Ferrari F60

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Originally posted by Deathhawk
Except for those seat headreasts you can see.

After looking at it at 1600x in Photoshop, I conclude that there are no changes in the reflections on the front windshield meaning that there are no headrests.
OK final proof its not real: look at the rear tire carefully. Notice how its thicker on the bottom than in the back. THe front of the rear tire is thicker too. Explanation: the rims are not real.
the pic of the red car is possibly a compu-generated shot from an F50... the roof and hoodline look the same...

those are the rims the person was hinting at.... Those are what real rims look like.

And no, that is not a compu-generated F50 shot. If it is, its a really good one, indeed! :eek: The cockpit was moved up, the mirrors changed, the rims made unrealistic, the front changed...

Note how the rear rims on the "F60" are flat, when in real life those rear rims are recessed deep into the wheel.
the headlights look like those of a Fiat Coupe... that's what it is, isn't it?
ahem... notice the front bumper on that shot is totally different from the one in the other shot... at least the wheels look real...

Originally posted by PunkRock
ahem... notice the front bumper on that shot is totally different from the one in the other shot... at least the wheels look real...

The wheels are real, BTW. That is a re-colored real shot, and a spoiler was added. The rims remained stock.

I found what I was looking for:

Its an article (in spanish) about the F60, along with the controversied shot we argue about. A caption under it says "Aqui, a montagem de computador, mostra o carro com aerofólio". If my spanish is correct, that says "Here, in a computerized montage, we see the car with a spoiler". Note it says "computerized", meaning it was photoshopped.

BTW, that weird shot you say you have seen, its actually a Pontiac Fiero.

The site where the story is printed
Below: Only pic I've seen so far that doesn't look edited in any way...


  • ferrari.jpg
    10.6 KB · Views: 78
The headlights on the one I posted are completely different from all the other pics though...:confused:

Anyways, I got that pic from HERE!
More pics of the F60


  • f60-3sd.jpg
    13.7 KB · Views: 67
I also wish you guys would stop arguing over "THIS IS THE NEXT F60!!!" ... they're all just working prototypes. Give them another year and they'll announce a final model.

Damn, I would have beat ya to it if my computer wasn't the slowest on Earth!...:lol::D
those popped up lights sure look bad...

i have found that... looks strange

and that drawing shows possibly what it'll look like...
Originally posted by PunkRock
those popped up lights sure look bad...

i have found that... looks strange
and that drawing shows possibly what it'll look like...

Like I said ....


Originally posted by LoudMusic
I also wish you guys would stop arguing over "THIS IS THE NEXT F60!!!" ... they're all just working prototypes. Give them another year and they'll announce a final model.


No.... Its scheduled to be announced at this years auto show (I dont remember which one)...

Originally posted by Josh
Damn, I would have beat ya to it if my computer wasn't the slowest on Earth!...

:D :D :D
they should give that bike to schuey... he'd stop winning!!
ok aftereverybodys coments have made did i post a pic of what a ferrari F60 looks like or is mistax who hasnt posted a pic says and quote
Its not an F60, i dunno how many times i have to tell you, ITS A FERRARI TEST CAR! (i know this for a fact)
so who is right
Its the test car!
Call up Ferrari and ask em what that fugly black thing is, they're gonna tell you what i told you
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