Favorite quotes

'If he's so smart how come he's dead?'
-Homer Simpson

'Some say the ducks went to Canada, others say Toronto.'
-Bart Simpson

'After you kids came along, your mom, she said something to me I never
quite understood. She said, "Now, we're just here to be memories for our kids."
I think now I understand what she meant.
Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future.'

-Cooper (Interstellar)

Boomer: 'There it is, men. Toronto.'
Roy Boy: 'It's beautiful. Like no other city I've ever seen.
It's like Albany. Only cleaner.
(Canadian Bacon)

Mick: 'Did you fight last night?'
Rocky: 'Yeah.'
Mick: 'Did you win?'
Rocky: 'Yeah, I won. A K.O. in the second.'
Mick: 'Yeah? Who'd ya fight?'
Rocky: 'Spider Rico.'
Mick [laughing]: 'He's a bum.'
Rocky: 'You think everybody I fight is a bum.'
Mick: 'Well ain't they?'

(Rocky) One of my favorite films of all time.

Pippin: 'I didn't think it would end this way.'
Gandalf: 'End? No, the journey doesn't end here.
Death is just another path... One that we all must take.
The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass...
And then you see it.'
Pippin: 'What? Gandalf?... See what?'
Gandalf: 'White shores... and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.'
Pippin: [smiling] 'Well, that isn't so bad.'
Gandalf: [softly] 'No... No it isn't.'

(The Return of the King)

'If I could have my wasted days back, would I use them to get back on track?'
-James Hetfield

'Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea.
You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it.
Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo.
Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp,
lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup,
shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger,
shrimp sandwich... [pauses] That- that's about it.'

(Forrest Gump)
"It's only impossible if you stop to think about it" - Pirates

"He's just a fan, I have lots of them. Granted, he's the first one to not criticize everything I do" - Sonic, Sonic Boom.
"You have to always have something to look forward to, and it can be a very minor thing
and it can be a major thing, but you always have to have something you're looking forward to next."

Julia Louis-Dreyfus

"People spend too much time thinking of the past. Whatever else it is it's gone."
Justin McLeod

"The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die."
Juliette Lewis
I don't know for sure if these were actually said during the real trial they are based on but the German film Sophie Scholl - The Final Days has two of my favourite lines in all cinema within the space of a minute.

The film is about the real-life show trial and execution of Sophie Scholl and Fritz Scholl, two members of the anti-Nazi resistance. During the show trial in the kangaroo court two great lines are said when the sentences are read out. The two defendants have their closing words to the judge:

Sophie Scholl
Soon you'll be standing where we stand now.

Fritz Scholl
Today you hang us but tomorrow it is you who will be hanged.

The film is based on genuine documents and transcripts so I would like to believe them to be real. In the context of the scene, it's very cutting. I think they also resonate with me simply because these events did happen. The weight and implication behind them is tangible and real.
"Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities." - Dr. Seuss

This one is too true...
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools - Douglas Adams
I think it's quite possible to do all sorts of things and at the same time be completely dead inside.
My Dinner with Andre

People find life entirely too time consuming.
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

I remember where I came from and how I became a human, why I hung around.
And now my final departure is scheduled. This way out.
Escaping velocity. Not just eternity, but infinity.

Waking Life

So you think you know me well. Well I tell you that you don't, my friend.
It may seem like I'm alone, but I'm happy on my own. Alone but not lonely.


You think people will still be using napkins in the year 2000?
Or is this mouth-vacuum thing for real?


If there's a flaw, it's human. It always is.
Minority Report
Just found out about Daryl Davis, who has some brilliant quotes

"When two enemies are talking, they're not fighting"

"Find someone who disagrees with you, and invite them to your table"

"Ignorance can be cured, stupidity cannot"

"We're living in Space Age times but there's still too many of us thinking with Stone Age minds"
"POWER!!" - Emperor Palpatine - Scene where Anakin turns to the dark side in Episode III right when Palpatine force electrocutes Mace Windu.

