Facebook Restrictions - Open Graph Requests

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Fission Mailed
There seems to be a recurring problem with my Facebook account. Last month, I was given a 24 hour suspension after being told I was no longer able to create open graph requests. It's happened again today. The problem is that there isn't any reason given why I can't make open graph requests, whatever they are, and I'm not told what I have done to warrant a suspension.

What happens then is that next time you try and access the website you are unable to and you are totally forced to download a scanning tool which will scan your computer until it, and Facebook, determines that your PC is free of whatever it is they are looking for. You cannot access your account until Facebook is satisfied that you are not running any suspicious software or programmes. But then the fact that you have to download this Facebook-approved software is in itself highly suspicious. I don't want to go through that again.

There seems to be very little information on this subject even through official Facebook channels; it just seems to be people saying "Yeah, it's happened to me too". I complained about it first time around but received no response.

Can anyone help or has anyone heard about this?
I would be extremely suspicious of Facebook wanting to run any code whatsoever on my computer.

There's seemingly no way around it. You can't do ANYTHING other than logout or accept the scan.

Tellingly, it's a complete crapshoot. My mobile app is fine so if there really was a problem with my actual account that would also be compromised.

Other people complaining about this say that they are being targeted for their political content/actions on Facebook (ultra-conservative this, anti-Hillary) that but I don't do anything like that on there and this isn't happening to anyone else I know; people who are far more politically active on there.

Edit: I'll see what happens after the alleged 24 hour suspension is up.