- 433
- Canada
I just wanted to get this written down for my own benefit.
FYI this is my own ideal system, not the current one.
Matchmaking begins @ the start of the hour.
3 mins for matchmaking.
3 min warmup(enough to get 1-2 laps in just about anywhere)
30 sec between end of warmup and start of qualy for well wishes
12.5 min qualy(10 mins + the extra 2:30 to finish your current lap)
2 mins post qualy
4 min for intro and to go through the grid(could be a minute less)
Gives us 25 minutes from the start of the hour to the green light. So the absolute max a race can be would be 30 minutes for the slowest drivers. That will give 5 minutes from race end to go through the credits, congratulate or scold and leave to enter the next race.
Now the tricky part. I figured PD wants to let the slowest drivers be able to finish a race then compete in the next hours slot. So they would set the race time to accommodate the slowest lobbies.
So just how slow are the slowest lobby winners compared to top split? I can't imagine any race winner would be more than 15 seconds off the pace of the top split. I'n in the 2nd Dr:B split and our winner is normaly 2-3 seconds off top split pace(the slowest guys in the top split, not the winner) , so 15 might be a stretch. I can't imagine there would be anymore than 5 minutes difference in total race time in most races between top and bottom lobbies, but I've been surprised before and I could be way off on that. And no matter how slow everyone else is once the winner crosses the line everyone gets 1:30 to cross before the race is over.
That also brings the dilemma of whether the FIA events should be catering to the absolute slowest drivers or more to the top drivers? So should the total length of the race be based more towards the mid-level pace so the slowest drivers might run the race so long they end up missing the next time slot? Honestly I think this is a no brainer, cater closer to the best, for these races anyways.
Either way they can definitely add at least 4 laps to every race with a little lower tire wear to get us closer to the 30 min mark. I think most track are probably between 1:30 and 2 minute laps. Currently the races are between 15-20 minutes based on what I think are pretty slow laps times. Without crunching the numbers on every race in nations and manufacturer I'm just quickly estimating based off the Kyoto race and Mount Panorama in the OP. So again maybe I'm out to lunch and some races are roughly 30 mins. So correct me if I'm wrong and feel free to discuss.
Edit: I quickly checked manu races on my lunch break. This season most races are 9 or 11 laps, roughly 20 minutes races for slower lobbies. So Kyoto is particularly bad. the rest might be better, but still there is time to add more laps with only 20 minute races.
FYI this is my own ideal system, not the current one.
Matchmaking begins @ the start of the hour.
3 mins for matchmaking.
3 min warmup(enough to get 1-2 laps in just about anywhere)
30 sec between end of warmup and start of qualy for well wishes
12.5 min qualy(10 mins + the extra 2:30 to finish your current lap)
2 mins post qualy
4 min for intro and to go through the grid(could be a minute less)
Gives us 25 minutes from the start of the hour to the green light. So the absolute max a race can be would be 30 minutes for the slowest drivers. That will give 5 minutes from race end to go through the credits, congratulate or scold and leave to enter the next race.
Now the tricky part. I figured PD wants to let the slowest drivers be able to finish a race then compete in the next hours slot. So they would set the race time to accommodate the slowest lobbies.
So just how slow are the slowest lobby winners compared to top split? I can't imagine any race winner would be more than 15 seconds off the pace of the top split. I'n in the 2nd Dr:B split and our winner is normaly 2-3 seconds off top split pace(the slowest guys in the top split, not the winner) , so 15 might be a stretch. I can't imagine there would be anymore than 5 minutes difference in total race time in most races between top and bottom lobbies, but I've been surprised before and I could be way off on that. And no matter how slow everyone else is once the winner crosses the line everyone gets 1:30 to cross before the race is over.
That also brings the dilemma of whether the FIA events should be catering to the absolute slowest drivers or more to the top drivers? So should the total length of the race be based more towards the mid-level pace so the slowest drivers might run the race so long they end up missing the next time slot? Honestly I think this is a no brainer, cater closer to the best, for these races anyways.
Either way they can definitely add at least 4 laps to every race with a little lower tire wear to get us closer to the 30 min mark. I think most track are probably between 1:30 and 2 minute laps. Currently the races are between 15-20 minutes based on what I think are pretty slow laps times. Without crunching the numbers on every race in nations and manufacturer I'm just quickly estimating based off the Kyoto race and Mount Panorama in the OP. So again maybe I'm out to lunch and some races are roughly 30 mins. So correct me if I'm wrong and feel free to discuss.
Edit: I quickly checked manu races on my lunch break. This season most races are 9 or 11 laps, roughly 20 minutes races for slower lobbies. So Kyoto is particularly bad. the rest might be better, but still there is time to add more laps with only 20 minute races.
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