Favorite car to drive in GT2

  • Thread starter Randy
My speed 12 has 807hp too.
I was talking about the Jaguar X220, it's in the special car section, and can be tuned to over 900 horses.
Sorry about the mix up, but I was trying to explain that I think the Jag. is harder to tune than the TVR.
I'd also like to metion that when I rate a cars performance, I only consider what it's capable of doing (w/me behind the wheel), and not necesarily how easy it is to do.
Out of all them tons and tons of cars, which is the best to you?

I like either the 1999 Toyota Cerumo One Supra or the Honda del Sol LM Edition.
For regular cars I like the RUF sport 2(the one w/AWD,& that awsome rainbow spoiler in the back)

For the race mod. I like the Penzoil Skyline.

I wonder if Nissan had anything to do with the production of GT2 'cause there a s#*@load of skylines in this game.
Originally posted by Afrodeeziac
I'd also like to metion that when I rate a cars performance, I only consider what it's capable of doing (w/me behind the wheel), and not necesarily how easy it is to do.

I agree. You usually end up getting used to the car and knowing how to drive it. The first time I got in a Dodge Viper I was $#!t. But they're easy as to drive now.
That one of those skylines that have 714 (I think) horsepower right?

Anyway, I think I still got that one. Haven't used it yet though. And it was back in the early 200 days when I got that car. :D :D
The RX-T GT-C looks cool. Not as nice as the Dodge Viper GTS though. From behind it looks better than the GTS - thats why it's my favourite car to look at while driving, 'cause all you see is the back of the car. :D
i think skyline got the best power. totally tuned it can give you 774 HP. consider that when you are buying a new car.

oh yeah, always buy a 4WD car, it handles better.

All golds on I-B. :eek: The only two I can get gold on in that license is the first two rallys. The first rally I got gold straight up.
That's the only reason I'm not interested in getting all gold on IB. I'm going for all golds B & A. I just want to complete B license all golds so I can feel proud I've finally done a license in all golds. A license I want the Concept Car. :D
favourite cars to look on replay:
Escort rally,
Impreza 22b,
and for driving:
Denso Supra,
Penzoil Skyline,
Focus Rally,
Impreza Rally,
and most of FR street cars.
I remember an ugly Venturi Race car, - yeah it looked like ****, but it was my fav car in GT2.
A terribly underrated car that no one used.
Is that special model Venturi that cost 2 million? It's silver, got writing on it and in my opinion, isn't the greatest looking car. I was gonna buy it, but then I heard you could tune the XJ220 to 900+ horsepower. Buying the XJ220 and tuning it is better value than the Venturi. It costs under 2 million to buy and mod and has equal or even better top-end speed than the Escudo. Much easier to handle and turn!!

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