Ferrari F1 - The Lost Camera View

United States
Dulles VA

Found this camera view while watching a race replay - to see it, you first have to switch the camera to rear wing view, then hold down the left paddle to "reverse" the view. If you continue holding the left paddle and click "Remove On-Screen Data" you can continue watching the race from this view if you keep holding the paddle (I'll be uploading a replay doing this soon).

As far as I can tell, this great view is not available while driving the Ferrari F2007 or F10 - only in replay. PD, why is this, and can we please have it added?

This is the view I use for driving the FGT since I'm using a wheel, I don't particularly like cockpit view because I find it distracting to see another wheel on the screen turning half the angle I'm turning (also, if you adjust the perspective to "zoom" it really messes up the depth of field and peripheral view). But on the Ferrari F1 cars, you either use bumper view (nothing but pavement) or you can have helmet view (again, you see a wheel but at least it is blocked by the guy's head).

Until PD put up the killer and most replayable Ferrari F1 Seasonal, I rarely drove this car specifically because of the camera view. If this view above were available, I'd drive it all the time. Anyone else have thoughts about this?
I don't particularly like cockpit view because I find it distracting to see another wheel on the screen... If this view above were available, I'd drive it all the time.

I completely agree! I never use the cockpit view for this reason and because the gauges are too hard to read. I don't mind having the HUD turned on at all and would like a view for all cars that was in front of the steering wheel but still behind the windshield.
I [...] would like a view for all cars that was in front of the steering wheel but still behind the windshield.

👍 Me too 👍

I agree. Sounds like something my son would come up with. (He is the song writer and bassist for a death metal band. Some sick stuff he comes up with, lol.)

That pretty much explains my PSN, and it actually might ring a bell somewhere for your son if he's into death metal ;)
Pretty sure you can get close to that view if you mess about with the multi-monitor options

then again maybe not


no wheel cockpit view

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Pretty sure you can get close to that view if you mess about with the multi-monitor options

no wheel cockpit view

Thanks!!! Wow, this is a *crucial* thing to adjust (much like the Adjust Controls panel in NFS Shift)! Seriously, it changes everything.

I went to Options, then Multi-Monitor Options (under Hardware, all the way to right), with the following settings:

Multi-Monitor Enabled Mode: Server
IP Address: (left this on whatever it filled in)
Monitor Layout: 1 X 1
Monitor Frame Border: 0%
Angle of Screen Curvature: 0
Adjust Angle of View: 90%

With it on "helmet" view I see a little of the guy's head, with the nose and wheels about as wide as I had hoped. The 90% is a compromise between depth of field/height and hiding the foreground, to me it just feels about right for my monitor. But the racing, wow. After I got used to the way corners seem much sharper and the dynamics feel different, I was actually faster than before, while also feeling more sensation of speed. Had the easiest 744pp win so far (took lead on L2 at Aremberg), and it just felt easier to hit apexes, and certain awkward corners are even easier now.

Genius man, thank you for the info!! This will be nice to adjust for certain cars that don't quite have the right perspective on the default 100% Angle of View :)
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