[FGTA] Global Sports Car Championship -- Series finished! VELOCI-2NR & kgffy Series Champions!Finished 

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Brutaka, if we do not have a good showing in Group A, have a Silvia on the ready if you want. I'm sure a little more traffic for Group B will be welcomed.
Brutaka, if we do not have a good showing in Group A, have a Silvia on the ready if you want. I'm sure a little more traffic for Group B will be welcomed.
No problem.
also, @Kgffy if I have to run the Silvia may you please send me your tune, just in case?
No problem.
also, @Kgffy if I have to run the Silvia may you please send me your tune, just in case?

I will be on tonight. (yea!) But if it's just us and you want to go Nissan, we can for this week, then hopefully resume with A at Fuji next week. Hopefully with another driver or two...
I will be on tonight. (yea!) But if it's just us and you want to go Nissan, we can for this week, then hopefully resume with A at Fuji next week. Hopefully with another driver or two...
If it's just us we can run Group A, that way we can catch up to Veloci ;)
I can send u tune brut, but it's a tune that's probaly different then what a guy would use using a wheel, I use controller
Alright, I'm back!

This week's race will be at Fuji GT. (No chicane at the bottom of the track.)

I have also opened up slots in Group A. Those who we have not been in contact with have been moved to a reserve list. If anyone in that list contacts me before the race, I will leave a slot open for them. If not, those spots are free for other drivers. We will try to get people in there for the last two races.

In other news, here is information for the bonus event, which will be run after next weeks's finale. There will be two races on the Nurburgring 24h course. The first race will be Nissan Silvia TCs only, and all are welcome to race! The second will be everyone in a Group A car. Current Group A drivers must remain in the cars that they have driven for the series, but Group B drivers coming in may pick what they want.
I have yet to decide on a format, but it may be something a long the lines of one 40 minute race and one 50 minute race. More on this as it develops.

Only two points races left, still plenty of racing left to do!
Room is live!

1472 - 4711 - 0167 - 3380 - 6210

Event finished! See everyone Thursday!
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The internet tech showed up today and presented me with a line coupling that had been 1700 feet from our house ( we live on a real cul de sac in the country). It had become wet and then sometime last winter (very much colder than normal) it had expanded when frozen and left a partial connection that degraded the line quality. If I had Comcast or someone who was not a gamer ( which the tech who found it plays battle.net) THE FAULT WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN FOUND.

As a result I am BACK.Still not a great connection but BETTER than it has ever been.:sly:

We will see how it affects my racing...but it only can help.
What times are the B cars turning. BTW finished both WRS races without a glitch...including the European race.

I was practicing in the silvia because I didn't feel like driving the Citroen last night. I ran 1:35.7xx, most other times were in the high 1:37s to 1:38s
Guys, I am having a trouble connecting right now. I am working on the problem, and I have asked that Somebodyshootme (@miata13B) start the room. I am doing everything in my power to get on.