F1 23 Discussion ThreadF1 23 

  • Thread starter Famine
It's up on PlayStation Store and PS VR2 is not listed. I love F1 but as a sim racer I don't like driving them so I never buy these games (I think my last one was 2016, and before that the original one on PS1).

That said, I'll drop the obligatory #NoPSVR2noBuy.

And that goes for WRC '23 as well.
I can enjoy driving the games well enough, but I get why some people don't care much for them. One other thing I've always enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, is the added benefit of using the games to "learn" the tracks and get an approximate sense of the speed and lines through all the corners. It adds something to following F1 in real life, because you have a better idea of the corners etc when you sit down and watch the sessions.
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Just preordered the champions edition on Xbox. I got some spare money now, I’m following the F1 championship again after several years of absence, I really liked the first Braking Point story of F1 2021, and I already got F1 2021 & 2022 dirt cheap so I figured I might as well pre-order it for once. I can’t even benefit from the early access since I will be on holidays June 1st-20th. 😅
I'm not sure how the dev cycle works for annual release titles, but I will simply never touch a racing game unless it has PSVR 2 compatibility.

That aside, the leaked footage looks awfully similar to F1 2022. The series has been begging for a significant glow up for years now and this year doesn't appear to be it. I am also guessing the physics will be the same.... again, boo.
I'm not sure how the dev cycle works for annual release titles, but I will simply never touch a racing game unless it has PSVR 2 compatibility.

That aside, the leaked footage looks awfully similar to F1 2022. The series has been begging for a significant glow up for years now and this year doesn't appear to be it. I am also guessing the physics will be the same.... again, boo.
They will continue to just change the number on the front cover until people stop buying it. Unfortunately looking at the comments that isn't anytime soon. Really needs a next gen only version to get my attention. Don't get me wrong the game is a good interpretation of F1 but has become stale due to limitations of the hardware imo.
I honestly wish they'd release a game just called "Formula 1" and update it a few times to bring in the following years circuits and cars.

So say F122 was the first game, you could update it yearly on the current generation of consoles until say, the 2025 season and then in 2026 come out with the next game in the series.

Extremely frustrating that we had the 2023 Alfa in F122 just as a bonus.
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Hard pass. Lazy EA. Fed up of them supporting last gen, never gonna utilise current gen capabilities. Fifa is juat as bad. I don't buy EA games anymore .
Hard pass. Lazy EA. Fed up of them supporting last gen, never gonna utilise current gen capabilities. Fifa is juat as bad. I don't buy EA games anymore .
EA is irrelevant in this. This was releasing on last gen regardless of EA owning Codemasters. Doesn't change your stance but it was happening EA or not
I honestly wish they'd release a game just called "Formula 1" and update it a few times to bring in the following years circuits and cars.

So say F122 was the first game, you could update it yearly on the current generation of consoles until say, the 2025 season and then in 2026 come out with the next game in the series.

Extremely frustrating that we had the 2023 Alfa in F122 just as a bonus.
I totally agree - but the problem is, that’s already pretty much what they’re doing. They’re always updates rather than whole new games, but from a business perspective, if people will still pay £60 then you might as well market it as a whole new game rather than a DLC update. See also every other EA game ever.

Assetto Corsa Competizione is the absolute opposite of this model and I love it for that.
Quick Q: Can we get an F1 23 subforum please? :)

Over the next few weeks things will start ramping up in temrs of news, reveals, details etc.

Can’t speak for this game in particular (ie, this is all my opinion and in no way an official statement), but it’s not as simple as “just add VR” or “just port the PC VR”.

Polyphony had a head start and first party support when building it for Gran Turismo 7, and porting PC VR solutions to PS5 isn’t an easy task either.

For DiRT Rally 2.0, the VR development was effectively incentivised by Oculus wanting/needing a AAA driving game on their platform, and Steam got it as a positive side effect. It was also developed by an external studio and not entirely Codemasters themselves.

Same with the Meta Quest port of GRID Legends, and the DiRT Rally PSVR edition.

