Fanatec Shifter SQ V1.5 mis-shifts

  • Thread starter Rob Brown

If you own a V1.5 shifter, have you had any mis-shift related issues?

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the poll is closed unfortunately.
I also think there are really much people with the miss shift problem. The YouTube video with the electrical tape fix has lots of comments of users with this problem.

@Jimmy777 did you take the pole at the top of this topic? If not please do.
@Darryl Renfro I’m about to go inside my shifter and take a look around. I noticed a grinding noise during shifts in the quiet of the early morning. I’ll re-read your posts before doing it though. I’ve got some hair brained ideas . . .
@Jimmy777 I opened up the pole.
@Darryl Renfro I popped open the shifter. Even when left in neutral due to using paddle shifters, I was getting all kinds of crazy shifts. It disappeared if I unplugged the shifter. Well, the first picture shows a little metal fragment that may explain why that was happening.

I watched some guy’s video on boobtube about placing electrical tape under the R-1-3-5-7 circuit board. (You mentioned trying this also). I thought it couldn’t hurt though, I did it. He received a bunch of positive comments.
The forward-neutral-rearward board had the original electrical tape a little out of place. I replaced it. This board looked like it actually could have a grounding issue without the tape, as evidenced by the pins that peeked through the back of the board. The ones showing don’t make contact but there were others that do.

The R-1-3-5-7 board and magnet are tiny as you wrote. Wow, this isn’t an easy fix. Fanatec will certainly address in the next design! Too bad all the Fanatec news is about a new entry level lines . . .
Still have to clean and grease. Haven’t found any conclusive evidence of the grinding. I also want to see if the pressure on the ball bearing can be increased to make the H shifting more crisp.
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I was successful in making the grinding go away with a clean and re-grease. I was also successful in making the H-shifting more crisp. Freshened up the notches with a drill bit, drilled out the bottom of the aluminum cylinder that holds the ball that ratchets in the notches. (This allows the ball to go deeper). Subtle metal removal but effective.


So, nearly 6 weeks after replacing the electrical tape, clean and regrease, I got my first misshifts today. Race ruining shift to third but shifter electronics deliver first gear. Recalibration doesn’t help. Unbolted and back out to garage for a look. Nothing obvious this time. Removed circuit boards, inspected, reassembled. Bolted back in place but didn’t test - too disgruntled to mess with it anymore tonight.
EDIT: Back operating normally. I didn’t do enough to warrant the change but I’ll take it. I’ll also keep this thread updated when I get the next issue.
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I have noticed after putting grease inside, that if you put too much grease in there it might get on the board and causes mish shifts. I think it happened once to me i thought it was the tape but i saw nome minor grease on the board. I cleaned it and everything is fine now. That happened 3 months ago. I suppose hard shifting + too much grease can cause also mish shifting
I also put electrical tape on the pcb board and immediately fixed the shifting problems. But after one week, miss shifting reappears. Maybe i have to clean the area where the magnet sits with alcohol.
I had problems with missed and wrong shifts, but I've not seen any convincing evidence that the tape fix actually fixes anything. What worked for me was just unscrewing the hall sensors and carefully cleaning any goo, fluff and grease off them and the surface where they sit. Did that a couple of months ago and haven't had any issues since then.
I have noticed after putting grease inside, that if you put too much grease in there it might get on the board and causes mish shifts. I think it happened once to me i thought it was the tape but i saw nome minor grease on the board. I cleaned it and everything is fine now. That happened 3 months ago. I suppose hard shifting + too much grease can cause also mish shifting

I also put electrical tape on the pcb board and immediately fixed the shifting problems. But after one week, miss shifting reappears. Maybe i have to clean the area where the magnet sits with alcohol.

I had problems with missed and wrong shifts, but I've not seen any convincing evidence that the tape fix actually fixes anything. What worked for me was just unscrewing the hall sensors and carefully cleaning any goo, fluff and grease off them and the surface where they sit. Did that a couple of months ago and haven't had any issues since then.
The most recent time I've encountered mis-shifts cropping back up, I removed the boards, inspected, reassembled. I did clean the ball/seat shifting mechanism since I altered [slightly] the geometry for tighter H-shifts. Admittedly, I did not clean the boards but you can bet that if 2 of you had good fortune by cleaning the boards, that I will do it [next time] whether there is residue or not. Any tip is a good one! Thanks very much for posting!
As previously mentioned i applied electrical tape on the pcb and miss shifting reappears two days after. So i opened it again and this time i applied two layers of electrical tape in the same area. Since last fix, I 'am racing almost one month (4/7 - 2hours minimum) and everything works fine. So if electrical tape didn't fix your problem try to apply one extra layer of it.