Fairlady Z's go Vroom! (Check 2nd Post for Upcoming Events!)

  • Thread starter Shigegaki

PSN: why_spyder
The Z looks great! Might have to try to get my finished paint scheme done tonight before the meet.
The amount of paint I've wasted on my Z is getting silly. Can't find one I really like 👎

I totally agree with you, that pink isn't the right shade. I don't want the LF-A pink because that is just too much. Looking for bubble gum pink shade haha.
Tonight is our first community photoshoot. If you're interested, please send me a friend request or just send your interested through here. I will be in my lounge tonight around 8:00pm PST or 4:00am GMT. I have a practice session with the NA GT Academy group between 6-8pm. See you guys then!!

Some ideas for tonight's photo shoot.

- SSR7 ( Tunnel Run in pairs ) and another night time location ( possibility Sarthe :) )
- Trial Mountain ( Long straight away )
- Rome
- Cape Ring
That is correct, I use Shigegaki for all my other games I don't play anymore because of GT5 haha.
Cool ill send a request as soon as i jump online, and i might have another pink paint chip that has the "bubble gum" tinge to it. Let me know
ooooh. id like to get in on this. but im not 100% sure.

"8:00pm PST or 4:00am GMT."

according to the interwebs, that is in a few hrs? timezones confuse me. its 12:24pm in sydney. :/
1 hour to go until we begin. I will create a room in my lounge in 45 minutes. See you guys then.
Can't wait to see photos from the event. Was surprised and slightly disappointed to be the only Z32 there.

Regarding taking photos - is it only the host that can take photos of the session or how is it that you are able to shoot everyone online? Do you get the option to save the replay?