'd make that a more common thing for career mode. I haven't had any mechanical issues beyond the usual engine wear thing. Early on in my first season I got the engine wear warning toward the end of most races, but I've only gotten it a couple of times in the second season (2/3rds through second season), so I must have been too aggressive on the downshifts in the first season.

I used to like the way the old games would have DRS and KERS failures during the race, and random punctures. I'd like to see them return, along with the gearbox failures you've had in quick race.

It'd be so cool to be leading a race and have an ERS failure, losing the car 160hp and putting a lot of strain on the rear brakes, forcing the player to either put a lot of front brake bias on, or risk a rear brake failure.

I know a lot of people don't like random mechanical failures, which is kind of why Codies removed the random punctures from the games, because people got really angry about it, but I love them. Makes the game feel much more realistic. For the punctures, instead of being totally random, it should be that going off track gives you a chance of picking one up, and the more you go off track, the higher the chance of a puncture. Would definitely give people an incentive to race cleanly and not abuse track limits, that's for sure!
I know a lot of people don't like random mechanical failures, which is kind of why Codies removed the random punctures from the games, because people got really angry about it, but I love them.
The AI get them. You can usually tell because they'll be crawling along. And, as someone - I think it might have been you - mentioned previously, the odds of getting a puncture increase exponentially once a tyre is worn past a certain point. It's roughly 50%, since most strategies have you coming in at around 40-45% wear, and tyre life is scaled to race distance.
The AI get them. You can usually tell because they'll be crawling along. And, as someone - I think it might have been you - mentioned previously, the odds of getting a puncture increase exponentially once a tyre is worn past a certain point. It's roughly 50%, since most strategies have you coming in at around 40-45% wear, and tyre life is scaled to race distance.

Oh yeah for sure, the AI get all kinds of random mechanical problems, which is awesome, but I meant it'd be good if they brought that back for the player. It seems the player can get some problems, at least in quick race, but I'd like to see more. They could have it as an option you can turn off if you don't want them too, so players who don't like them don't have to have them.

I like that the player can get punctures from wear too, but from my experience they're extremely uncommon, if not impossible, to happen at under 70% tyre wear. Once you get over 70%, you're on borrowed time, because I've seen tyres go at 70%, and I've also seen them last well into the 80s and still made it to the pits, so letting them get into the 70% range and above is basically playing with fire lol. Sometimes it's worthwhile to take the risk though, because it can mean the difference between making one less stop or not, and if the track is such that heavily worn tyres don't cost too much lap time (some tracks it's definitely possible), it can be beneficial to stretch the stints as long as possible.
It took me three seasons, but I am World Champion!

I took nine wins, in Australia, Russia, Canada, Azerbaijan, Austria, Belgium, Japan, Mexico and Brazil. I also scored six podiums, in Bahrain, Monaco, Hungary, Singapore, Malaysia and Abu Dhabi. But it didn't help that I also got four retirements in China, Britain, Italy and the United States.
Guys they reduced the pit engineer sound?
Now cant hear very well and the volume is at max (10)
And car ,effects are at volume 6
Before the patch i hear very well but now no
Okay, so now that I'm World Champion, I'm trying to get the "Turning Things Around" achievement; the one that you get for going from underachieving to exceeding expectations. To do it, I've gone the full Maldonado, crashing into everyone and everything. But how do I know when I am underachieving? I tried to get it earlier by letting my rating drop down to one, but it didn't work. Is it the voicemail from Emma where the board express concerns about my performance? Or is it the confrontation in the motor home where she tells me to start pulling my weight?
Okay, so now that I'm World Champion, I'm trying to get the "Turning Things Around" achievement; the one that you get for going from underachieving to exceeding expectations. To do it, I've gone the full Maldonado, crashing into everyone and everything. But how do I know when I am underachieving? I tried to get it earlier by letting my rating drop down to one, but it didn't work. Is it the voicemail from Emma where the board express concerns about my performance? Or is it the confrontation in the motor home where she tells me to start pulling my weight?

As far as I remember, you need to go into a race weekend where you are not only below expectation in your rank but also your expected position in the championship. If your the team's #1 driver and leading the championship it doesn't matter that your in the red below the teams expectations.

Once you are below all expectations to start weekend and then move out of the red after the weekend the trophy should pop.
Something really interesting happened a few races into my 3rd season - McLaren upgraded FOUR items at once so now they shoot up to the top of the performance chart!!

It looked to be a straight fight between me and the 2 Mercedes for the title,but McLaren could really mix things up now! Ive maxed out the Manor so this is as good as im going to get...i really need to win the title this season...
I've noticed that quite often actually, the AI teams tend to develop a number of parts at a time. Does keep it very interesting watching the other teams go up and down the order, though it isn't very realistic... I'm still watching Manor slide down the chart again after I left them for McLaren! They are a solid mid running team now though....
Whats the point of collecting more research points if youvd fully upgraded?
Yeah, I struggled to figure that out. I had the car fully developed halfway through my third season, so I just skipped practice entirely from that point on.

What happen when you switch teams...
You lose all of your saved research points and have to start over. The new car will have some parts on it already, but not everything will carry over.

You still have to put up with Chris reminding you to develop the car, even when you don't have any points saved.
So, now that I have won both World Championships, the game has no replay value for me. I have no desire or patience to keep playing, which is disappointing.
Previous experiences have killed online gaming for me. When I play, I want to have fun, but online, everyone takes it way too seriously.
True, some leagues take this stuff WAAAAY too seriously. But if you find a nice group of people it's great. I race in two different South American leagues, one with Elite assists (no assists allowed) and one with Professional assists and both have a great group of people. Just fun, clean (usually) racing. Everyone joking on WhatsApp before and after the races. Incidents are handled in a friendly manner and the stewards are fair. I do admit it took me a while to find them, but if you find the right group it's great fun.

I'm not fast enough.
Yeah, neither am I. But it will only make you better. Pro Career is a huge challenge. I'm glad it's in there in case I ever want some real masochistic single player racing.