Fanatec Advent Calendar 2018-Important Update!

  • Thread starter super_gt
Put stuff on Sale. That's what I'd prefer. If I could've saved a few dollars I could've gotten what I actually wanted. Not that I couldn't have afforded it if I really wanted to. I couldn't justify spending any more money and not going DD. Hell, I still could've went DD for what I spent but then I would've wanted HE pedals and it would've just snowballed into a ridiculous price tag that I'm not comfortable with spending on my first setup. $400 for a rim is a little ridiculous imo.
Put stuff on Sale. That's what I'd prefer. If I could've saved a few dollars I could've gotten what I actually wanted. Not that I couldn't have afforded it if I really wanted to. I couldn't justify spending any more money and not going DD. Hell, I still could've went DD for what I spent but then I would've wanted HE pedals and it would've just snowballed into a ridiculous price tag that I'm not comfortable with spending on my first setup. $400 for a rim is a little ridiculous imo.

To be fair, custom wheels can go for double and more.
Nobody claimed that there is.
I never said anyone did. I'm saying there is nothing custom about their wheel rims when you start comparing them to higher end wheel rims that may cost double. That's a very small percentage of people purchasing those wheels so I can see somewhat of a justification in the price plus the majority are for DD. This is getting way off topic though. In short, I set a price a point I wasn't willing to go over for a belt driven wheel. When you have to pay for each piece individually and they charge $400 for a wheel by itself it starts to not make sense. I could've easily went DD for what I spent and bought a set of V3's and saved $300. If you buy a whole setup at once I'd prefer they pass the savings to the customer instead of giving stuff away for free to people that are most likely going to resell it. I'm a paying customer and they did me pretty dirty. They decided to change the format of their giveaway the exact day I finally click on the code. I sat on the same product from day one. It took me to a second page and I guess after that it's a typing contest to see who can enter the captcha the quickest. That was news to previous winners. And it clearly states first to click the code, period. So I'm annoyed that they kinda screwed me over and I'm annoyed that what I wanted didn't fall into my price point to begin with for the amount I spent.
I never said anyone did. I'm saying there is nothing custom about their wheel rims when you start comparing them to higher end wheel rims that may cost double. That's a very small percentage of people purchasing those wheels so I can see somewhat of a justification in the price plus the majority are for DD. This is getting way off topic though. In short, I set a price a point I wasn't willing to go over for a belt driven wheel. When you have to pay for each piece individually and they charge $400 for a wheel by itself it starts to not make sense. I could've easily went DD for what I spent and bought a set of V3's and saved $300. If you buy a whole setup at once I'd prefer they pass the savings to the customer instead of giving stuff away for free to people that are most likely going to resell it. I'm a paying customer and they did me pretty dirty. They decided to change the format of their giveaway the exact day I finally click on the code. I sat on the same product from day one. It took me to a second page and I guess after that it's a typing contest to see who can enter the captcha the quickest. That was news to previous winners. And it clearly states first to click the code, period. So I'm annoyed that they kinda screwed me over and I'm annoyed that what I wanted didn't fall into my price point to begin with for the amount I spent.
So, basically, you are mad that you lost something that you never had and you think that you are treated unfairly because a company that doesn't know you personally charges a higher price than you are willing to pay for a product that you want and dares to not give any discounts for it.

I feel your pain.
I never said anyone did. I'm saying there is nothing custom about their wheel rims when you start comparing them to higher end wheel rims that may cost double. That's a very small percentage of people purchasing those wheels so I can see somewhat of a justification in the price plus the majority are for DD. This is getting way off topic though. In short, I set a price a point I wasn't willing to go over for a belt driven wheel. When you have to pay for each piece individually and they charge $400 for a wheel by itself it starts to not make sense. I could've easily went DD for what I spent and bought a set of V3's and saved $300. If you buy a whole setup at once I'd prefer they pass the savings to the customer instead of giving stuff away for free to people that are most likely going to resell it. I'm a paying customer and they did me pretty dirty. They decided to change the format of their giveaway the exact day I finally click on the code. I sat on the same product from day one. It took me to a second page and I guess after that it's a typing contest to see who can enter the captcha the quickest. That was news to previous winners. And it clearly states first to click the code, period. So I'm annoyed that they kinda screwed me over and I'm annoyed that what I wanted didn't fall into my price point to begin with for the amount I spent.

