FaLLeNAn9eL's Gallery [Updated (6.25.07): Mixed Fruit]

Very nice effect, it looks real. But I have to agree that the cars are too soft and the Z should be more focussed. Otherwise great job! 👍
Nice updates and a nice guide mate.
thanks alot TVR :) i cant wait till u get back on ur feet and start updating agani :D

It seems a little too dark, but the horizon is very well done.
thanks vonie :) i was at a bookstore the other day and happened to read a little bit from the photoshop bible :D

Too soft, but the sunset is beautiful.
thanks krame :D ill be fix the softness on the next one, which should be done soon :sly:

It would look better if it was a little bit brighter and sharper. Try and do a sharp view on the car but have the aperture look at 1.8 and blur out the rest after the car from the front.
thanks alot for the tip man :) i was kind of debating with myself whether or not i shouldve motion blurred the cars. guess i was wrong :lol:

For me is beautiful. great sunset all around the track. And the cars are so well, impressive!!! keep up mate!:)
thank you for your kind words :)

Div is back
The sky looks great but the car is way too softened.
thanks for the comment div, i acctually motioned blurred the cars and was thinking about getting rid of it but never did :banghead:

The sunset is beautiful. But like has been said before, the foreground does'nt quite match the sharpness of the BG clouds. Just a little less blur on the foreground and it will look much better.
thanks alot 440 :) yeah looking at the image again, the blur on the cars was a stupid idea :banghead:

Too soft. it'd be nice if u blurred everything except for the road and cars. AND the colors are aiight :)
thanks for the comment and suggestion bro, its greaty appreciated :)

Wow, awesome affects!
Seems like it's so much to learn though...........:guilty: I guess it will take a while to get to your skill level. But please keep them coming, we all love looking at them!
thanks man :embarrassed:
:lol: dont say that man, be optimistic ;) my skill level isnt far ahead from u, im sure ull catch up in no time. ;)

i think its beautiful. the band of yellow sky streaking across the mid section is awesome, and the dark sky and intense shadows produced give it a gothic overtone. oh. im back btw, looking forward to catching up :)
hey! welcome back man! where have u been?! cant wait to see ur update man. wonder if u learned any new tricks while u were gone :sly: thanks for the comment man :)

I know this is pushing it but, I think it would look awesome if you sharpened the cars up just alittle not alot and then had all the cars down the line with their tail lights on.
dont worry about it man, im here to learn from u guys. knowledge is power and constructive critizism is a great way to learn from what u did right and what u did wrong on ur work. thanks for the comment and suggestion bro ;)

[empty space]
let me echo what everone else has said ;)

sky and over-all color are very nice, but, the cars themselves are way too blurry.
:banghead: shouldve removed the blur. thanks for the comment and suggestion :)

I think you are trying to capture the sky
I guess it looks better with the camera closest to the ground
and get a bit more close up to the Z
but it just my opinion on composition
The sunset tone is really good IMO
I may wanna add a moon and some stars for cool features
and bluriness on the track is completely fine to me
yeah i was more focused on the sky rather than the rest of the shot. maybe this is why i neglected to take a second look at the cars and the track. (d'oh!!! :banghead:) thank you kindly for the comment and tips, i will definately try it out in my next shot :)

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Thats a great suset. fantastic colour. I find the bluriness of the track fine as well... maybe just a tad less blur on the car (keep it alittle blurry), and it would be perfect.

Keep it up dude :)
thanks alot for the comment man :) i wasnt sure if i shouldve left the cars blurred or not and somehow i decided to leave them blurred :ouch:

nice update and thnx for checking my gallery:tup:
thanks man :) ur gallery is awesome dude, keep up the good work ;)

Dick Steel
I like it. The sunset looks great. 👍
thanks alot DS :D

nice sunset..i like it.. 👍
thanks .....mr. skyline :D

Very nice effect, it looks real. But I have to agree that the cars are too soft and the Z should be more focussed. Otherwise great job! 👍
thank you for the comment :) yeah i agree the softness has to go. wont happen again :D

Thank's again guys for stopping by and the kind words and tips, i really appreciate it :)

Thank you to everyone who commented and the great tips you guys gave. Here is the result :) I used the same image because i couldn't find my flash drive :ouch:
i must admit, i kinda like the other color sky better ... other than that, purhapes a more random star pattern with soft back round stars.

on a clear blue night you can usually see more than 8 stars :)

Good work...again:) I like both works. Nice detail of the stars, they are well inserted into the rest of the photo. The cars (again) are awesome, racing into the night...impressive:) BRING MORE!!
nice job. the first pic was more of a sunrise pic and this is definitly more of a sunset effect. i think there should be more stars and they should be smaller to be more realistic. good work though. 👍 👍
the concept is really cool, and that pic aint that bad. like people have been saying, add more stars, and maybe headlights on the cars? that would be quite a shot if you added more night stuff to it!

Here's the same picture after a few changes :)

[empty space]
i must admit, i kinda like the other color sky better ... other than that, purhapes a more random star pattern with soft back round stars.

on a clear blue night you can usually see more than 8 stars :)

thanks alot [es], i appreciate it :) i didnt want to seem repetitive so i tried the blue look.

