For example: the best HP on this car comes at 5600 RPM. I am definately not going to let it sit till 7000 redline, because it starts to bog at 6000 rpm. Anything after 6500 rpm is garbage. So to keep the next gear near the 5600 peak, I will shift at 6500. Compromise: shifting at 6500 will make the engine bog a little, but not too much. Shifting before 6500 you will not bog, but the next gear will lag. Shift too late, after 6500, and the engine will bog down horribly. All about balance. I used to let 4th gear drag into the redline until it hit the finish, because I thought that was the best way. Then I tried shifting into 5th, and the car just bolted! Compare: 4th gear redilne drag produces 12.XXX E.T., 7000 RPM shift: 11.67X E.T., 6500 shift: 11.4XXX E.T. Also, if your first gear burns out the tires too much, vary the throttle until it almost reaches max speed on that gear, probably 75% max speed on that gear, and shift into 2nd. 2nd wil torque the car through the power band.