**Fighting UK Street Crime, not such a BIG business?**

  • Thread starter alex_gt

**Are British Police Smart to driving a Smart?**

  • Great Idea for buzzing round London and giving out fines/warnings for those minor offenses..

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Errr ok lets say it's a Friday Night, you'll need 2 Coppers right? So with 2 seats where's the bad g

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • I'm too busy laughing to comment/Have no comment

    Votes: 3 50.0%

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Wow I laughed a lot when my eye caught a glimse of this :eek:

Now :uk: London is the Biggest City in the country. So when fighting Big Crime in a Big City what car would you use on the street? Some meaty V6/V8, maybe a Van to carry any drunk and disorderly trouble makers? Nah you'd use a Smart :lol:

Check this out :Police:


Noddy car goes into service

Next time you get pi$$ed and start creating in the Square Mile, you may be attended to by plod screaming around the corner in his hi-vis Noddy car. The City of London Force have now taken delivery of the UK’s first emergency response 'smart' police car.

The car, at just 2.5 metres long, is in full police livery complete with blue lights and a special siren system, designed for maximum effectiveness without too much noise.

PS Malcolm Hardisty, City of London Police, said: "We were looking for a vehicle large enough to carry a police officer and equipment but small enough to move quickly and safely through the busy streets of the City of London.

"We have had the smart on trial for a week now and it has been well and truly put through its paces by trained police drivers. It is environmentally friendly, economical and can access areas where larger vehicles can’t go."

Features of the Police smart include:

Kevlar roof to replace standard glass roof.
Wail and yelp siren Blue strobe lights on bonnet
Flashing rear red lights and three pod blue light bar on the roof.
Headlights alternate with fog lights.
Floodlights on the left and right sides.
Air conditioning.
Blue lights on the washer jets...?

What's everyone think of this new UK Police Recruit?


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I don't know - sounds like a shoe-in for losing police chases. Still, pretty economical. What do cops normally use in London? Vectras?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Why not have a Robin reliant police car?

The smart just plain sucks, I prefer the Impreza turbo 2000 police cars that ive seen around.
:m: 5 Power your probably right :D They usually use :vauxhall: Vectra's/Astra's, :ford: Mondeo's/Focus, :volvo: V70's T5

But rarely you'll see a :mercedes: and they do have other unmarked cars.... Oh yea and like Y2 Tuscan said they have a :subaru: Impreza for those high speed chases.

Y2 Tuscan do you know about any other Cars :car: they have?
Around my area they have allot of Ford focuses, and Vauxhall astras, I think they work better in these urban areas.

Although recently ive been seeing allot of unmarked police cars flying about, allot of BMW 5 series (one almost bloody crashed into me :mad: damn police think their above the law :mad: ) and volvo v70`s as well.
Yea the unmarked :Police: Cars are usually pretty powerful cars like the :bmw:'s..

There's unmarked and marked :volvo: V70's in my area. You can always tell the unmaked cars because there's the normal aerial and then another massive 🤬 for there Radio, and if it's not a cabbie you can guarantee it's PC Plod...

Oh yea Y2 Tuscan, do you get unmarked Motorbikes :burnout:? Appently they've caught loads of people out :lol:

:tvr: King I know the Range Rovers your talking about, I'm sure there still knocking around on the motorways full of cones, but the V70's have taken there place with all that estate space?

But there's loads of armed :landr: in Nothern Ireland (seen em on the news with petrol bomb's thrown at them) :bomb: to cope with the IRA? :007:
I somehow doubt these are intended for pursuits and rapid response, people - high speed chases are actually a very small part of police work. These are just for general police duties - cheap to buy and run, easy to thread through city streets.
Originally posted by vat_man
I somehow doubt these are intended for pursuits and rapid response, people - high speed chases are actually a very small part of police work. These are just for general police duties - cheap to buy and run, easy to thread through city streets.

Yep - but if necessary, they really couldn't give chase. Also, in England, chases are more common than in even the United States (percentage-wise, obviously). :odd:

Police in America use one vehicle and one vehicle only (Ford Crown Victoria, though I have re-named it "THE EXPLODER THAT LOCKS YOU INSIDE WHILE EXPLODING!"). Rarely, you'll see Tahoes being used, and some Impalas, but I heard that about 90% of police cars (and 94% of new police cars) are Exploders that lock you inside while Exploding.
Well - look at it this way - it's good to see authorities taking some responsibility for their actions from an environmental point of view with non-pursuit vehicles - and considering traffic in inner-London, you could beat virtually anything on foot or on a motorbike.

I personally find it astounding that US authorities were looking keenly at the Australian Holden Statesman as a police car, believing it to be a good size - what the heck do they need a vehicle that's over 5.2 metres in length for?!?
Originally posted by vat_man
Well - look at it this way - it's good to see authorities taking some responsibility for their actions from an environmental point of view with non-pursuit vehicles - and considering traffic in inner-London, you could beat virtually anything on foot or on a motorbike.

I personally find it astounding that US authorities were looking keenly at the Australian Holden Statesman as a police car, believing it to be a good size - what the heck do they need a vehicle that's over 5.2 metres in length for?!?

Right now, we use the Crown Victoria which is just a titch over 5.8 metres in length.
Originally posted by M5Power

Yep - but if necessary, they really couldn't give chase. Also, in England, chases are more common than in even the United States (percentage-wise, obviously). :odd:

Where did ya get that from? chases are more common in England?? there must be more car chases in the US, I mean there are more cars than people in america :D anyway we dont need a smart for a small patroll car cuz we have the almighty ford fiesta!

Police in America use one vehicle and one vehicle only (Ford Crown Victoria, though I have re-named it "THE EXPLODER THAT LOCKS YOU INSIDE WHILE EXPLODING!"). Rarely, you'll see Tahoes being used, and some Impalas, but I heard that about 90% of police cars (and 94% of new police cars) are Exploders that lock you inside while Exploding.

What the hell? but :lol: anyway

Oh here is a Ford Mondeo ST200 Police car!

it rokz or something!


OH MY GAWD! :eek: wow apparently this is on trial at the moment, but forget high speed chases with a whole fleet o these!


Ive seen this one before though!


These came from http://www.policecars.f9.co.uk/
Wow, great pics guys :thumbsup:

:mitsu: Evo, :subaru: Impreza, :jaguar: S Type :r:, :ford: Cossie/Fiesta :lol: Y2Tuscan they're definately permanent :uk: Police Transport... though we got newer models :car:

A :tvr: Great Idea 💡, the Police might be able to afford one too as there so well priced :2cents:

Anyone good at paintshop pro jobs, we could have a Police Competition? :Police:

Could try and get this baby in the Copper Colours? :cubist:


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Saw a big BMW this morning in Police colours. I didn't notice what model it was as i was desperatly trying to hold my own amoungst London commuter traffic.

Here in the city i see all sorts of cars being used by the cops, especially as i'm a few hunderd yards from Bishopsgate police station.

Does anyone know where this smart car is supposed to be opperating and i'll try and see if i can burn it off on my bicycle!
:lol: that wouldn't be too difficult.

BTW - Remember that TVR we was on about.....


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Originally posted by Y2TUSCAN

Where did ya get that from? chases are more common in England?? there must be more car chases in the US, I mean there are more cars than people in america :D anyway we dont need a smart for a small patroll car cuz we have the almighty ford fiesta!

That's why I said percentage-wise.
Maybe this has something to do with me passing my maths exams last week instead of 2 years ago...............................