Final Fantasy VII - RemakePS4 

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Who has played the FFVII remake demo?

I enjoyed it, but I am still not convinced that I'll be forking out £60 (let alone £75 for the 'deluxe' edition) on release next month.

It looks pretty faithful to the original in terms of content, design, storyline etc., but of course the gameplay has been radically updated (or at least it is more similar to more recent FF titles) - I was kind of hoping that it would basically be the same as the original but just with updated graphics (a bit like the Crash remakes) but alas it isn't.

The demo takes you up to the first boss fight in the game - just after planting the bomb in the Mako reactor.

I had selected 'Normal' difficulty for the demo, as opposed to 'Easy' or 'Classic' so I was expecting it to be a bit harder, and it was...

I did manage to win the boss fight on my first attempt, but it was considerably harder than the corresponding boss fight in the original

Given that this release is only part of the original game, the price point seems too high for me, though I guess that the new game will have as much content/playability as the original; but who knows....
I have and I really enjoyed it, as a nostalia trip I think it's going to be amazaing. They've done a really great job with the character designs and animations.

It was harder than I expected it to be on normal difficulty but I still completed the demo on my first run. Some of the enemies seemed considerably tougher than I expected leading up to the boss fight, untill I figures out what thier weknesses were anyway.

I thinik that Midgar will be a lot bigger in this game than it was in the original and there are a few extra side missions and sortylines added.

I've not preordered but I'm begging to feel like I might as well do that, because if I don't own it on release day I'll proably just give in and buy it anyway.

If you're looking for a battle system more akin to the original then I beleive there is an option in there for the fights to be turn based, possibly the classic mode, so that might be worth a try for you.
Thought it was good, the nostalgia from the music is just :bowdown:

Wont be a day one purchase though, once I'm done with re3 remake and this is a a bit cheaper will certainly pick it up though!
Thought it was good, the nostalgia from the music is just :bowdown:

Wont be a day one purchase though, once I'm done with re3 remake and this is a a bit cheaper will certainly pick it up though!
The music is phenominal, there's a point where some enemies are coming up some staris and the camera pans over them towards Cloud and it kicks in. They're really spent a long time working on this and it shows. I just hope the rest of the game is as polished as the first reactor.
The music is phenominal, there's a point where some enemies are coming up some staris and the camera pans over them towards Cloud and it kicks in. They're really spent a long time working on this and it shows. I just hope the rest of the game is as polished as the first reactor.

I think they know how much people love the original and it has been in development for a long time so I'm hoping the rest of the game has the same level of polish.

The only downside from the demo I would say is the camera, it's like ps1 tomb raider when locking on to some enemies in the air.
Well I very much enjoyed the demo that's on the PSN store at the moment and I have been hoping this game would come back to the PS4.

I still have my original PSOne Platinum edition of the game which I will never get rid of and hearing the original music again brought back a lot of memories and it's also easter break for me the day it's released so my holiday weekend is already pre-decided what I'll be playing.

The new combat system will take a bit of getting used to but I liked the fact that you could attack with normal weapons and also apply item recovery/magic in battle as well which gives a lot of possibilities for combating monsters and bosses.

Only thing I am slightly unsure about is if I should go for the standard edition or the digital deluxe edition.
Is anyone else aying this? I have spent about 6 hours on it so far. The side quests I've done so far just feel like padding, but I'm really enjoying the main story. The side quests I've done so far didn't take too long, but the main story is a lot longer than the original.

I won't spoil anything, but you get to see a lot more of the top plate and it's about 90 mins to 2hrs before you get to Sector 7 for the first time. They've added a lot and you get a lot more from Biggs, Wedge and Jesse.
Is anyone else aying this? I have spent about 6 hours on it so far. The side quests I've done so far just feel like padding, but I'm really enjoying the main story. The side quests I've done so far didn't take too long, but the main story is a lot longer than the original.

I won't spoil anything, but you get to see a lot more of the top plate and it's about 90 mins to 2hrs before you get to Sector 7 for the first time. They've added a lot and you get a lot more from Biggs, Wedge and Jesse.

I don’t really have a problem with the sidequests themselves (except for a couple of dumb ones, like finding the 3 cats), but the NPC dialog when doing them can drag on a bit too long.