VR in general is a bit of an optimisation nightmare as the performance demands for a smooth experience are so high, and the number of users is so low, which is why you rarely see quick/substantial VR ports outside of first party studios.
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VR would have me projectile vomiting in five minutes flat, so I’m not personally bothered about it. My concern with F1 23 is that it looks so predictable and seen it all before. How can they keep presenting it as such an exciting reveal when they’re essentially ‘revealing’ the same thing they released in 2019? Oh well.
Can’t speak for this game in particular (ie, this is all my opinion and in no way an official statement), but it’s not as simple as “just add VR” or “just port the PC VR”.

Polyphony had a head start and first party support when building it for Gran Turismo 7, and porting PC VR solutions to PS5 isn’t an easy task either.

For DiRT Rally 2.0, the VR development was effectively incentivised by Oculus wanting/needing a AAA driving game on their platform, and Steam got it as a positive side effect. It was also developed by an external studio and not entirely Codemasters themselves.

Same with the Meta Quest port of GRID Legends, and the DiRT Rally PSVR edition.

VR in general is a bit of an optimisation nightmare as the performance demands for a smooth experience are so high, and the number of users is so low, which is why you rarely see quick/substantial VR ports outside of first party studios.
I get all that. I just don't care LOL
I really have no desire to ever go back to flatscreen racing games now that I have GT7 in VR. Sure, other games like ACC (and F1) offer things I can't get with GT7, but the VR experience, for me, more than offsets them.
F1 in VR would have me playing it as much or more as I do GT7. Without it, I may not even get the game. And I say that as a massive F1 dweeb who's been playing all the games ever since the original Psygnosis release on PS1.
I get all that. I just don't care LOL
I really have no desire to ever go back to flatscreen racing games now that I have GT7 in VR. Sure, other games like ACC (and F1) offer things I can't get with GT7, but the VR experience, for me, more than offsets them.
F1 in VR would have me playing it as much or more as I do GT7. Without it, I may not even get the game. And I say that as a massive F1 dweeb who's been playing all the games ever since the original Psygnosis release on PS1.

^this. Maybe my voice is not incredibly important etc. But i just won’t buy this game. Thats all
Welp, so much for any hope of VR on PS5. So disappointing. So long, F1 series, at least till you come back as an actual new game with VR support, which is now at least a year+ away.

I've quite openly been pessimistic of this title after being thoroughly disappointed by F1 22, I had a list in the other thread of things I would need to see to make me consider buying F1 23 because of that. The first deep dive has done a good amount to give me some confidence in some of these areas, which is promising.

1. The Spec car needing to be more representative of the actual direction the teams have gone with the new regs, this appears to have been achieved based on what we have seen, while nothing is concrete, it seems to have been improved.

2. Physics, mainly around grip levels, attacking curbs, traction and so on. Everything they've said so far looks to have remedied these downsides from '22 to create a more accurate feeling drive.

3. Track visuals. Again, not sure if it is every circuit, but everything shown so far (officially and unofficially) seems to have had an increase in visual detail and fidelity. Plus with some circuits now using photogrammetry and rumours of more laser scan data, this is a pleasing improvement as '21 and '22 were not only lacking, but seemed actually worse than 2020.

4. F1 life, seems to be evolving into F1 world, with the promise of it being more central to the single player experience. I hope this is true so it can have at least some value outside of fancy menus.

Everything else on my list we will have to wait and see such as livery variety, MY Driver having some relevancy to the academy selections and career path, any finer details on My Team/Driver improvements.

Certainly like the sound of the new controller handling, more precision and feel is always a good thing there.
All I really want is the traction sorted out. The overall handling feels fine but doing a standing start with no tc is the most difficult part of the game. You will lose places to the ai every time, in mp you are at a huge disadvantage to tc users.
F1 World is looking good
Braking Point 2… Less so. Although the way they’re hyping up the Performance and Reputation system seems to suggest that there might be multiple endings. Maybe if you’re really good as Aiden but suck when playing as Buttlord and whatever the girl was called, you might get an ending that’s more in favour of Aiden and his friends?
F1 world looks fine, nice that there are options for solo play regarding leaderboards and challenges.

Need to know what ties into career mode there really.

I know this might be considered Necroposting but since the other thread is now all about F1 24, these videos are going here now as its the closest F1 23 thread not specific to one issue.
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Fallen abit behind on these but here they all are, from the PS5 nowadays:
