Fighting for the Truth on GTS! (an Honest and Fair Penalization System) Suggestions Please!!!

  • Thread starter Mirror_man
I came across one of my pet peeves over the weekend at Interlagos, a guy serving a 5 second penalty on the racing line, instead of ranging at him after the race I decided to watch the replay to see his transgression. He'd qualified third and had a good start to the race;

His aggression levels were sky high after that, the penalty system ruined his race.

That’s terrible!
Forget new cars. Forget new tracks. Fix the broken penalty system!
So did car 2 bump car 1 and then drive off track to try to give car 1 a penalty? That's really the source of the situation. After that, if you smash into an out of control car, that's going to ruin your race in real life as well.

The guy in second got a bit close to leader and lost his car, there wasn't any actual contact, all cars involved had full green bars (internet).
I think this thread is going in the wrong direction. Not offending anyone as I really understand the urge to complain, however, we've already got at least one thread for rant, showing off the latest incidents, pointing out the insanity etc. - that's not been @Mirror_man 's intention I guess.
We can do better maybe.
Wouldn't it be great to have a place to just gather all of our suggestions and ideas regarding the penalty system ? Something with an easy-to-read title and some simple rules like "No rant", "No videos" or the likes ... and some moderation if possible ?
A couple of people here have put promising things across the forum, so with one more copy and paste, we'd have a start already for what could become a treasure chest :) ... for PD, if they ever care to read without being afraid to lose face ;) !

Would you give me your thoughts, guys ? Could that work at all ?

If it's not for GT Sport, couldn't it help improve GT7 ?
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White lines define the course. If you put all four wheels outside the white lines and then hit another car, you are at fault. You get the penalty. Not the car you hit.

That’s my first suggestion. That shouldn’t be hard for PD.
I see it all pesimistic I must admit. In all this time after release of GTS so many ideas are written down but nothing changed fundamentaly because of one main interest of PD: they NEED every single player in sportmode. There is no way to educate all the idiots who have a Kudosprime SR-curve looking like a heart attack, the only way to force them into well behaving would be to ban them from races for a while. For example 1 or 2 days no access to races for SR below 60 or 70 or whatever. Or something like that.

But PD would never do this, because they try to justify their direction change from offline gaming into online gaming with the amount of participiants in sportmode.

Thats the problem.
I came across one of my pet peeves over the weekend at Interlagos, a guy serving a 5 second penalty on the racing line, instead of ranging at him after the race I decided to watch the replay to see his transgression. He'd qualified third and had a good start to the race;

His aggression levels were sky high after that, the penalty system ruined his race.

Part of racing is awareness. P3 driver saw P2 driver go off track, he must have known he was going to come back on track at some time, most likely across P3's racing line due to the shape of the track. The onus is on P3 not to run into that car as it comes back on while out of control. On the other hand this is where ghosting is failing miserably. Why didnt P2 start ghosting while out of control and off track? You get cars that randomly ghost during races that drive right thru you rather than passing sometimes, what gives PD?? We would really like for you to your 🤬 worked out properly, it has been long enough.

I see it all pesimistic I must admit. In all this time after release of GTS so many ideas are written down but nothing changed fundamentaly because of one main interest of PD: they NEED every single player in sportmode. There is no way to educate all the idiots who have a Kudosprime SR-curve looking like a heart attack, the only way to force them into well behaving would be to ban them from races for a while. For example 1 or 2 days no access to races for SR below 60 or 70 or whatever. Or something like that.

But PD would never do this, because they try to justify their direction change from offline gaming into online gaming with the amount of participiants in sportmode.

Thats the problem.

I have a hard time agreeing with this. If PD wants maximum participation they should be extremely concerned about the "arcade" racers and the faulty penalty system as I believe that probably deters more participation than losing the "arcade" racers. I have not entered a Sport Mode race for 4-5 months now and my time before that was limited. I dont know all of the tricks to gaming the penalty system and thats not how I choose to race. Unlike many Sport Mode players I really dont care about my stats and I dont play with that "I must win at all costs" attitude because this is just a video game, a form of entertainment. No matter how great my stats are they mean nothing in the real world. All I would like from Sport Mode is the opportunity to enter a race on short notice and have good battles on track for position, if its for 13th & 14th place or 1st & 2nd it makes little difference to me. The way the penalty system works (or doesnt work) now thats a tough thing to do. Im sure I am not the only one who agrees with what I have said. I think PD is losing more players by not fixing the penalty system because they are chasing away the players there for good racing, the players who race for stats will learn to race either way I think.
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I suspect there's not that much that they can do with the current game on the current hardware simply due to CPU utilisation. Is there any way to see CPU utilisation during a race? I doubt there's enough spare CPU power on a base PS4 to add much more analysis of the circumstances around each collision.
I suspect there's not that much that they can do with the current game on the current hardware simply due to CPU utilisation. Is there any way to see CPU utilisation during a race? I doubt there's enough spare CPU power on a base PS4 to add much more analysis of the circumstances around each collision.

I'm afraid, no matter how powerful a next gen CPU is, PD will use it for visuals mainly. I also do believe, a really sophisticated penalty system is way more effort than most of us can imagine. That's why I still tend to a simple but working contact ( counter ) system and a strong focus on improving SR in order to reliably separate the playerbase and matching them strictly according to SR. I'd then reward high SR with faster progress, higher prizes, bonuses etc. while "penalizing" low SR.
No success without racing cleanly 👍 !!!
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I suspect there's not that much that they can do with the current game on the current hardware simply due to CPU utilisation. Is there any way to see CPU utilisation during a race? I doubt there's enough spare CPU power on a base PS4 to add much more analysis of the circumstances around each collision.

It's a non excuse. The game can calculate 19 AI cars driving around, avoiding you an each other. It should be able to determine what a few cars could have done to avoid each other, whether they started braking on time, stayed on track etc. Latency makes it all very complicated to program, but cpu resources are sufficient for figure out what cars should have done.

Besides that, half of the problem is how SR is handled, perhaps more than half. The game promises to match you with similar drivers, pace an racing style. However with the current 1-99 scale and disparity between earning and losing SR that has proved to be impossible. PD needs to stop tweaking how much SR you earn for simply staying on track / how much you lose for (unfair) penalties and overhaul the entire SR calculation including abandoning DR resets that only help those abusing the system.

A simple contact / accident / off road frequency calculation would already be much better to base SR on than what we have now. Sportmanship rating is useless, make it a safety rating instead.
PD should fix contact completely broken and can be used as a "cheat" as shown in this video...

I think more leves of sportsmanship is needed,and it shouldn't be as easy to stay last in a race untill you get the "S" level...99 levels are to low.

Full damage enabled in all sport mode races will also improve the way people play I think,it adds that fear factor that a crash or hit can ruin your race and have to pit ,most people would also think twice before doing a divebomb manoeuvre.

Add a new system.. called penalty limits.
A player that provoce 5 small penalties ,drive through.
A player that provoce 3 severe penalties, black flag.
And the players that received 2 black flags an 24H exclusion from sport mode

I would like also more penalties,like a time penalty if you cross the white line exiting pits
Or a slow down penalty/ give back position penalty if someone overtakes cutting or push the car that is being overtaken offtrack