But that’s a minor complaint. I’m at Wall Market right now and the game’s been great so far. :)
I don’t really have a problem with the sidequests themselves (except for a couple of dumb ones, like finding the 3 cats), but the NPC dialog when doing them can drag on a bit too long.

But that’s a minor complaint. I’m at Wall Market right now and the game’s been great so far. :)
You're further along than me, I'm part way through the 2nd reactor bombing.

I don't particularly dislike the side quests, they don't spoil it for me, far from it. But other than padding the game out they don't appear to serve any other purpose than padding. Ther'es nothing new or unique about them, right down to killing some rats, they are just there to make the game last longer IMO.
I don't particularly dislike the side quests, they don't spoil it for me, far from it. But other than padding the game out they don't appear to serve any other purpose than padding. Ther'es nothing new or unique about them, right down to killing some rats, they are just there to make the game last longer IMO.

I'm not too surprised by the side quests. It's the typical JRPG side quests (fetch this, kill that).

I just made it to chapter 6. They did a good job with the remake and so far I've been enjoying it.
Been eyeing this since I am running out of games to play and something new would be nice. I tried and liked the demo, but I did not play this game as a kid I only watched my brother play it. I mean, I watched pretty much the entire game so same as playing almost haha. I felt nostalgia for the music and characters all the same in the demo.
Go for it, it's well worth picking up IMO. The music and characters are handled brilliantly and it's definitely a full length game. I'm over 25hrs in and in the middle of chapter 13, there is plenty going on and I'm still enjoying it.

I've not been hooked into a game like this for a while, and even though I know the main chain of events that are happening from the original there's enough fleshing out and new parts to keep it intriguing. No spoilers but there are few surpises so far story wise including some that don't outright retcon the original but they make assumptions you were led to believe in the original game wrong.
I completed all of the VR missions yesterday. Haven’t had such a big challenge from a game in a while.


The accessory you get for beating them is totally worth it though. The character who has it starts every battle with a Limit and their gauge gradually fills on its own. And with that, I’m definitely ready to do Hard mode now. :)
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I completed all of the VR missions yesterday. Haven’t had such a big challenge from a game in a while.


The accessory you get for beating them is totally worth it though. The character who has it starts every battle with a Limit and their gauge gradually fills on its own. And with that, I’m definitely ready to do Hard mode now. :)

Just a question but I take it this item cannot be obtained without doing the VR aspect of the game, I do not have VR and have no plans on getting it.

My progress is very slow at the moment only up to Chapter 3 of the game and just completed the side quests and filter payment collection mission as juggling GT Sport FIA races along with a few other projects.

Doing my first run as a video play through to share later but I am hoping to make a bit more progress on it in the coming days. Overall I am very satisfied with the remake and the graphics/characters of the game are all incredibly good, I particularly like the attitude between Barrett and Cloud and always had a soft spot for Tifa but even more so in the remake since some of her expressions/conversation have been very entertaining so far!
Just a question but I take it this item cannot be obtained without doing the VR aspect of the game, I do not have VR and have no plans on getting it.

My progress is very slow at the moment only up to Chapter 3 of the game and just completed the side quests and filter payment collection mission as juggling GT Sport FIA races along with a few other projects.

Doing my first run as a video play through to share later but I am hoping to make a bit more progress on it in the coming days. Overall I am very satisfied with the remake and the graphics/characters of the game are all incredibly good, I particularly like the attitude between Barrett and Cloud and always had a soft spot for Tifa but even more so in the remake since some of her expressions/conversation have been very entertaining so far!

Oh, it’s not literal VR. They’re these special battles that are available towards the end of the game, and winning them all will reward you with the accessory I mentioned.
Oh, it’s not literal VR. They’re these special battles that are available towards the end of the game, and winning them all will reward you with the accessory I mentioned.

