Fanatec Clubsport Pedals & Wheelstandpro

  • Thread starter Zero7159
I will soon be receiving my Clubsport pedals to go with my GT2 wheel and wheelstandpro. Does anyone know how I can mount the Clubsport pedals to my wheelstandpro? I saw one thread where it was done via aluminum sheets, but that looks tough. I am not very handy with the tools.

Thoughts? Experiences?

I would prob say that you would need to drill a new holes into the WSP bar that holds the pedal. I have a WSP not a Fanatec wheel but I would think that would be the easiest way to do it. That's assuming the pedals have hard mount screw holes. Then maybe get a longer screw or something.
I'm waiting on my GT2 as well and will be using a wheelstand pro.

From the looks of the rensport and the CSP vs. the wheelstand pro we will have to use some sort of mounting plate on the bars that run along the floor.

I think the CSP has too wide of a base and since it does not have a flat base, it has legs, they will not sit perfectly on the stand.

I am planning on building a small footboard with a dead pedal to the left that I can fasten to the wheelstandpro with cable ties or maybe the original mounting system on the wheesltand, and then just put the CSP up on there.
I have a Wheelstandpro and I bought some industrial velcro at Lowes (or HomeDepot) and put that on both the metal strips that the CSP's rest on the WSP. I then put the opposite Velcro on the bottom of the CSP's. This allows me to change when I have family come over or my friends.
Also I HIGHLY recommend either the pedal stop from Fanatec or some ~1.5 inch C clamps (like $2 at a hardware store, x2 so that you have one for each side) and this will prevent the pedals from sliding.
I loved my WSP, although since I moved my Fanatec to my Obutto cockpit, it has seen 0 use.
I will soon be receiving my Clubsport pedals to go with my GT2 wheel and wheelstandpro. Does anyone know how I can mount the Clubsport pedals to my wheelstandpro? I saw one thread where it was done via aluminum sheets, but that looks tough. I am not very handy with the tools.

Thoughts? Experiences?


I know which one your talking about. Thats what I'm about to do with my stand. But I'll be using wood instead of metal. My WSP is lock to my racing seat so it never moves anyway, so I dont need the extra weight. But I will make a 1'x1' plywood base and under it place 2 1x1 strips to keep it centered. Now I'm not sure how I'll mount it up as I dont have the pedals yet, so we'll see out it works. I should have my CSP in a few days.
i think what ends up happening with these wheelstands is you are paying a huge premium for something that will be as stable as a laptop cart. i would hate to have to buy a wheelstand pro and then have to modify it just to make a set of pedals work. if youre going to go that route, just get a $30 laptop cart from walmart and modify that. youll still have a pole between your legs and it will be a lot cheaper an take the same amount of time. the one that stands out the most to me is the apiga. but it is too expensive when you factor in shipping.
My Fanatec Rennsport wheelstand is quite heavy. It is much more stable than any laptop cart (partially because it is heavy), and the pedals are firmly attached to the stand. I've been very happy with it.
My Fanatec Rennsport wheelstand is quite heavy. It is much more stable than any laptop cart (partially because it is heavy), and the pedals are firmly attached to the stand. I've been very happy with it.

not enough to hold clubsports. thats why it needs modding. or do you have clubsports on it?
the GT2 has same thread layout as G25/G27. that wont be a problem. i dont know how much more sturdy the rennsport is, but that is a hell of a lot to do on the wheel stand pro to make it sturdy. especially since it cost more. lots of time and effort. thats why i made the laptop cart comment. if you can get something for $20-$30 instead of $150-$200 and you still have to mod it.....
the GT2 has same thread layout as G25/G27. that wont be a problem. i dont know how much more sturdy the rennsport is, but that is a hell of a lot to do on the wheel stand pro to make it sturdy. especially since it cost more. lots of time and effort. thats why i made the laptop cart comment. if you can get something for $20-$30 instead of $150-$200 and you still have to mod it.....

I'm not sure why that guy thinks he had to add all the extra stuff to make the WSP sturdy.

