Mothership Zeta was the first DLC I played. I'm glad I did - the weapons you get at it's completion put almost every other one in the game to shame, especially the Alien Disintegrator. Finished The Pitt as well, so am just starting Operation Anchorage.
Much has been said about the shoddy framerate in this particular DLC. True, it started off ok as I had no problems at all at the cliffs and destroying the big guns. It was only when I started the actual invasion of the Chinese base that framerate issues reared it's ugly head.
I found a simple solution. When playing for a while, and the framerate starts to look as if it is going wrong, save your game, quit to the PS3 XMB, then reload Fallout 3 and your save, and everything should be ok.
I find this works with Fallout 3 in general. And for people who have just bought the game, I suggest a set of simple guidelines that should limit the freeze/crash issues:
1) Turn off Autosave immediately. This prevents the game from saving data repeatedly over itself and causing problems.
2) Save often. I usually do it when entering a new area or upon completion of a task.
3) Quit and reload your game if it looks like things are going a bit weird, particularly if the framerate becomes choppy or slows. This is usually a sign of an impending freeze or crash.
I have followed these rules during my time with Fallout 3, and have had practically no problems with the game as a result. It's an inconvenience, sure, but Fallout 3 is a buggy game. You just have to make the best of it, because it also a brilliant game.
Let's hope with Fallout New Vegas, they iron out any major problems so we don't have to do anything like this.