Ah cool! I shall look forward to that then when I get there.
Has anyone bought the Digital Deluxe edition, and if so, is it really worth the extra money (£15 in the UK)...? I guess a couple of extra summon materia and some out-of-game extras are not worth the bother...
Has anyone bought the Digital Deluxe edition, and if so, is it really worth the extra money (£15 in the UK)...? I guess a couple of extra summon materia and some out-of-game extras are not worth the bother...
I did, just becuase I'm a huge fan of the original and decided just to go for it even though I expected it to be over priced. After almost completing the game (chapter 16) I would say it's not worth the extra money, but if you are a big fan the soundrack and art book are both nice. The extra three summons are aso quite useful but not needed to complete the game. It's not bad content by any means but not worth £15 either.
I bought the physical deluxe version. After I got it, it kind of felt like the time I got the huge final fantasy artbook with 3 volumes years ago. I've barely used it since. This is in a bit more manageable size, but I'm not planning on using the steelcase either. I might give the soundtrack some use.

On the other hand, it only was about the cost of 2 decent sized lunches or 2-3 beers at a bar.
i finaly completed my first play through this morning after 53hrs. There is a lot to take in in the ending, but I personally liked it.

I've seen a few people suggesting the Sephiroth in FF7 remake is from the future, like the ressurected Sephiroth in Advent Children and he's gone back in time to screw with the past so he doesn't die.

The whipsers is fate trying to fix what Spehiroth keeps changing, like Sephiroth delaying Cloud when he showed up after the first reactor bombing, Cloud was going to miss Aerith but the whispers kept her where she was until Cloud arrived.

They also prevented Cloud from raching the sector 7 plate support early enough to stop the plate from falling because that's what was supposed to happen. But right up until the end Sephiroth is screwing with the time line to change the future.

It seems to make sense, Sephiroth having the black wing points to this beign the case too.

Whatever the actual case is, I really hope it pays off and the level of character writing and storytelling as well as the music remains as high in part 2.
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Took me 117 hours, but I got the Platinum trophy and completed the Play Log too.



I had a blast playing this and I would give it a 9/10. Other than some low quality textures that will hopefully be fixed later and a few parts of the story that I felt dragged on a bit too long like the Train Graveyard, I don’t have any major complaints about the game.

The original FFVII is my second favorite game in the series, so I was looking forward to this remake when it finally popped up again last year, and it really delivered. While the ending is pretty controversial, Midgar itself was done very well in this first part and I’m looking forward to the other locations and the rest of the FFVII’s story getting the same treatment in future installments.
I finished this during the week. It took me about 55 hours taking it slow playing on normal with the sidequests finished for the most part. I'm ready for parts 2 and 3. Hoping it doesn't take too long for that.

55 hours is a long time considering you could finish the original in the same amount of time. I think it would be cool if they did a remake of one of the older games IV, V or VI.
Finished last week, took just over 42hrs. Never been a huge RPG player but I really enjoyed myself with this. So much so that I decided to start another play through last night, just to reach level 50 and level up and try materia that I didn't use much of the first time around. Might try my luck at the squat and pull up challenges as well. Though I don't like my chances of being able to beat either. :lol:
Might try my luck at the squat and pull up challenges as well. Though I don't like my chances of being able to beat either. :lol:

Squat challenge was okay. I gave the pull-up challenge some tries, but gave up since I wanted to finish the game and not mash buttons. I couldn't beat Jules for the final challenge. He was consistently hitting over 40 pulls up (i think 42-44). Max I hit was ~32, so I decided to call it quits.
I managed to beat all of the squat challenges but the final pull up challenge is really tough. I manged to not fall off once and still lost becuas I wasn't pressing the buttons fast enough. I managed high 30's but you need over 40 to win. So I gave up before I got too frustrated and I will go back to it another time.
I never played the original, or indeed any Final Fantasy game outside of 15, but decided to give this remake a shot after learning that it was no longer turn based combat. Took me 45 hours for my first playthrough, and am certainly excited for the next installments. The story is grand, albeit not necessarily well told as the pacing leaves something to be desired at times. The characters are what keeps me interested. I want to go for the Platinum, but hard more seems rather BS to me. I haven't started it yet, but with items being off limits, it seems to me that the game forces you into min/maxing characters. Certainly, you'll want healing spells and MP restoring Materia on everyone. Also, the squat and pull up challenges.... One thing of interest is how the English translation can hardly be called a translation. I played it with the Japanese voiceovers, and while my Japanese is nowhere near the level needed to understand the more elaborate conversations, the dialogue really seems to have been rewritten in English, only loosely sticking to the Japanese script.

