Favorite Section of Track

  • Thread starter milefile
There was a thread for best and worst corner of the game. It was hard to decide because a corner can be great fun unless you messed up the one before it just a little bit. So then it seemed like I could only decide on sections of track.

Lately I have two: Grand Valley, from just after the 1st turn until the 1st tunnel... I like it because you can go so fast through those curves and turns.

The other one is Trial mountain from the straight to the 1st tunnel, but not the first lap; you gotta hit the first curves going at least 160. Although it's one of my favorites I still mess it up more than most turns. Probably becasue it's a challenge.

Oh and I hate the first turn after the chicane on Red Rock Valley.
Seattle's final chicane
Midfield's flat out right-left after the first corner
The left-right after the hairpin at Clubman/Special Stage Route 5
And any other chicane that can be taken with your foot to the floor.
I think the second half of Deep Forect really rocks. The hard left onto the back straight all the way to the finish line is really something. You have to have a lot of faith in your car setup to make that series work out for you.

The Apricot Hill esses are fun, a good way to make up time. The AI can never get it right, but I like it because it reminds me of the Suzuka esses.

The little esses in High Speed Ring are kind of fun...many different ways to take them in different cars.

The curves in Smokey Mountain South are quite fun; it reminds me of a rally version of Tahiti Road, lots of nice drifts.

I have to admit, I've never been a great fan of Grand Valley; too many slow corners. I like it in an underpowered car, but for some reason, too much horsepower seems to ruin the course.

And Tahiti Maze has too many hairpins. At least at Pikes Peak you get up to good approach speed for them.
my favorite part is the second turn in Red Rock Valley, the S shaped, fun to take really fast.....or go straight through the grass and then dont try to straighten up until u hit the road....fun