The WSP is VERY sturdy as it comes from the manufacturer. Maybe with the stronger FFB on the GT2 it would wobble a bit, but I really doubt it especialyl when you have the pedals mounted right to the unit. I think my WSP is quite sturdy.
I'm not sure why that guy thinks he had to add all the extra stuff to make the WSP sturdy.

The WSP is VERY sturdy as it comes from the manufacturer. Maybe with the stronger FFB on the GT2 it would wobble a bit, but I really doubt it especialyl when you have the pedals mounted right to the unit. I think my WSP is quite sturdy.

what wheel are you using now? i would love to try the apiga, but id probably get the rennsport since its cheaper. i thought i read the WSP and Renn were about equal in sturdiness. i just like the Renns pedal plates better. i just wish i could try one so i can know for sure. i guess for at least one person to go to those lengths for the clubsports tells you the WSP might not be sturdy enough....depends on the combo of wheels/pedals you are using i guess.
I am using a G25 right now and I have the WSP for G25 + shifter mount.

I find it to be very sturdy and stable. It uses real hardware to hold the joints so you have to adjust it with a wrench and allan key. A bit of a pain I guess but I see it as a major plus because of how it will not move.

I think the main reason he needed to make the pedal mount was just becasue the CSP is wider than the G25 pedals. The G25 pedals also have a flat base while the CSP have 4 little legs. I haven't got my CSP yet but depending on how the feet sit on the WSP I will probably have to make a small plate to keep it stable.

If you look in the guy's topic he said the reason he made such a heavy duty plate to hold the wheel was because he wanted it to be very heavy.

But hey, the wheelstand pro has given me no problems but it was the only one I knew about at the time when I bought it. Looking at the Rennsport I really think the pedal plates are much better and I would have bought it had I know about it.

As for its sturdiness I can't say. However, if the pedal plates fit the wider CSP I would imagine the Renn stand has a wider base and may be sturdier.
Here is the solution I created:

First, here is what I started with before I received the GT2 and Clubsport pedals. It is my Driving Force GT wheel and pedals mounted on the wheelstandpro:


By zero7159 at 2011-01-31

1. I first cut a piece of particle board:


By zero7159 at 2011-01-31

2. After painting the particle board, I used the Xbox pedal adapter to mount it to the wheelstandpro:


By zero7159 at 2011-01-31

3. This shows the bottom of the mount, with the screw in the middle:


By zero7159 at 2011-01-31

4. I then attached the Clubsport pedals to the mounted particle board. There are screw holes in the feet of the pedals.


By zero7159 at 2011-01-31

5. Here is how I attached the GT2 wheel to the top plate of the wheelstandpro. Two screws and the table clamp did the trick:


By zero7159 at 2011-01-31

6. Here is the completed set up:


By zero7159 at 2011-01-31

Let me know what you think.
A kinda random question... Can you still completely fold the wheelstand up for storage with CSPs installed? With the standard pedals I could slide the main support tube of the stand between the gas and brake pedals when folded - but it doesn't look like it would work as easily with CSPs.
A kinda random question... Can you still completely fold the wheelstand up for storage with CSPs installed? With the standard pedals I could slide the main support tube of the stand between the gas and brake pedals when folded - but it doesn't look like it would work as easily with CSPs.

No, it only folds about halfway, at least in my set up, since the brake pedal is in the middle.
what wheel are you using now? i would love to try the apiga, but id probably get the rennsport since its cheaper. i thought i read the WSP and Renn were about equal in sturdiness. i just like the Renns pedal plates better. i just wish i could try one so i can know for sure. i guess for at least one person to go to those lengths for the clubsports tells you the WSP might not be sturdy enough....depends on the combo of wheels/pedals you are using i guess.