Best parts of the game

- Fluid combat, although some bosses are too relentless for my liking. Perhaps I'm just awful at the game, but with some bosses I often found myself unable to do anything to prevent their attacks, and was locked into lengthy periods of constant healing. In particular, I hate being constantly knocked over, or having actions/spells being cancelled due to enemy attacks.
- Tifa and Aerith are just too damn gorgeous. It's borderline distracting :embarrassed:
- Staircase at Shinra HQ was brilliant.
- Trainyard sequence because I got to fight lots of baddies with Tifa and Aerith. The ghost designs were both fun and creepy.
- Everything about Wall Market (except squats and pull up challenges). Dance was epic!
- Keep trying Johnny!

That Aerith dies is well known throughout the gaming community regardless of whether one has played the game, but I'm really hoping that they'll change it for the remake, and indeed, there are indications that they will, what with the Arbiters of Fate, themselves a new addition to the story, being defeated at the end of this first part. You just can't kill someone so perfect. It's no good! As I don't know when in the overall story she is supposed to bite the dust, I was getting really anxious towards the end of this remake, especially when she was monologuing in front of the "gateway" on the freeway at the end. Until otherwise shown, I believe Aerith shall live on forever! If a sacrifice need be made, then let it be someone else. Not Tifa though... Anyone but Aerith and Tifa. Actually, Barrett would be sad as well... Whelp, guess Cloud has to bite the bullet.
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I never played the original, or indeed any Final Fantasy game outside of 15, but decided to give this remake a shot after learning that it was no longer turn based combat.Took me 45 hours for my first playthrough, and am certainly excited for the next installments. The story is grand, albeit not necessarily well told. The characters are what keeps me interested. I want to go for the Platinum, but hard more seems rather BS to me. I haven't started it yet, but with items being off limits, it seems to me that the game forces you into min/maxing characters. Certainly, you'll want healing spells and MP restoring Materia on everyone. Also, the squat and pull up challenges.... One thing of interest is how the English translation can hardly be called a translation. I played it with the Japanese voiceovers, and while my Japanese is nowhere near the level needed to understand the more elaborate conversations, the dialogue really seems to have been rewritten in English, only loosely sticking to the Japanese script.
I've only dabbled with hard mode so far, but becuase you can take on individual chapters it's not so bad. You do have to prepare for important fights, and materia like Pray and Chakra are life savers becuase they don't use MP. Picking the right materia before a boss fight is always a good idea anyway, but moreso in hard mode.

It's a good job the dialogue was rewritten in English, it's very hard to do a direct translation, and it often leads to really poor dialogue in palces, like in the original game. "This man has sick" being one of the well known translation gaffes in the original.
I've only dabbled with hard mode so far, but becuase you can take on individual chapters it's not so bad. You do have to prepare for important fights, and materia like Pray and Chakra are life savers becuase they don't use MP. Picking the right materia before a boss fight is always a good idea anyway, but moreso in hard mode.

Thing is, I like to hand out Materia in ways that I think suit the characters themselves. Cloud being all about offense, Barrett being able to draw attention away from enemies, ect. Being more or less forced to use specific playstyles is a poor fit for an RPG I think, although it's a fine balancing act, as naturally, bosses will have different weakness for the sake of variety. It's just bizarre to me that they have made items off limits, but I guess I need to actually try my hand at hard mode before knocking it too hard.

It's a good job the dialogue was rewritten in English, it's very hard to do a direct translation, and it often leads to really poor dialogue in palces, like in the original game. "This man has sick" being one of the well known translation gaffes in the original.

Japanese definitely doesn't translate directly into English well, but the rewriting goes too far from the base dialogue I think, sometimes even for sentences where rewriting isn't necessary. It changes the characters themselves, which is a shame. And of course, it's very distracting when the subtitles flat out don't match what is actually being said. At least the English dub quality seems to be quite good, judging solely from playing the demo where changing the language wasn't possible.

Most important is the fact that they allow choice of spoken language. It's a very nice trend for Japanese games.

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