I'm sorry but, I just find that quote very cool. If you've watched Star Wars, you'll understand.

'Martinis don't grope people - people grope people.'

Greg Gutfeld - The Five, Fox News

'If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.'
Harry S. Truman - 33rd POTUS

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."
Albert Einstein - Theoretical Physicist

'If Homer Simpson wants his ten year old son working in a burlesque house, then Homer Simpson's ten year old son is going to work in a burlesque house.'
-Homer Simpson

That episode is among my all time favorites.

My favorite Homer quote from it is this one though.

"I was trying to punish him exactly like you would. So in an way, you really dropped the ball on this one. This is your mess, and I'll be damned if I'm going to clean it up."
You're born alone and you die alone. And this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one.
-Don Draper

And I cry to the alleyway.
Confess all to the rain.
But I lie, lie straight to the mirror.
The one I've broken to match my face.

-James Hetfield

When the wind fills the sky, the clouds will move aside.
And there will be the road to all our dreams. And for any day that stings, two better days it brings. Nothing is as bad as it seems.

"Just a Burger? Just a burger. Robin, it’s so much more than "just a burger." I mean…that first bite—oh, what heaven that first bite is. The bun, like a sesame freckled breast of an angel, resting gently on the ketchup and mustard below, flavors mingling in a seductive pas de deux. And then…a pickle! The most playful little pickle! Then a slice of tomato, a leaf of lettuce and a…a patty of ground beef so exquisite, swirling in your mouth, breaking apart, and combining again in a fugue of sweets and savories so delightful. This is no mere sandwich of grilled meat and toasted bread, Robin. This is God, speaking to us in food."

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'Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system and public health.. what have the Romans ever done for us?'

Bobby Allison on the unforgetable fight between him, Donnie Allison, and Cale Yarborough on the last lap of the 1979 Daytona 500:

"And of course, my version of that is that I got out of the car and then he went to beating on my fists with his nose."

Gets me every time! :lol:
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"When I was younger, I used to think the whole world was drunk. Then I moved to America and realized it's just England that's drunk."

Ozzy Osbourne - I am Ozzy (Hatchette Book Group)
"Stop leaving printouts of Reddit threads on my desk, Dan! You know I'm just throwing them away! I hate you!"

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not living"

Not sure where it came from. I like to believe I made it up (circa 2005) as I don't remember reading it anywhere but I'm just as sure it was coined long before my time.
No matter what you've done, you deserve respect. Even if you make mistakes, you're lovable. And it doesn't matter, your looks, skills, age, size or anything... you're worthwhile. And no one can ever take that away from you.

I don't wanna die.
But I ain't keen on living either.

-Robbie Williams

I respect women. I love women.
I respect them so much that I completely stay away from them.

-Andy Stitzer

A man is humble. A man takes care of his family. A man knows the environment that he lives in and is informed. A man is involved and understands history. That's what measured men in the past.
-Alex Jones

-Do you play sports, Russell?
-I used to bowl when I was an alcoholic.

Pushing Tin

-I like the cut of your jib.
-What's a jib?

The Simpsons

-Why do my eyes hurt?
-You've never used them before.

The Matrix
A man is humble. A man takes care of his family. A man knows the environment that he lives in and is informed. A man is involved and understands history. That's what measured men in the past.
-Alex Jones
"I grew up in Dallas, Texas, drinking sodium fluoridated water. All the scientific studies show my IQ has been reduced by at least 20 points. The shadow of who I would have been calls out from the grave."

"The reason there are so many gay people now is because it's a chemical warfare operation. I have the government documents where they said they're going to encourage homosexuality with chemicals so people don't have children."

"What do you think tap water is? It's a gay bomb, baby. And I'm not saying people didn't naturally have homosexual feelings. I'm not even getting into it, quite frankly. I mean, give me a break. Do you think I'm like, oh, shocked by it, so I'm up here bashing it because I don't like gay people? I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the water that TURN THE FREAKIN' FROGS GAY! Do you understand that? I'm sick of being social engineered, it's not funny!"

--Alex Jones

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