F1 Tournament

Has anyone completed the F1 tournament. My friend and i got our S/lic. not too long ago and just about wet ourselves when that tournament was unlocked. I figured one of the races would be against F1 cars but a whole series? At 27 laps apiece? D@mmit this is going to be tough !
Actually its 27 laps in the beginning, then the # of laps rises, with the last being a 75-lap Cote D' Azur track.
Thats as long as an Endurance Race!
We haven't even finished a race yet. I have been going into a bit of a withdrawl due to work. I just can't believe how much time is needed to be put into on tournament.
I can't wait untill the day i can hop in an F1 and take that bad mother shut yo mouth on. I've been holding off on getting in an F1. I drove one of my friend's F690/s's just yesterday and couldnt believe it. So i have a F688/s and a F690/s sitting in my garage untouched and i am 58% done with only two more license tests in the super license to go....F1 here i come.
what i really can't wait for is to have every F1 available. that is my GT3 goal right now, to be able to open up the garage and see all of those bad boys just waiting to be driven. I haven't used I-link yet but if it works as advertised it would be sweet to set up a couple tv's in my basement and have a bunch of us race in the F1's on Cote de- it's going to be a kick ass battle.