If you want this pic to work add very small stars ( clusters ) and it will look much better ( I think :D ). I like it though.
thanks alot for the comment and suggestion man. i really appreciate it :)

Yeah, this one is much better, I agree with [es], though.
thanks vonie :)

Good work...again:) I like both works. Nice detail of the stars, they are well inserted into the rest of the photo. The cars (again) are awesome, racing into the night...impressive:) BRING MORE!!
thanksa lot NTX :D

Awesome picture!! :drool: :drool:
This is so cool, I didn't know stuff like this could be done!
Looking foward to the next update~
thanks alot man ;)

pain killer
nice job. the first pic was more of a sunrise pic and this is definitly more of a sunset effect. i think there should be more stars and they should be smaller to be more realistic. good work though. 👍 👍
thanks alot for the comment and suggestion PK, i took ur advice as well as [es] and street and it came out great! i greaty appreciate it ;)

That looks a lot better 👍 Brighten it up a little more.
thanks bro, i went ahead and took ur advice :)

the concept is really cool, and that pic aint that bad. like people have been saying, add more stars, and maybe headlights on the cars? that would be quite a shot if you added more night stuff to it!
i havent tried the headlight thing, ill experiment around with it and ill post my result ;) thanks for the comment man :D

it looks great! the pic kinda looks like an early morning even before the sun rises (thats just me..).. cheers man! 👍
thanks man, looking at it again i think ur right :lol: it does look like an early morning scene. thanks again man ;)

Hey stars!!!
yeah you need more stars and paste them more randomly
for real photos like that, it requires long explosure
how about making 2 streaked brake lights for the Z
lots of work making it ... but damn it's cool
like this ... http://img472.imageshack.us/img472/7605/camarolongexposure31zc.jpg

not pefect but you get the idea :)
thank you so much for the suggestions, they have been an huge help. :cheers:
THAT my friend is cool.. i like that taillight trail. keep pluggin at that pic, i bet you can do some other knarly stuff too!
Hahaha.. very cool... the night time shot is very impressive... I see you decided to not blur the car this time.... I like it alot :D
nice 👍 im not sure about the brake light trail though. its a bit too long, solid, and seems to lack a certain amount of details?

are you going to give the r92cp light trails as well?
the sky looks alot better. 👍 👍 i dont like the brakelight trail though, its kind of unrealistic. next you should try and add headlights the cars.
*Suggestion* - As the Tail light streak get's further from the car narrow it and drop the opacity or just use the eraser with 30 Opacity or so.

Heres a sneak peek at my next experiment. Anyone wanna guess what car it is ;) Feeling kinda iffy about the headlight glow:indiff:

TURBO (@)....
Good grief tho's are some long a** taillight trail's cool pic tho!
thanks alot man :)

THAT my friend is cool.. i like that taillight trail. keep pluggin at that pic, i bet you can do some other knarly stuff too!
thanks bro, ill finish hooking it up and mayb enter it into the artistic comp.

I like the shot, but the really don't like the tail lights.
thanks MY, its my first attempt at the trails. not too sure how its supposed to look.

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Hahaha.. very cool... the night time shot is very impressive... I see you decided to not blur the car this time.... I like it alot :D
thaks alot SE ;) i try not to make the same mistake twice

[empty space]
nice 👍 im not sure about the brake light trail though. its a bit too long, solid, and seems to lack a certain amount of details?

are you going to give the r92cp light trails as well?
thanks alot [es] yeah i think the trails might need a little more transparent. im not sure if im going to make trails for the r92cp, i have a feeling it might be a little too much

Lovely night time work. I think you should do light trails from the car infront too; that would be even nicer!
thanks identti ;) im thinking about adding trails to the back one, im not quite sure ATM

Nice, I like it. The first one is better though, I dont like the taillight trail.
thanks alot krame. yeah im pretty iffy on the trails too, i wasnt quite sure if it was correct.

Sexyyy pic now 👍 Try a different pic now if you are gonna try and do those kind of experiments...
thanks man ;) heres a lil preview of my next experiment

pain killer
the sky looks alot better. 👍 👍 i dont like the brakelight trail though, its kind of unrealistic. next you should try and add headlights the cars.
thanks PK, im working on the headlights with my next update ;)

Really great.
It has a good night-feeling + those rear lights finish it!
Maybe try to add the moon or something? That would rock. :D
thanks alot APEXI. i thought about adding a moon at first but the light source is comming from some place off the picture so i left it alone :)

*Suggestion* - As the Tail light streak get's further from the car narrow it and drop the opacity or just use the eraser with 30 Opacity or so.
thanks for the suggestion bro, i tried it and it came out perfectly. thanks again ;)
a vw of some kind :P

looks good 👍 id suggest tweaking the barrier. im not sure the headlight goes straight sideways so you might want to try fading the light to dark just in front of the headlight?

the beam of light seems a little off angle comapired to the car.

this all imho :)
nice experiment bro. its definitly a golf. ;) anyway glow itself from the headlights is fine but the beam is a bit off angle. you should also add some stars to it to finish it off. 👍