Fanatec wheel for drifting? Anyone?

So I'm pretty unsatisfied with my DFGT. I bought it on Amazon so I can still return it.

No, I'm not gonna buy a G25/G27.

Does anyone have any of the Fanatec wheels? How are they for drifting? I know they're belt driven, I saw a video of some guy playing LFS with it and it seemed pretty good.

Opinions? Anyone?
So I'm pretty unsatisfied with my DFGT. I bought it on Amazon so I can still return it.

No, I'm not gonna buy a G25/G27.

Does anyone have any of the Fanatec wheels? How are they for drifting? I know they're belt driven, I saw a video of some guy playing LFS with it and it seemed pretty good.

Opinions? Anyone?

i have a few friends that use the fanatec for drifting on forza and GT5 and they all seem to be really happy with it and say its works brilliantly

i myself use the G25 and it also is an amazing wheel and i think looks way better than a big porsche badge on your wheel :P but you said your not getting one so the fanatec seems like a solid choice
i have a fanatec.

Played Gt5P with the g25.

It's a bit different, but after half an hour you're in.

Just need the correct settings to drift on the wheel.

I use ingame : ffb 5
wheel :
sen :900
ffb 40
shock :40
drift : 4
other options are stock

I personnally think with the g25 was a bit easier to countersteer, get out of the drift but that could also been the game (gt5p).

I love it.
I have a fanatec wheel. It's a great wheel. I haven't used a g25/7 yet, but in videos it look a lot easier to turn the wheel while drifting. The fanatec wheels are really strong, so sometimes you fight it.

I'd say don't try to buy a wheel right now. Wait until fanatec releases their new wheel, which is about the same as the turbo s from the few specs i've seen. And wait until that thrustmasters wheel comes out. Then you will have two more options to choose from since you don't want a g25 or g27. Better to wait and get reviews of those first than to buy a wheel now and wish you had waited later.

Plus I'm not sure if the turbo s is still available. So you would end up buying a gt3 rs v2. Only pc and ps3 compatible. Might as well wait for the new one which might be xbox, pc and ps3 compatible. That's if the thrustmaster isn't a good option. Then invest in clubsport pedals, and the ebrake when they release it.
Having used all the console wheels on the market, I would have to say my Turbo S is the easiest to drift with. The G25/27 is nice, but with the right settings the Fanatec wheels have them over a barrel.

I really love my Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S...

Not only b/c of the fit and finish is amazing, but the thing is quiet as can be. I can grind on it all day, and it's super quiet. Not only that, but the FFB is very powerful, and can be toned down to meet your needs...

Add that, to the fact that you can alter FFB, Wheel Rotation (210-900degrees), Shock, Drift Modes, Damper, etc. on the fly just by using the lcd screen on the's amazing...

AND u can have 5 different saved settings on ur wheel that u can change instantaneously when u switch racing games...
Thanks for the input guys!

I should have researched more though, I was looking at the Carrera wheel:

Because it's cheap, and it comes with pedals and a shifter haha. BUT, I just looked at the comparisons, and it's gear driven vs. belt driven like the other wheel. The other wheel is $180, which is fine, but it doesn't come with pedals or a shifter.

Pedals - $50
Shifter - $50

So that's $280 total without tax and shipping, WAY more than I want to spend.

I guess then, has anyone used the Carerra wheel? Gear driven so I'm assuming it'll be a little like the DFGT/G25/Logitech stuff.

And I would get the G25/G27 if it wasn't so expensive.
carrera here. im not too good at drifting yet but it is fun just learning! jerking into the corner, letting go of the wheel and letting the force feedback countersteer till you grab it, then control the drift with throttle and a little steering is an awsome feeling.
I have a Fanatec GT2. The wheel to end all wheels as far as i'm concerned. Drifting cannot get any better. But be prepared to face some long waiting for your orders and customer service hurdles. It's worth it though. The only better wheel out there is the Frex, but that is an abomination price wise.
I have the carrera and i would say that it isn't good for drifting at all.. its too slow!
I own one and love it, with all the settings theres no reason why its too slow. I dont like when people let go and let counter steer with FF it seems unnatural, I always have my hands on the wheel moving it. I suggest to get it. Its very fun with heel toe and such. but i drift with FB 100, sen 540, drift at 2 or so. linear at 40 and dead 20. but play with it how you like. takes a while to get used to as you basically are unlocking 2 more attributes to drifting, accurate throttle and braking. Have you watched the simracing review?
I did watch the simracing review, that's what got me to buy it. The wheel is ok for racing, but when drifting it's just too slow.. thats's my opinion. of course it's possible to drift with it but i would recommend a g27.
I have two very different wheels.
I have a DFGT for all my circuit racing needs, but with always on 900 degree rotation it is totally hopeless for drifting.
That is why i still own my second ever wheel, a DF EX... i use that for drifting as it has something like only 270 degrees, so its very good for drifting!
I have two very different wheels.
I have a DFGT for all my circuit racing needs, but with always on 900 degree rotation it is totally hopeless for drifting.
That is why i still own my second ever wheel, a DF EX... i use that for drifting as it has something like only 270 degrees, so its very good for drifting!

Theres absolutely nothing wrong with the dfgt, it just takes a bit more handwork when doing transitions. Nothing wrong with it
Theres absolutely nothing wrong with the dfgt, it just takes a bit more handwork when doing transitions. Nothing wrong with it

Agreed, sounds like that poster just has rather slow hands. I mean, what about drifting in a real car? I'm sure competition drift cars have less wheel rotation lock to lock, but a street legal drifter probably deals with the full 2 turns as well. I see nothing wrong with that.

I will most likely be picking up a Carrera Wheel this summer, once I get some cash together. A friend of mine has one, and he loves it. I wish I could try it out, but I'll take his word for it. :)
I read before that the G25/27 are better for drifting because the Fanatec wheel does not rotate as fast, making it more difficult/unrealistic for drifting. This is not from my experience and maybe their newer wheels are better, but something worth looking into.