F2007 & F10 Available to trade NOW!

  • Thread starter tambo1810
I have the Jag XFR, dark blue, for the f10? I'll add the buggatti, or the SLS AMG, both new. PLEASE :P PSN: Razorplayer
Yes I'm interested. Can we trade today?

Yeap, though i could only trade in 2 hours since i'll be coming from work. If you want, you can send me a friend request now so I could just approve it once i get back. :)
Yes I'm interested. Can we trade today?

Yeap, we have a deal. :) Although I won't be home in an hour and a half, you could send your friend request and I'll just accept it later. Then we can resume trade :)

PSN: splakacheus
Do you still want a Jag XFR? I can trade you one.

This is actually my first post but I'm a long-time reader of the forums, the need for an F10 for the seasonals has led me to create an account. I will send you the car first obviously as I'm new.
Yeap, we have a deal. :) Although I won't be home in an hour and a half, you could send your friend request and I'll just accept it later. Then we can resume trade :)

PSN: splakacheus

I've sent 2 friend requests, please accept both when you're available. Send your car to tambo1810. I'll send the X2010 from my other account. :D
can send now whats this reset thing about????

We can only send 1 car per account per day. And the day reset at 00.00 GMT. You've send a car to me today, so you cannot send another car from the same account until next reset.
oh right can send it tomorrow then if that's ok?

sure, we'll do the trade tomorrow. I'll send another friend request from my other account where I'll send the Miura from :D as usual, you'll send the Impreza to tambo1810 id :D
hey mate, I'm also interested with your white x2010 for another trade tomorrow, but i have to check my garage later which cars are still left from your wanted lists. hope you don't mind if you could hold the WHITE x2010 and i'll get back to you.

P.S. will send the audi race car in a while for your Carbon x2010. :)
hey mate, I'm also interested with your white x2010 for another trade tomorrow, but i have to check my garage later which cars are still left from your wanted lists. hope you don't mind if you could hold the WHITE x2010 and i'll get back to you.

P.S. will send the audi race car in a while for your Carbon x2010. :)

no problem mate, will hold the White X2010 for you :D