Ferrari Challenge ist not an argument? i see that different. They have a damage, ye you got right if you say "its far away from realistic".
the thing is that, ferrari apparently says to PD: "we dont want even a damaged side mirror on our cars in GT". thats the reasons what makes me thoughtfully.
In Forza, FC or PGR has Ferrari damaged sidemirrors, Bumpers, scratches in the paint - all what ferrari dont wanna have in GT5. thats a bit strange, hm?
whatever, be patient

Greetings to Bonn
See, that is exactly what i thought would be your answer.
1st: I think the whole discussion "Ferrari or damage" is bullc***.
Just like the example with the side mirrors.
That was an exaggerated example in an interview and who knows how accurate it got translated.
2nd: You still dont know what license PD has for Ferrari (as an example).
If it includes "make advertisment for our cars and let them shine with realistic physics" but not "you can damage them", you have a problem.
And who knows how expensive it would be.
Forza and PGR are funded by Microsoft, so there isnt any financial problem.
EDIT: As for Ferrari Challenge, you can only crash Ferraris with Ferraris, so thats not such a big issue anymore.
Race Driver 2 & 3 also had that problem, remember the race editor from RD1? Codemasters had to cut it out because of licensing issues.
Manufacturers didnt want to see their cars race agains some other cars...
3rd: You also forgot the complexity of the car models.
Just alone the bumpers from a GT5 F430 should have almost as much polygons as the whole
body (not talking about interiour, details, wheels etc) of an FC F430. Its very difficult to model a proper crash damage with such complex car models. The bending, the physics, the technical damage everything has to be rendered in real-time.
Not to mention that the PS3 isnt the "ubercomputer"....
@rofajole: I think the slowdowns are an engine problem and should be sorted out till GT5 arrives. GT4 NTSC-J also stutters sometimes iirc, while GT4 PAL doesnt (at least not very often).