So you are cranky with fanatec cos you didnt win anything on their free giveaway? They didn't have to run it, they could have done nothing, it was a way for them to give something back without having to. How many companies would do this full stop? The fact that it was not running very well is a valid point but honestly no one is entitled to have a hissy fit for something that was not theirs in the first place, fanatec can run it how they want.
So you are cranky with fanatec cos you didnt win anything on their free giveaway? They didn't have to run it, they could have done nothing, it was a way for them to give something back without having to. How many companies would do this full stop? The fact that it was not running very well is a valid point but honestly no one is entitled to have a hissy fit for something that was not theirs in the first place, fanatec can run it how they want.

In comparison, multiple OSW vendors as well as SimXperience marked their product down drastically, giving everyone interested savings, and got zero negative feedback or upset comments here in the process. The idea that “they didn’t have to” for Fanatec is fine but let’s not act like it’s gone glitch free. I’m sure it’s because of their size and popularity but their holiday events have been a farce. They’ve literally driven me to go Thrustmaster last year and pick between an OSW and an AccuForce this year (ended with AccuForce to save a few bucks).

I don’t think anyone is upset with the idea of giving away an item a day to the lucky winner. It’s not how I would do it but that’s fine. What’s upsetting are the site crashes, poorly written/coded sites, an event that doesn’t make any sense (last year’s event), changes in the middle of the event, issues where you appear to win and then get told sorry, etc. It turned me off.
In comparison, multiple OSW vendors as well as SimXperience marked their product down drastically, giving everyone interested savings, and got zero negative feedback or upset comments here in the process. The idea that “they didn’t have to” for Fanatec is fine but let’s not act like it’s gone glitch free. I’m sure it’s because of their size and popularity but their holiday events have been a farce. They’ve literally driven me to go Thrustmaster last year and pick between an OSW and an AccuForce this year (ended with AccuForce to save a few bucks).

I don’t think anyone is upset with the idea of giving away an item a day to the lucky winner. It’s not how I would do it but that’s fine. What’s upsetting are the site crashes, poorly written/coded sites, an event that doesn’t make any sense (last year’s event), changes in the middle of the event, issues where you appear to win and then get told sorry, etc. It turned me off.

Everything fanatec does seems to go off with issues, I know there were issues with the way the advent ran, the auctions for the DD's, the delayed release for them etc. Lucky for them they make quality gear, but they seem to switch between extremes, from quality German engineered gear to the public side being like a circus. I am trying to overlook the public side so I can jump on fanatec gear.
I'm over it and when it comes to quality there's no complaints here. It was just unfortunate they changed the format of the giveaway the exact day I clicked the button. Most people would've been a little annoyed if it happened to them. Sometimes one or two people ruin it for others. Other than that all I was really saying is the price point for certain products once you add the price all together doesn't make sense for ME. Any higher and I'm better served going DD. People can spend their money however they want. I said it doesn't make sense for ME. Other than that I love their products and Thomas is a stand-up guy. That goes a long way in my book. I went off the handle a little bit but I'm not perfect and life adds up and sometimes you go off. Happy Holidays and my apologies if I offended anyone.
I have this feeling that it is all a marketing ploy, a kind of fake auction. I'm probably wrong though.
Thrustmaster did nothing.
Logitech did nothing.

I tried the first few days to win but quickly realized I was probably wasting my time and placed an order.
I applaud Fanatec not only for the very nice gear that arrived at my house, but for just doing something advertising or not.
Thrustmaster ran sales. Not sure about Logitech. SimXperience ran $300 off. SimRacingBay and Augury ran sales as well for a couple hundred US off. Nobody has complained about any of that have they? Nobody is upset by a sale. Lots of people get frustrated by a gimick and that’s what Fanatec has done with the Advent event. At most what, 25 people were happy and the rest disappointed or frustrated? Seems like a horrendous waste of time and resources to frustrate and disappoint customers.
Imagine being so entitled that you complain about not winning something from a company that didn’t have to give anything away in the first place.

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