- 2,512
Whats your favourite gang car. I likethe Diablo one for it sound but idunno why, but i like the mafia car. Maybe cos its the hardest to steal. And probably the most realistic to life.
Originally posted by Exccidium
The Yardie Lobo and Diablo Stallion are my favs.
Love the hydaulics in the yardie, just sitting at the lights bouncing the front end.
Originally posted by danpollard
Whats your favourite gang car. I likethe Diablo one for it sound but idunno why, but i like the mafia car. Maybe cos its the hardest to steal. And probably the most realistic to life.
Originally posted by vat_man
I love the Mafia staff car - goes well, handles well, pretty durable - got one put away in each of the garages at Portland, Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale. Must be the big black sedan.
Originally posted by vat_man
I love the Mafia staff car - goes well, handles well, pretty durable - got one put away in each of the garages at Portland, Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale. Must be the big black sedan.
Originally posted by Magic069
gotta go with the hydros!!! I love that, could entertain me for hours, just making that car hop!!!
Originally posted by vat_man
They are fun - although I have rolled one while fooling around with it while driving - went left right left right on the hydraulics, and then took a sharp left while it was still rocking - must have timed with with the suspension rolling over to the left, she went up on two wheels and I nearly saved it.
Needless to say I rolled over a policeman in the accident, so there were some fun and games for a couple of minutes after that...