Ferrari and Damage

  • Thread starter Lain

Which of these would you rather Polyphony do?

  • Ferraris, no damage

    Votes: 48 49.0%
  • No Ferraris, damage

    Votes: 50 51.0%

  • Total voters


United States
Pasadena, TX
Yes, I know there's already a thread going about damage...

But I'm curious. Which would you guys rather have?

A. Ferraris but no damage


B. No Ferraris but damage.

My personal vote is for option B.
Done to death, stop making threads about it.
Ferrari is not the only manufacturer.

I'm not aware of any other threads posing this hypothetical question.

And also, I know that Ferrari isn't the only manufacurer reluctant to allow damage. I chose Ferrari because it's the most notable, and because Ferrari is new to GT.

After I made the thread though, I kinda wanted to change the hypothetical question to include all manufacturers who outright refuse to allow Polyphony to do damage properly. But unfortunately, it was too late.

I'd probably get a resounding opposition to damage if that were the hypothetical. But it's interesting. Losing a large chunk of familiar cars could perhaps allow Polyphony to include some odd birds. Which I'd kinda like. And I really want damage, so I'd probably go with damage even at the expense of all the manufacturers who simply won't let GT implement damage.

...unless all the manufacturers refuse. Which I really don't think is the case. But you never know.
Ideally, I'd like Ferrari & damage, but if given the choice. Ferrari all the way...I don't want to go back to buying a bunch of NSX(s) in Gran Turismo and wishing they were Ferraris instead.

(No offense to the's a wonderful car, but Ferraris are something else)
I don't care for damage, and I really want some Ferraris (275, Dino, etc). I mean, damage would be a nice addition and all, but I'm not planning on wrecking or anything, so it doesn't really matter.
Damage, definitely! I think PD should remove all manufacturers which don't allow damage to the level PD wants. I'm sure many of them would come back to PD and allow damage because they want to see their cars in GT.
Damage, definitely! I think PD should remove all manufacturers which don't allow damage to the level PD wants. I'm sure many of them would come back to PD and allow damage because they want to see their cars in GT.

That would suck immensely! If that ever happened, I certainly won't buy GT.
I think we can have both, Kaz is a professionalist so he will be stubborn and make Ferrari have damange.. By the way I bet KAZ has more money and will buy out Ferrari company just to include damage.
Can't there be a third option... Damage but just not on the Ferrari's! (if PD arnt allowed).

Because thats the one I would pick!

Id prefer to see Ferraris and non-visual damage ie mechanical damage that effects how the cars handle.

I can't see much point in PD implementing visual damage unless it also physically effects the driving experience too.
Id prefer to see Ferraris and non-visual damage ie mechanical damage that effects how the cars handle.

I can't see much point in PD implementing visual damage unless it also physically effects the driving experience too.

very quote....

physic is not sufficient...

After years of simply adding more car manufacturers? Why do they need more than what GT4 had? New gameplay elements>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ferraris (or any other who is too petite to see what happens to their cars when they hit a wall in the real world) The mere presence of all the Ferraris in the world won't make GT5 better than GT4. All Ferrari means is a great car company. But the magic of driving one soon wears off when you're getting bumped into submission by a professional punter in a GTR. I'll have much more fun playing a more realistic GT5 than playing a Ferrari licensed game.

Of course, this is all hypothetical, and they don't have to be mutually exclusive.

I mean, damage would be a nice addition and all, but I'm not planning on wrecking or anything, so it doesn't really matter.

Since NONE OF US are planning to overshoot a corner, miss a pitstop or wear down our tires, let's literally remove the steering all together and just have a game where the car with the biggest engine wins, shall we?


Sorry for picking your post, nothing personal. Just wanted to make this point because I hear a lot of people expressing the same idea. Which I think is crazy.

haha! That would mean every punter in a ferrari! :lol:

At least on having an overtanned a-hole with too much hair gel behind every Ferrari's wheel, it would be realistic :lol:
I have a good idea. SUE Ferrari.

