F1 Driver Fernando Alonso to Race in the 2017 Indianapolis 500

That helmet has got to be one of his best designs to date... Something about it just works. It's his first helmet we've seen since 2010 that hasn't been primarily light blue and I love the bare carbon look with the bricks on the front. Well done to whoever designed that and I hope we see some variation of it later on in his career.
Are we seriously arguing over the paint scheme of a one-off Indycar that may or may not be based off an older McLaren?

The claim from the team is that it's based on a particular 1976 Indycar. The comment from others is "piffle".
Never watched this before l, it looks pretty mental.Does anybody know where in the uk i can watch this race ? If not il have to go feed hunting!
I've watched several interviews with Alonso regarding his recent lapping. Often when they ask him certain kinds of questions, like about running in traffic, he will get a silly grin on his face and remark about how narrow the track is. He says the difference between watching videos and doing the simulator compared to actually driving the course at speed is significant. He says, grinning, that at the moment he cannot quite fathom how three cars can race side-by-side flat out into turn 1. He says he's really looking forward to that experience, especially at first when he has 5 Andretti teammates to work with. He's used terms like "respect for the track" several times. They asked what the fastest turn in F1 is, and he had to think for a moment before mentioning 130R, then dismissing it as not really comparable. His humility, humor and candor seem to be quite impressive. Alas, I do not think a Honda powered car is going to win this year's 500. But asked about winning the 500, he said while he was doing the race primarily to have a great experience, he like all the drivers want to be competitive.
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Alas, I do not think a Honda powered car is going to win this year's 500. But asked about winning the 500, he said while he was doing the race primarily to have a great experience, he like all the drivers want to be competitive.

A Honda car won last year. In fortuitous circumstances, perhaps, but given how IndyCar is that could happen again this year.

Not that I think Alonso will win it but if he did... it would be quite something.
It is written in Alonso's contract that he will get the #29 for his private garage after the race, just like he did with all his other race cars. I'd really like to visit his private museum after he retires.

Well I'd presume so, as I do know he get's to keep the car after the race.
It is written in Alonso's contract that he will get the #29 for his private garage after the race, just like he did with all his other race cars. I'd really like to visit his private museum after he retires.

I think you can, isn't it at his kart track?
I think you can, isn't it at his kart track?

This was the first time I've heard that he is keeping all his cars in a private museum, the article didn't mention anything about being open to the public.

Just did a quick research, yep you can visit, it's 15€ and just besides his kart track.
This was the first time I've heard that he is keeping all his cars in a private museum, the article didn't mention anything about being open to the public.

Just did a quick research, yep you can visit, it's 15€ and just besides his kart track.
I think Channel 4 did a feature on it last year. He has his 2007 Mclaren in there which I found interesting given how that year went for him.
Aw man, I won't be able to watch this... No free TV channels are broadcasting...

TV isn't what it used to be... I remember in the 90s they would broadcast every race, even the support races with the buggies and stuff (I think that was for NASCAR though).

There's a channel called "dazn" which broadcasts it and has a 1 month free trial - problem is, if I go there and try signing up it tells me it's not available in my country (germany), even though it obviously should be.

I mean if they really need to region check my ip address they at least should do it properly - Google can do it, too. They always get the city wrong, but at least the country is correct.
Aw man, I won't be able to watch this... No free TV channels are broadcasting...

TV isn't what it used to be... I remember in the 90s they would broadcast every race, even the support races with the buggies and stuff (I think that was for NASCAR though).

There's a channel called "dazn" which broadcasts it and has a 1 month free trial - problem is, if I go there and try signing up it tells me it's not available in my country (germany), even though it obviously should be.

I mean if they really need to region check my ip address they at least should do it properly - Google can do it, too. They always get the city wrong, but at least the country is correct.
If you can't see it live, and you are good at avoiding spoilers, there's a website called racing4everyone.eu started by some people on Reddit, that uploads replays of races a day or two after they take place.
If you can't see it live, and you are good at avoiding spoilers, there's a website called racing4everyone.eu started by some people on Reddit, that uploads replays of races a day or two after they take place.

Oh, thanks, that's cool! Yeah, I'm pretty good at avoiding spoilers usually - seeing the Indy race is after the Monaco race I should be able to, otherwise you can be sure Kai Ebel or the other commentators on RTL would spoil it every 5 seconds. :lol

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