PS-CITY is now the fastest I have encountered. Looks like I am going to have to tame the GT LM. LOL.
idk Tarmac, if i remember right you were the one in the gt test car. and u were raming me alot.
I spent a huge amount of time racing online last night trying to find someone to race against but to no avail. If I wasn't taken out I would win and for some reason I always started in the top 3. How does GT decide where your grid position is?
I know this sounds like I am blowing my own trumpet but trust me I am not. I don't consider myself to be the best online racer at all. It's just in those situations I just wonder which is better: Online Racers or the AI?
But I suppose it also depends on what time you are online. Last night I was on from 16:00 to 21:00 (+2 GMT). Does anyone else here race during those times?
I hope that tonight I can find some GTRP / GTP guys to drive against because last night was a joke.
Definentally GTP_JASE72 and GTRP_RudiRaser! They are skilled, but I can still beat them. They can still beat me lol![]()
I have had the pleasure of racing against you Sphinx and the honour was mine. Pity I couldn't keep up in the old bomb Jag of mine, but I was happy to stay within three or four seconds of you for the three laps that we raced. A GTnet chap (cannot remember his name) who was in a tuned 350Z was a brilliant and highly skilled racer and were he not racing against me (i.e. had clean air) I reckon he could have taken you...
The honour was mine. Thanks for a great race!
First Hello too all GTP gentleman driver
I register to your board to say hello to Aero ,as we had a few race together today.Seen sphynx also and ae86ke something like this .(it was uk86ze)
ReaL pleasure too race with guys.👍
I apologise if sometime i am not clean at it should be,there is some car i got trouble with.
ps:Excuse my english please i'm just a poor French![]()
PS-CITY is now the fastest I have encountered. Looks like I am going to have to tame the GT LM. LOL.
I hate to say it but wonderwilley is probably the fastest guy I've seen on the track. It's hard to keep up with him once he's in front. However, when he's coming from behind I let out a small groan, often for seeing an unpleasant feeling of violation and a bit of a ram. I imagine it's like the feeling you get when you hear the gloves snap on at your gynecologist...
He may be a winner but being in the same game as him is never an enjoyable experience. If I see a quicker racer I'll pull over, when it is safe to do so. wonderwilley wont bother waiting for the straight. Lets hope damage comes sooner. On a higher note, I'm well impressed with the 135tii he drives. Mightily quick out of the corners!
GTRP_muffin - what in the hell have you done to that EVO-X???
I demand somebody drugtest that car immediately. I swear he must be hitting 160 on the straights![]()
Hey EAguy I am sorry if you feel I have been unfair on the track, I realy do try to be as clean as posible but there has been a few times where I am realy frustrated like your self at other drivers and I will admit that sometimes I lose my cool, so I truly am sorry, point taken.......
You're just not accelerating hard enough Pent! You were an easy target down the straights today...
Hey EAguy I am sorry if you feel I have been unfair on the track, I realy do try to be as clean as posible but there has been a few times where I am realy frustrated like your self at other drivers and I will admit that sometimes I lose my cool, so I truly am sorry, point taken.......