Few questions I can't find....

  • Thread starter cmdvon68
answers to. I am wondering about nitrous in Bspec. How does it work? Will Bob use it or do I use it? I've seen people talk about setting the fuel level so that you run low just as you are pitting. How does that work? And someone please tell me how to win Fuji 1000. Have run it with 787, Minolta and GT-one and have managed 2nd twice in Bspec. Bob is around 8000pts. Any suggestions?
Thank You
1). Nitrous does not work in B-spec. The Ai also never uses nitrous.

2). When you make your pitstop, you can choose whether to accept fuel or not by saying YES or NO to fuel. If you're getting fuel, wait till it's about half full (I think the number will say "40", but I might be wrong) and then press your X button. this will stop the guy from putting fuel in your tank. This has 2 advantages:

a. it makes the pitstop quicker (the tire guys can put on tires faster than the fuel guy can fill a tank) and

b. a car with a half-full tank is lighter and therefore slightly faster.

...obviously, you need to be careful when doing this. Don't wanna run out of gas! :banghead: So you need to be aware of how much fuel your car has consumed during its laps around the track, and plan ahead by estimating how much you're gonna need as you return to racing.

3). Believe it or not, I haven't gotten around to doing the Fuji 1000 yet, so someone else can help you there. Or you can search the "Race Reports" area of this forum to see what others have used in the past. 👍
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The answer to winning any race - especially if B-Spec Bob can't do it in stupidly fast cars - is to drive it yourself.

Other than that, Parnelli got it covered.
The answer to winning any race - especially if B-Spec Bob can't do it in stupidly fast cars - is to drive it yourself.

Other than that, Parnelli got it covered.

That, or add more power. For what ever reason, your B-spec pilot typically can't keep up with AI cars of the same power. Why? Couldn't tell you, Its just the way it goes. Getting the first power upgrade available will typically work.

Your best bet if you are going to B-spec the race, take some time and set up the cars suspension and transmission. A car is only as good as its set up. Just like you, if you can't handle a car, "Bob" will strugle too. I would suggest searching in the tuning section for set ups for the car that you would like to use.

I ran the race in a stock Audi R8 that I tuned. The race wasn't that difficult. My set up allowed me to push a couple extra laps beyond what the AI was running, which helped me to build a pretty good lead. After all, less time in the pits = more time on the track.
one answer to beating them is to race yourself yes. just like shoveling my driveway is one way of getting it done but using my snowblower is better. thanx for the info on nitrous and fuel. I have just tuned the GTone and we'll see if it has more success.
You're welcome. :)

Yeah, B-spec bob doesn't drive as well as we can, and if he does, something aint right! On the other hand, I've noticed that with lots of battle points, course & machine points (like over...say... 40 points of each) Bob does start to get better as a driver. He takes more chances and gets by other Ai successfully.

....but you should still do it yourself. Fuji 1000 in LMP cars sounds pretty tough. Drink coffee. 💡 ;)
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one answer to beating them is to race yourself yes. just like shoveling my driveway is one way of getting it done but using my snowblower is better. thanx for the info on nitrous and fuel. I have just tuned the GTone and we'll see if it has more success.

Letting B-Spec Bob drive is only akin to the snowblower analogy if the person operating the snowblower is a retard in a coma.
Na I can see it.

Shovel = maximum input to move snow
Snowblower = minimal input to move snow.

. . . Unless your Joe Sakic, then it becomes an ordeal.
I think what Famine is getting at here is that it's like you doing the hard work, i.e. A-spec driving or shovelling. The tool itself is less efficient, but the reward is greater, since you achieve it through hard graft, and can win in a more challenging way.

Using B-spec is like a retard in a coma. You have very little input but the snowblower does all the work, akin to having to give B-spec Bob a higher powered car in order to achieve the same win that you could achieve in something less powerful if you're prepared to put in the effort.

B-spec is a minimal effort way to finish the game.
It's like buying yourself a box of chocolates, having someone else enjoy eating them, and then you being proud of your empty box!

Using A-spec shows you have the driving skills and ability to win a race.
Using B-spec shows you have the financial capacity (in game) to give an inferior driver the correct tool to win the race on your behalf.
Everyone hates bob :(

I see nothing wrong with using B-spec from time to time. Even the greatest endurance drivers (real-life) need a co-driver to take over for a few hours. Problem is, B-spec is inferior to any good GT4 A-spec driver, which creates an imbalance.

As much as I fanticize about doing an entire endurance by switching off between me & Bob, the reality is Bob always sucks so much, I wind up taking the wheel most of the time. Everytime I let Bob take over, I start cursing NO!!!! WHHY DON'T YOU PASS HIM??? :mad: DON'T BRAKE THERE! yOU COULDA JUST GONE AROUND THE OUTSIDE!!!! :banghead:

...I get so aggro!

...then I wind up pulling bob in, giving him a stern lecture, and doing it the right way. :lol:
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My advice is that if you're still losing with B-spec only, drive part of the race yourself. It doesn't have to be a whole lot, but unless you really struggle to drive these cars (and that can be remedied by practicing in Time Trial mode), the time you gain over the AI by driving only a couple pit cycles gains Bob enough time to win the race. Surely driving for an hour isn't so bad? But if that still doesn't sound appealing, just go ahead and add a Stage 4 turbo to the Minolta Toyota. That should negate Bob's handicap enough to win.