Chris from GC is a good drummer
but the best drummer has to be Rob Bourdon from LP
but the best drummer has to be Rob Bourdon from LP
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Neil Peart is my favorite and I think he might be the best.
Edit: I should really learn to spell Peart.
P-E-A-R-T. Got it.
I am a big Rush fan myself but there's a reason why Neil idolized this guy...because he's the best that ever lived. Speed, precision, timing, rhythm + the ability to maintain an "I can do this all day long, blindfolded", look on his face through most of this solo. I believe he was 61 at the time.Maybe I'm cliche, maybe I'm just a Rush geek, and I'm probably both, but Neil Peart is... is... He's just... I need a moment.
Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan - Drummer of Avenged Sevenfold (R.I.P ;-; )
Funny and crazy person, who was a demon on the drums.
A drumcam of him playing one of my fav A7X songs live (not mine but I apologise for the guy using a potatodrumcam)