Feast Your Eyes on the First Assetto Corsa Competizione Gameplay Footage

Driveclub weather affects on the windscreen do look incredible but water doesn't move across the screen like that when turning IRL.

Their rain is definetly stylised but it looks so good i wish it was like that in real life lol
Physics looks a bit odd IMO. Like the loss of grip is not as progressive and regaining grip is too easy That pass around the outside of Eau Rouge - if you do that in AC you will probably end up in the wall, let alone doing it in the rain. Also the cockpit suspension movements seems far too exaggerated, we are driving stiffly sprung racecars here, not a 70s Detroit rustbucket with marshmallow suspension...

Apart from that, graphics, sounds, atmosphere is on point with expectations 👍
Physics looks a bit odd IMO. Like the loss of grip is not as progressive and regaining grip is too easy

I was thinking about that and i ask myself if this is not something that is common with cars with such high amounts of downforce. The range of 'limit' with those cars is very small, you either are in or out of it, whereas the progressive loss of grip occurs more on cars with lower amounts of downforce.
I was thinking about that and i ask myself if this is not something that is common with cars with such high amounts of downforce. The range of 'limit' with those cars is very small, you either are in or out of it, whereas the progressive loss of grip occurs more on cars with lower amounts of downforce.

Problem is it didn't look like that in old Assetto.

I'm a firm believer that you can't judge physics unless you hold the wheel in your hands yourself, but my first impressions with racing games have always been pretty close most of the time. Physics was one of my main worries with UE4 engine, and so far the gameplay videos are making me more worried than reassured. Fingers crossed it's not actually the case.

Anyone know what is the Stem Early Access release date?
Physics looks a bit odd IMO. Like the loss of grip is not as progressive and regaining grip is too easy That pass around the outside of Eau Rouge - if you do that in AC you will probably end up in the wall, let alone doing it in the rain. Also the cockpit suspension movements seems far too exaggerated, we are driving stiffly sprung racecars here, not a 70s Detroit rustbucket with marshmallow suspension...

Apart from that, graphics, sounds, atmosphere is on point with expectations 👍
The reason it looks like there's no loss of Progressive grip in the rain and off is because there are no wet weather physics in this demo. Weather and the environment is static and only visual. The devs have said now they will start on wet physics.
The reason it looks like there's no loss of Progressive grip in the rain and off is because there are no wet weather physics in this demo. Weather and the environment is static and only visual. The devs have said now they will start on wet physics.

Well if it's using dry physics then it's even more wrong because compared to old Assetto (which is fully dry) I've never seen the car behave like that. If it's wet at least you have the excuse of sudden aquaplaning.

Also, I realise this will be released as Early Access, but isn't it too late if they are just developing wet weather physics now? It will surely take more than a month to program, implement, test the various cars/tyres/tracks/AI combination for rain. Not to mention all the various in between conditions between full dry and full wet if they are implementing dynamic weather. If that's the case and we are getting essentially an alpha demo, I might hold off for a while getting ACC. I hate being a beta tester for games. AC and its mods will keep me plenty occupied in the meantime.
Well if it's using dry physics then it's even more wrong because compared to old Assetto (which is fully dry) I've never seen the car behave like that. If it's wet at least you have the excuse of sudden aquaplaning.

Also, I realise this will be released as Early Access, but isn't it too late if they are just developing wet weather physics now? It will surely take more than a month to program, implement, test the various cars/tyres/tracks/AI combination for rain. Not to mention all the various in between conditions between full dry and full wet if they are implementing dynamic weather. If that's the case and we are getting essentially an alpha demo, I might hold off for a while getting ACC. I hate being a beta tester for games. AC and its mods will keep me plenty occupied in the meantime.
Too late for what? Early access will be nothing more than a beta, or even alpha. I highly doubt they plan on EA having full content and feature. The physics are straight from AC so I don't see why you would be worried about UE4. Ultimately, time will tell.
It is relatively normal that Early Access is the Alpha stage of the game where you can get a good impression about the graphics and the gameplay mechanics you can come to expect. But it's far from finished.
@LeGeNd-1 what you describe what you would want from Early Access is basically the game being almost finished :) - Why then even have an Early Access at all then :)
The reason it looks like there's no loss of Progressive grip in the rain and off is because there are no wet weather physics in this demo. Weather and the environment is static and only visual. The devs have said now they will start on wet physics.
Not exactly, actually they have already started with the wet physics.

"We are only now reaching the exciting (and complex) part of rain physics development, the E3 demo is very much a static environment in comparison to our objectives for release (and rather focuses on showing off visuals), stay tuned for more in that regard."
It is relatively normal that Early Access is the Alpha stage of the game where you can get a good impression about the graphics and the gameplay mechanics you can come to expect. But it's far from finished.
@LeGeNd-1 what you describe what you would want from Early Access is basically the game being almost finished :) - Why then even have an Early Access at all then :)

No, I get what Early Access is for. But it's a bit odd if they release it and the wet physics are only half baked. Even though it's a demo, wet racing is supposed to be one of the key features of ACC. How can we give input to the devs when their MAIN feature is not ready?

I don't know how it was with original AC Early Access. Maybe their physics was also pretty unsorted at the start of EA back in 2013 and look how the end result is. Hopefully ACC can continue to improve over the coming months.
No, I get what Early Access is for. But it's a bit odd if they release it and the wet physics are only half baked. Even though it's a demo, wet racing is supposed to be one of the key features of ACC. How can we give input to the devs when their MAIN feature is not ready?

I don't know how it was with original AC Early Access. Maybe their physics was also pretty unsorted at the start of EA back in 2013 and look how the end result is. Hopefully ACC can continue to improve over the coming months.
I thought the main feature was the Blancpain competition? Also, shouldn't we wait until the build is actually released before commenting on what it does and does not contain?
I think July may be too soon, but I hope I'm wrong.

Anyway, Stefano said he still not sure about VR support at launch, so even if I get it, I'm not sure I will play it until it has full VR support.
I personally am not a fan of VR. I might become one once we get 'proper' headsets with at least 4k resolution per eye. Being used to playing games only in native 4k on an OLED these days, i find every VR goggles i tried until now super unsatisfying
I read on Marco's FB that EA is around the corner, but also not too soon. Which is opposite of their trademark.

Sounds like a month from now on for me :D

Asked whether or not they have an idea about when EA will happen he said exactly this on his FB 24h ago: "Of course we have, and at proper time we’ll announce it"

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