Thanks for the courteous, helpful response. I've read the thread, dip****: GT5 has a fatal bug that will prevent your game from loading once it reaches 4165kb, and that your save file grows every time you save. Also, reading the news and going into the museum seems to inflate it worse than anything else.
So for the GT Planet users that have reading and comprehension problems, let me rephrase my question: What the hell are you doing to make your save files so gigantic? I play everyday and mine is only a little over 500kb. Does that fact that I don't read the news or go in the museum make that big of a difference?
Apparently yes,
at least regarding the Museum.
My case:
A-Spec 31, B-Spec 32 (all races done bar the ones that require higher levels), all special events, all seasonals, all licenses golded, about 1000th day (don't know percentage of game completion, but you can guess it from the above info). Others have these or even more impressive stats, and while they have a sub 1MB save file (ranging from 600 kb to 900 kb), I have a ...
2.4 MB save game file size!
So, what's special about me, you ask?
Well, I am a Museum Card Collector and everyday, from 2 months ago until I heard of this bug, I have been carefully checking the museum for each and every single brand. Worse, since recently I was getting near completion of the museum, what I usually did was open each brand and scroll immediately down to the missing cards (that means, scroll to the absolute bottom), because when you miss 30 cards in 300, it's easier to check and account for the ones you miss than for the ones you have.
Also, I have a group of friends that was willingly helping me out these last weeks (because when the closer you get to completion the harder it gets to get NEW cards) and they all, after I asked them to stop checking their own museums daily, reported bigger than 1 MB saves.
Check this:
And this:
So, here you have ONE answer. No idea about the effect of GT TV, never entered there.