They're not the same. The RWS may move a little forward and back if the centre pole isn't very tightly screwed in, but it does not even budge side to side, which is the problem with the WSP. ISR did a review of both and also pointed this out, but don't take their word alone for it, many videos show the side to side play of the WSP. If I didn't have the RWS I'd probably pick up the Apiga, but the RWS is quite heavy and sturdy. (as you'll see on the delivery guys face)
They're not the same. The RWS may move a little forward and back if the centre pole isn't very tightly screwed in, but it does not even budge side to side, which is the problem with the WSP. ISR did a review of both and also pointed this out, but don't take their word alone for it, many videos show the side to side play of the WSP. If I didn't have the RWS I'd probably pick up the Apiga, but the RWS is quite heavy and sturdy. (as you'll see on the delivery guys face)

My WSP is sturdy side to side and front to back. Any movement is minimal and is not noticeable during game play, even when things get hairy. Part of what gives my WSP so much stability is the weight of the Clubsport pedals and the painted particle board on which they are mounted. Even without the weight, however, when I was using the WSP with the Driving Force GT and pedals, the WSP was still very sturdy.
To actually rock the wheel side to side, you have to rock the base off the floor. Something that I have never managed to do with the WSP ( I have two ).

Back and forth movement is possible due to lose clamps etc but side to side is not dependent on clamps. Only structure and weld.
My WSP is sturdy side to side and front to back. Any movement is minimal and is not noticeable during game play, even when things get hairy. Part of what gives my WSP so much stability is the weight of the Clubsport pedals and the painted particle board on which they are mounted. Even without the weight, however, when I was using the WSP with the Driving Force GT and pedals, the WSP was still very sturdy.

Agree on all points - my WSP was stable with the DFGT, the standard Fanatec pedals, and most certainly will be with the Clubsports. I have never regretted buying a WSP!
Agree on all points - my WSP was stable with the DFGT, the standard Fanatec pedals, and most certainly will be with the Clubsports. I have never regretted buying a WSP!

The WSP is a great product, worth every penny. It has exponentially increased my enjoyment of racing games. I use it almost every day.
Just reading this thread to see what others have done so far. I find it a bit strange that everybody put the CSP's center mounted at the WSP. To me that would mean that the brake pedal is inline withe the vertical rod from the WSP.
A bit strange driving so, is it not?
With the G25 although the pedals were centered across the WSP the vertical rod , when folded up , fitted just between the brake end accelerator pedal.
With that in mind I fitted the CSP this way to the WSP


Vertical rod lined up between brake and accelerator pedal. In my opinion this is the way for this kind of wheelstand.

And another point of view pics


Just bought a profile ( meant for racks ) and saw that up in 2 pieces of different lenght. Secured that to the WSP with tyraps and the CSP to the profiles also with tyraps. It's sturdy, no movement when driving.


My WSP is sturdy side to side and front to back. Any movement is minimal and is not noticeable during game play, even when things get hairy. Part of what gives my WSP so much stability is the weight of the Clubsport pedals and the painted particle board on which they are mounted. Even without the weight, however, when I was using the WSP with the Driving Force GT and pedals, the WSP was still very sturdy.

I know the way I drive it would move side to side. That's the problem I had with my old stand. I watched all the video of it in action and could see it move left and right, then on the ISR review they even pointed that fact out. It all depends on personal driving style I guess.
I know the way I drive it would move side to side. That's the problem I had with my old stand. I watched all the video of it in action and could see it move left and right, then on the ISR review they even pointed that fact out. It all depends on personal driving style I guess.

this is crazy, I am getting to think that you are actually Thomas Fanatec friend.
In almost each post you complaining and complaing about WSP.

Ok, you are happy customer of RWS and I am not very happy customer of RWS. You didnt like lateral movements of WSP and I didnt like the thing that it broke completely- RWS.

please,show us the vidoes you watched regarding WSP and side to side movements, because bofore my purchase I watched lot of videos too and never found anything like your complaints .
this is crazy, I am getting to think that you are actually Thomas Fanatec friend.
In almost each post you complaining and complaing about WSP.

Ok, you are happy customer of RWS and I am not very happy customer of RWS. You didnt like lateral movements of WSP and I didnt like the thing that it broke completely- RWS.

please,show us the vidoes you watched regarding WSP and side to side movements, because bofore my purchase I watched lot of videos too and never found anything like your complaints .

Good for you, I don't really care.