GT claims and it is true, that many professional Race Car drivers practice using Gran Turismo.. SO if damage is not included in full GT5 game, I can crash any car at 100MPH and still drive it.. So I'll sue Ferrari that this is not true to life and we need realism to be careful not to crash cars. Because now I think going 100MPH and hitting a wall I will still walk away and drive my car :D
I think PD prefer Ferrari, and give a shi* on the damage.

Its the first time we see a ferrari in GT ever, and i think PD doesn´t abstain the inclusivity of ferrari.

but the poll is nice. the user means near 50/50.

btw, look at ferrari challenge, PGR or forza. Ferraris were really damaged in these games :).
ARGH dont mention Ferrari Challenge, this is not an argument.
The damage in FC is hideous and far from realistic.
PGRs damage is also nothing realistic.
Forza is a bit better but also nothing too special and you shouldnt forget that the car models in GT5 are way more complex and detailed.

Its also a question how the contract between PD and Ferrari is and if they have a license for crash damage and how expensive it would be to gain one.

Ferrari Challenge ist not an argument? i see that different. They have a damage, ye you got right if you say "its far away from realistic".

the thing is that, ferrari apparently says to PD: "we dont want even a damaged side mirror on our cars in GT". thats the reasons what makes me thoughtfully.

In Forza, FC or PGR has Ferrari damaged sidemirrors, Bumpers, scratches in the paint - all what ferrari dont wanna have in GT5. thats a bit strange, hm?

whatever, be patient ;).

Greetings to Bonn
I really don't think that PD will implement damage to the cars. They might just be giving excuses probably because the PS3 doesn't have enough power to pull realistic damage with almost every car having 200,000 polygons. If we look at GT5P right now, we can see that the game sometimes still slows down when a bunch of cars bunch into a corner at the same time. I have noticed this specially at Fuji Gt at the little chicane turn.

Ferrari Challenge ist not an argument? i see that different. They have a damage, ye you got right if you say "its far away from realistic".

the thing is that, ferrari apparently says to PD: "we dont want even a damaged side mirror on our cars in GT". thats the reasons what makes me thoughtfully.

In Forza, FC or PGR has Ferrari damaged sidemirrors, Bumpers, scratches in the paint - all what ferrari dont wanna have in GT5. thats a bit strange, hm?

whatever, be patient ;).

Greetings to Bonn
See, that is exactly what i thought would be your answer.
1st: I think the whole discussion "Ferrari or damage" is bullc***.
Just like the example with the side mirrors.
That was an exaggerated example in an interview and who knows how accurate it got translated.

2nd: You still dont know what license PD has for Ferrari (as an example).
If it includes "make advertisment for our cars and let them shine with realistic physics" but not "you can damage them", you have a problem.
And who knows how expensive it would be.
Forza and PGR are funded by Microsoft, so there isnt any financial problem.
EDIT: As for Ferrari Challenge, you can only crash Ferraris with Ferraris, so thats not such a big issue anymore.
Race Driver 2 & 3 also had that problem, remember the race editor from RD1? Codemasters had to cut it out because of licensing issues.
Manufacturers didnt want to see their cars race agains some other cars...

3rd: You also forgot the complexity of the car models.
Just alone the bumpers from a GT5 F430 should have almost as much polygons as the whole body (not talking about interiour, details, wheels etc) of an FC F430. Its very difficult to model a proper crash damage with such complex car models. The bending, the physics, the technical damage everything has to be rendered in real-time.
Not to mention that the PS3 isnt the "ubercomputer"....

@rofajole: I think the slowdowns are an engine problem and should be sorted out till GT5 arrives. GT4 NTSC-J also stutters sometimes iirc, while GT4 PAL doesnt (at least not very often).
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Just so people know, I had this sent to my PS3 inbox... I don't know if it's real or not though... Maybe someone can clarify...

By the way, I'd choose damage...