Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel Thread- officially licensed for PS4

  • Thread starter PzR Slim
I remember that. I remember that!

That was our Super! Nice!


BTW, Krassi, couldn't agree more on Barry and the SRG.

Barry is a great guy and most important for me - he have great knowledge for electronics. mechanics etc,he have needed instruments also... even the best youtubers reviews are like show up for the product, but Barry`s are under the hood - which I like a lot!!!
Barry is a great guy and most important for me - he have great knowledge for electronics. mechanics etc,he have needed instruments also... even the best youtubers reviews are like show up for the product, but Barry`s are under the hood - which I like a lot!!!
His early reviews where always of these unattainable expensive gear. He is always very neutral and very unbiased. I am happy he is now reviewing more consumer/enthousiast grade gear too! Lets all help his channel grow!
His early reviews where always of these unattainable expensive gear. He is always very neutral and very unbiased. I am happy he is now reviewing more consumer/enthousiast grade gear too! Lets all help his channel grow!
To be honest first time I saw him reviewing product like G29 - I was like "What?" LoL. I saw him like high end gear reviewer...but agree it is great to have all kind of gear in his reviews. In some moment high end stuff is alredy reviewed and we don`t want to have huge gap with no reviews from Barry. His biggest achievement is that made opening body and see internals of the product like something normal! And ofcourse great technical specs and explanations - we all can learn something new every time! I am subbed with the belt marked!;)
I love videos that do the complete tear down and disassembly. Even it a product (in this case a wheel) performs well, getting into the guts lets you know how long it will last, what kind of engineering went into it, and how much Chinesium it's made of. I would have liked to see a complete and total tear down of the base where he takes everything apart and goes into greater detail, something like this channel

The bigger tension pulleys for "better force feedback fidelity" makes absolutely no sense. I am with Barry in saying "I don't know about all that.."

Great review and tear down by him! Thanks for posting.
@AbeFroman75 you dont happen to be a pinsetter mechanic?

Chinesium is a very common term in the industry.

Great name by the way

No, Chinesium is a pretty common term in a lot of engineering circles. When you're in a meeting with a lead design engineer they give you the low down on the chinesium composition that the product needs to have.

No, Chinesium is a pretty common term in a lot of engineering circles. When you're in a meeting with a lead design engineer they give you the low down on the chinesium composition that the product needs to have.
So I just became a member of the club. Got my elite wheel base yesterday with the load cell and is extremely happy to be part of the fanatec family. I love all the tear down videos they are so helpful. Especially for me as I live next to a field, with lots of wind makes my room so dusty. I was looking at maybe tearing down the rim. It's not bad a rim look wise little paint and a emblem will make it go a long way in appearance. Would any of the electronics be affected of it wasn't disassembled, in the spray?
BTW, I know this has been talked about ad nauseum, but from a personal standpoint on your end with respect to center/straight line rattle, what do you recommend the settings to be (again personally) to assuage the vibration but still give you all the feel you are looking for?
Interesting question. The CSL Elite Wheel does not "cause" any center line rattle, so what you're referring to is likely game-dependent. We don't provide recommended settings by game, as so much of the adjustment is about user preference. However, this is something I am considering for a future resource on our forum. The FEI setting can help to reduce rattle, and it's really up to you where you think the 'sweet spot' is for the right balance between smoothness and detail. What type of rattle are you referring to (is it vibrations from the surface, or perhaps an oscillation from excessive self-alignment), and in which game?

Can you reveal at least in what Q of the year we can see next CSL Elite rim? Or for this year the Mc Laren is the only one? Thanks
Unfortunately I'm not permitted to discuss unannounced products! :)

Quick question;

I doubt that someone will understand what I’ll try to explain but you never know.

When playing GTsport on medium to high FFB setting (in game and wheel settings adjusted, SEN on 54 and DRI -5) I have this sort of rubber “friction feeling” while turning into a corner both left and right.

It’s not the shaft rubbing against plastic but more like an elastic kind of friction. You can’t hear it but you do feel tiny “clicks” through the rim while cornering.

It’s not there every session btw. Didn’t have the issue whilst playing PCARS 2 on RAW setting.

Does anyone have an idea what the issue might be? I tried google but to no avail. The first video that pops up “csl elite friction noise”’ is definitely not it.

Thanks in advance!
There might not be anything unusual about what you are describing here. But it's possible that you are running the forces unnecessarily high - the DRI -5 setting generates the maximum friction, and GT Sport's force feedback signal tends to be quite strong even on low-to-medium settings. I would suggest experimenting with different DRI settings.
Mh, that's interesting, I use DRI -5 since I have that wheel. I'm gonna try -2 or even -1 if that helps. (cause I actually have the same feelings than @OGsoda )
Definitely worth a try. While there is a realistic element to having a huge amount of 'weight' to the steering, sometimes it can be excessive, and can suppress the FFB detail of the raw signal. Plus it can be easier to 'catch' an unwanted slide if the wheel can spin more freely. :)

Thanks for the heads up! Tried with a whole slew of different settings but unfortunately the problem is very noticeably now. You can actually hear some sort of rubber “screeching”. I’d love to post a video with sound but the upload limit on the forum is too strict. I’ve sent a support ticket though!

Thanks for the heads up! Tried with a whole slew of different settings but unfortunately the problem is very noticeably now. You can actually hear some sort of rubber “screeching”. I’d love to post a video with sound but the upload limit on the forum is too strict. I’ve sent a support ticket though!
You should upload it on YouTube and give the link here 👍
I doubt it.
Even from the fact that the mod involve replacement of plastic pulleys with real bearings will have at least small effect and huge longevity improvement! For the size some engineers here can say opinion - how bigger tension gives effect to the FFB, but I believe to "super_gt" as he did and test this mod hours and hours of gameplay!
I doubt it.
Here are two candidates.
Even from the fact that the mod involve replacement of plastic pulleys with real bearings will have at least small effect and huge longevity improvement! For the size some engineers here can say opinion - how bigger tension gives effect to the FFB, but I believe to "super_gt" as he did and test this mod hours and hours of gameplay!
Thank you for your trust Krassi.

As promised, I've uploaded a video with sound so you guys can finally hear what i'm trying to describe!

Be sure to send this video to Fanatec support.
Looks like some problem with the drive system,but it's hard to say exactly what without opening the base which I do not advise you to do.If you have the same problem as in the video I posted before the problem will worsen over time.
Be sure to send this video to Fanatec support.
Looks like some problem with the drive system,but it's hard to say exactly what without opening the base which I do not advise you to do.If you have the same problem as in the video I posted before the problem will worsen over time.

Thanks for the reply. Already contacted them with the video included. Thing is, there’s no audible sound when turning in OFF state. You can feel a bit of friction but not a lot.

Guess it’s time to play some other games for now.
Thanks for the reply. Already contacted them with the video included. Thing is, there’s no audible sound when turning in OFF state. You can feel a bit of friction but not a lot.

Guess it’s time to play some other games for now.
Btw, how you mounted the base? It moves a lot!;)
I was amazed how many position sensors you have in CSL E. For example on TM wheels you have only one hall sensor on the motor shaft on the back of the motor. Here you have one there, one in the front steering shaft and on top of that you have optical encoder like cross tech insurance. Jeez! Good job, Fanatec!!!
It’s mounted on a gt omega stand but I could definitely tighten the screws a bit more :D.
If you don`t tighten - you have very high risk to break mounting positions, because there is a movement all the time there... it is the same as you hold a carrot for it`s leaves and move it to try to pull it from the ground!;)