Fast And Furious Cars for GT3!!!!Wow!!

  • Thread starter Bullet
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hmm Powerman, you say "OK" too....that's really wierd...must be a syndrome in your nieghborhood.
on that site they say that vince drives a silvia varietta but in the movie he has what looks like a sentra ser. any one know what vince drives fro sure?
Pics?????????????I really don't belive it because i went to GTH and the file was there i printed it out then put it on my gameshark.the gameshark froze.I say the codes don't work!!!
You Bullet, planned a ruse to us of the fnf cars??? I can't believe this happening, guys we had enough of him, he is just another sorryass deceiver, let's get outta here from this stupid ****head.
Originally posted by Powerman
Pics?????????????I really don't belive it because i went to GTH and the file was there i printed it out then put it on my gameshark.the gameshark froze.I say the codes don't work!!!

I know this was posted a while back but...

Sorry I have to say this, but you're a friggin idiot. You've proven that time and time again. It's about time you just give up.

If your gameshark freezes, that means you entered the codes wrong.

Double check your codes. Chances are you screwed up, if you even tried entering them and weren't just saying that.

Btw people, like I said elsewhere, the cars aren't turned into F&F cars. They stay what they are. Their performance is the only thing that is changed.
Originally posted by skynyrd

Sorry I have to say this, but you're a friggin idiot. You've proven that time and time again. It's about time you just give up.

Sorry to say this to but shut the **** up you basterd!!!!!
Originally posted by Powerman

Sorry to say this to but shut the **** up you basterd!!!!!

Excuse me, but who in the friggin hell do you think you are? You've done NOTHING constructive in this forum that I've seen, except to start stupid, idiotic rumors or keep old ones alive. Show me a link to a thread where you actually helped someone without restating what someone else had already said. In fact, show me a link to a thread where you actually did anything useful at all. If you can scrape one up, I'll be very surprised.

By the way, it might be helpful if you would go check a dictionary or something next time you aren't sure how to spell something. It would help you to look a lot smarter than if you misspell every other word.
You know what im am not going to post anything just to show proof ive done something right and i have!!!!!Find them yourself im not your maid!!!!!!
Lol, interesting reply there. How old are you now? 10? 11? Does your mommy know that you go around telling strangers on the internet that they are "basterds"?

Oh well, it doesn't matter. I haven't seen even one truly intelligent or even thoughtful post from you, anywhere on Gtplanet. And I'm not going to go searching for the one or maybe two possibly useful posts you've made out of what, almost 600 now? Go outside. Get some fresh air and get out of that dark, dusty little room of yours. Go climb a tree like any good little kid should have a chance to do.

By the way, don't bother clicking that reply button until you actually have something intelligent to say.
So Civic, you are Bullit's GF or Powerman's GF or both?

As you can see, he's not well liked here for his lack of knowlage and lack of truth. He tryied to get me to fight with him on here so that he could block me cause he wanted attention.
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