APink Banter?
BSome Force India mechanics paws for thought, yesterday.
CPictured are Osteban Econ and Pergio Serez, there replacements for the current Force India drivers after neither was able to drive five feet without hitting the other.
DForce India unveil the punishment Sergio and Esteban will have if they crash into each other again.
EAs Sergio and Esteban realize auditions for the animated show "Forced Kitty India Relationships" were real after all, they swiftly regret not looking at the tiny letters in their respective contracts...
FPainfully obvious what was wrong with Force India's Halo all in one racing suit... The pink is slightly too bright.
GForce India revealing 2018 racing suits for Perez and Ocon, should they continue to crash into each other in 2017.
HForce India send out mascots for the post Grand Prix boxing match.
IInspector Clouseau announced as surprise replacement for Sergio Perez at Force India.
JRumours of a Teletubbies reboot just won't go away.
KBloodhound Gang tribute goes horribly wrong.
LOnly marginally less humiliating than driving for McLaren-Honda
M"It's really embarrassing to see the 2 of them hanging around the garage each weekend."
"They are just looking for a fight."
"Our sponsors aren't happy about being made to look a joke like this, it needs to stop."
- The Pink Panthers
NForce India's PR team question their career choices after hearing that Red Bull is "hosting a party with loads of booze and celebrities and stuff."
OTwink Panthers.
PJapanese GP cosplay-outfits leaked weeks early, via a now-deleted twitter post.
QTeam boss: "Sergio, Esteban, I don't want to see any rinky-dink racecraft between either of you this weekend".
RThese two don't have a clouseau what they're doing .
That was the plan, but unfortunately I am away a lot this month and so it probably won't happen.As we're now a few races behind, and they're going to get closer and closer, is it worth shortening the entry times and voting times to like 5 days? Just to stop us being still on USA when Abu Dhabi finishes.
A"Have engine troubles? Teammates who are difficult to live with? Fear not, for I will provide you with 100% accurate palm-reading for the low sum of $9,99...!"
BRumours that Kevin Magnussen's seat may not be as secure as was once thought have surfaced after he started growing an apparent "mall santa" beard as early as September.
CK-Mag's attempt to make a career as a Lars Ullrich impersonator sucked balls.
DKevin: Who would have thought in 2015, that wearing this Haas F1 Team shirt in 2017 would be better than wearing a McLaren F1 Team shirt?!
E"Hey baby. Want to see why they say I put the 'aas' into 'Haas F1'?"
FKevin’s Christmas Card to Jolyon
GKevin's has invited Nico for a romantic dinner and judging by his look maybe more...
HKevin Magnussen shows his intent on becoming the next 'most interesting man in the world' meme
I"I don't always drink beer, but when I do..."
J...Leave a light on for me, I'll be there before you close the door...
KKevin: What do you think of my rendition of 'Candle in the Wind'?
Nico: Eh? I can see the candle, but what about the..... OH MY GOD!
LI don't always swear on live TV but when I do .......
MCarlsberg don't do racing drivers, but if they did, they'd probably be the best in the...
oh wait, the best we can do is Kevin Magnussen![]()
NI don't always get my balls sucked, but when I do, it is by a tall blonde with pole experience.
OMagnussen is bemused to discover that the next GPDA meeting will led by Nico Hulkenberg and titled "We Need to Talk About Kevin".
PMy name is Kevin and like.....well.....let's not spill all the beans.