Fanatic Arabs remind you of something 60-65 years ago?

  • Thread starter rjensen11
Originally posted by Gil
I still want to know why the little white woman on the plane puts her purse on the side near the bulkhead when I sit beside her?
I can see it now: "EEK! The overly large black man grabbed my purse and ran for the back of the plane."

Oh yeah, I forgot you were erm, black. :)


If I came across an Arab in my life, I would treat him just as normally as I would anyone else, just like I would a German (their leader (of sorts) did something bad, doesnt mean they're bad). I think the stereotypical response to Arabs as being plane hijacking terrorists is from all the patriotic (if thats the right term) Americans who say 'Let's bomb the hell out of them, because they killed 3000 of us!' - I may have worded it wrong, but thats how I feel, don't bash me, it's my opinion - my 2 cents.
Originally posted by HRT_Maloo
I couldnt give a **** about the history of what any other religion has done. Its today that matters.

This proves that anything you say should be promptly disregarded. Humans are historical beings. Period. Everthing has (is) a cause and everthing is (has) an effect. History is prractically all that matters.
Originally posted by TAFJonathan
Yeah. And the Christians have probably killed more people than Muslims. Remember the Crusades? Remember destroying the infidels?

Christians have as much of a history as religious fundementalist nutjobs as Muslims. Where's your beef with the Christians?

Yep. In fact it seems to make sense to say that Islam is somewhere around the same historical stage as Christianity was during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition (enter John Clese and Eric Idol :lol:). It's part of the development of any institution aimed at control and power, which is what Christianity was and Islam is.

So I guess they'll grow out of it. It's just a stage.
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Oh yeah, I forgot you were erm, black. :)

Sometimes, so do I.
I would like to "grow up" and live in a "color-blind" world.

Just not red-green color blind, especially around traffic signals. :D
Originally posted by Gil

And furthermore, I've actually seen white men jump.

One time, a really fat white friend of mine was attempting to play basketball with me and a few of my friends, and a black guy in a car drove by just as the fat one was shooting and screamed, "White men can't jump!!"

Without even batting an eyelash, my fat friend turned around and screamed "Yeah? Well, black men can't do taxes!!"

The moral to the story is that we're all ignorant, except for those of us who are educated and mature enough to distinguish between situations.

Though I only told the story itself because I was just thinking about it last week.
Errm, this is one of the more offensive threads (not really threads, but a few posts) I've seen here at GTP. By now, most of you here should know that I'm a muslim. I've had enough of this stereotyping and if I had discovered this thread earlier, I would have given you a verbal beating that rivals those of neon_duke. M5Power, milefile, and Gil did most of it for me. Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate it :).

Originally posted by M5Power
One time, a really fat white friend of mine was attempting to play basketball with me and a few of my friends, and a black guy in a car drove by just as the fat one was shooting and screamed, "White men can't jump!!"

Without even batting an eyelash, my fat friend turned around and screamed "Yeah? Well, black men can't do taxes!!"
